Immortal Artifact

Chapter 374 Mysterious Identity

Chapter 374 Mysterious Identity

How cruel would it be for Jieyin and Zhunti to run away and give up nearly half of the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance?

Reception, Zhunti fled, and the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance were seriously injured, there was no way to resist the pursuit of the Demon Saint Alliance.Please remember the URL of this site:.

I saw that the army of the Demon Saint Alliance was like a vast ocean, turning into a reverse torrent to attack the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance.They have great hatred for the Buddha Realm Alliance, and they can't wait to eat its flesh and hold its skin.

The Alliance of Demon Saints was chased and killed by the Alliance of Buddha Realms, and it can be said that they traveled thousands of miles and stained thousands of miles with blood.Now it's just the other way around, they will naturally want to avenge and attack with all their strength.

I saw that the starry sky was filled with the corpses of Buddhist disciples, and the blood flow turned into a vast ocean, all over the starry sky.

"Hey! These Buddhist masters should have been chanting scriptures and paying homage to the Buddha, and comprehended the Dao. Now they are blood-stained starry sky. It's really sad!" Xiao Hansheng said with emotion.

"Measure the Buddha!" ​​Jin Chan read the Buddha's name, "My Buddhist disciples should understand the Dao and stay away from the dust of the world! However, the poor monk has to go ups and downs in this world of mortals!"

Xiao Hansheng said with a smile: "These Buddhist masters are only bewitched by Theravada Buddhism. Only by promoting Mahayana Buddhism can more Buddhist masters be prevented from dying!" [

Jin Chan nodded and said, "That's right, my Mahayana Buddhism is the orthodox one, so naturally we must vigorously promote it."

"Everyone, since the army of the Buddha Realm Alliance has been completely wiped out, it's time for us to rescue the God Beast Alliance." Xiao Hansheng said via voice transmission.

"Exactly!" The master of the Demon Saint Alliance said in response.

"Brother Xiao, we meet again!" Qingyan squeezed forward and smiled at Xiao Hansheng.

Seeing Qingyan coming, Xiao Hansheng cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Senior Qingyan!"

Qingyan gave Xiao Hansheng a hard look, "I am still your senior! Your strength is no worse than mine, even stronger! Tell me, how can I be qualified to be your senior?!"

Xiao Hansheng showed an embarrassed smile, "Hehe!" Then, he suddenly said seriously: "Xiao, I would like to thank Senior Qingyan for all his help, to protect the alliance of demon saints!"

Qingyan said angrily: "If you call me senior again, I will be angry."

Xiao Hansheng was a little astonished, "Then tell me, I should call you... what?"

Qingyan frowned and pondered for a moment, and suddenly she showed shyness, "You can call me Yan'er!" Xiao Hansheng was a little dumbfounded when he heard such ambiguous words, "Well, let's see you later!" Moved to the direction of the Divine Beast Alliance.

The other masters looked at Xiao Hansheng with a smile and fled, "Senior Qingyan, what the hell! Brother Xiao is relatively thin-skinned, don't be angry!"

Hearing this, Qingyan's shyness became more serious.

"Oh, I understand now! You've taken a fancy to that kid!" Tianyu said loudly triumphantly, afraid that others would not understand.

Hearing this, Di Jun, Hou Yi and other masters did not show any signs of understanding, "It seems that they really have something to do!" Then, they smiled lightly and performed a large teleport, heading towards the Divine Beast Alliance.

At the same time, Shantideva led the other half of the Buddha Realm Alliance army to attack the God Beast Alliance. [

Although the Alliance of Divine Beasts experienced the pain of Shantide's sneak attack in the early stage, Long Hao was injured, which caught the Alliance of Divine Beasts off guard and returned in a big defeat.However, the Divine Beast Alliance has a profound background after all, and the combat power of each divine beast can be said to be unrivaled in the world, making it difficult to resist.In the end, the Divine Beast Alliance gradually drew a tie with the Foyu Alliance, and even had a slight upper hand.

This was something Shantideva did not expect, which made him quite anxious.

"Brother Jitian, it seems that the Buddha Realm Alliance can't eat the God Beast Alliance alone!" Feng Di flew forward and smiled at Jitian.

Shantide wanted to refute, but couldn't find a reason to refute, so he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Emperor Feng was not angry either, and said with a smile: "Since Brother Jitian is in the law, why don't you let me, the Feng clan, try?"

Xantian looked at Emperor Feng with a hint of suspicion, "You?!"

Seeing Jitian's suspicious eyes, Emperor Feng was secretly angry, "You have so many masters in Daleiyin Temple, but you still have no choice but to use the Divine Beast Alliance, but you still dare to doubt my Feng Clan, it's really abominable!" However, Emperor Feng's scheming Deeply, it is naturally impossible to put the anger secretly on the face, and said lightly: "Since Brother Jitian doesn't believe in my Feng Clan so much, then forget it." After finishing speaking, he was about to leave the headquarters of the Buddha Realm Alliance.

"Wait a minute!" Shantide called out to Emperor Feng.Although he is conceited and resourceful, he doesn't dare to underestimate the heroes of the world, let alone the super powerful Feng Clan!He couldn't solve the Divine Beast Alliance, but that didn't mean the Feng Clan couldn't either.Therefore, he called Emperor Feng to stop.

Emperor Feng turned his head and said with an expression: "Brother Jitian, what other orders do you have?"

Seeing Emperor Feng's stern face, Ji Tian also knew that he was secretly angry, and secretly said: "It's just right to die of anger!" However, he dared not tell Emperor Feng this sentence.If you tell Emperor Feng, the Feng Clan will probably start a war with the Buddha Realm Alliance immediately.

"Brother Fengdi, tell me, what clever plan do you have to break the God-Beast Alliance?" Shantide asked.

Only then did Emperor Feng show a smile, "As for the method, it's not that there is no such method! But at present, I don't know what this method is!"

Shantideen's face suddenly became ugly, and he said angrily: "Did you come here to see my jokes?!" Shantideva's words were very serious, and he even seemed to start a fight immediately.

The meaning of Emperor Feng's words is obviously to see Shantide's joke, how can you not make Shantide angry?

Emperor Feng was taken aback, and thought to himself: "Isn't it just that I can't beat the Alliance of Divine Beasts! Is there any need to be so angry?!" After a while, he understood what was going on, and said with a smile: "Brother Jitian, I really don't know how to deal with the Alliance of Divine Beasts .”

"Then who can deal with the Divine Beast Alliance?" Shantideen growled.He could hardly control his emotions, and wanted to kill someone.

"Uh, Yue Ziqun said he has a solution! So he sent me to tell you." Emperor Feng smiled wryly.

Shantide frowned, slightly puzzled.He also knew Yue Ziqun, and knew that he was a rare young hero.This is already his entire impression of Yue Ziqun, so he has always had a major doubt, and he has never thought of the answer.

"Yue Ziqun is just a young master with good strength. Why do you accommodate him like this? You even let him command the Feng Clan. Why?" Shantide finally couldn't help it, and asked his biggest doubt.

Emperor Feng stared at Shantiden, and asked back: "What do you think of Jieyin and Zhunti?"

Jitian was slightly stunned, and immediately said: "They are the hope for the great prosperity of my Buddhism. More importantly, they are peerless figures born from heaven and earth, and they are destined to become the protagonists of heaven and earth! Oh, you mean..." Thinking of this , Shantideva suddenly realized.

"You should understand why the Feng Clan is at the mercy of Yue Ziqun! With his status, he will definitely become the ruler of the world. My Feng Clan follows him... You should be able to guess it!" Feng Di said in a deep voice.

"Looks like I'm going to change my strategy for dealing with the Phoenix Clan in the future." Shantideen secretly said.He really deserved to be a peerless hero, and instantly thought of how to pave the way for his future.

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