Immortal Artifact

Chapter 375 Yue Ziqun's Plan

After Shan Tian heard about Yue Ziqun's noble status, he looked up to the Feng family even more.Please use to visit this site.If he had had the idea of ​​destroying the Feng Clan before, by now, this idea has long been thrown out of the blue by him.

Shantideva did not want to face such an invincible mythical figure.

Then, Shantideva smiled and said: "If the nobles have a way to destroy the God-Beast Alliance, please use it as soon as possible! My Buddha Realm Alliance will never stop it." Shantideva's words were obviously more polite.

Hearing Ji Tian's words, Emperor Feng understood that Ji Tian didn't dare to covet the Feng Clan for the time being.

He came this time with an important mission.After these few days of getting along, Yue Ziqun deeply understands that Shantide has great ambitions and the ambition to unify the world.Moreover, he is still a tricky person who will not give up until he achieves his goal, which can be seen from his attack on his former allies.

Therefore, Yue Ziqun already felt that Shantiden was likely to take action against the Feng Clan.From the current point of view, the Phoenix Clan does not have the strength to compete with the Foyu Alliance.Therefore, the Feng Clan must use unusually powerful things to deter Shantideva, so as to keep the Feng Clan.

After thinking about it, only his identity has an unimaginable deterrent effect on Shantideva.Therefore, he used Emperor Feng's mouth to speak out, in order to deter Shantideen.

From Jitten's polite words, Emperor Feng could feel that Jitten was overwhelmed, and he was sure that he would not dare to trick the Feng family easily, so he showed a satisfied smile and smiled at Jitten: "Don't worry, brother Jitten, wait After I return to the Feng Clan, I will tell Yue Ziqun about this and let him make a decision."[

Shantideva nodded in agreement, appearing quite respectful.

Seeing that the matter was over, Emperor Feng took his leave and left.

After Emperor Feng left, Ji Tian showed a terrifying smile, "You better not fall into my hands. Otherwise, I will deprive you of all your cultivation and luck."

Emperor Feng returned to the Feng Clan and told Yue Ziqun in detail how he saw Jittian.After hearing this, Yue Ziqun's eyes flickered, "Old ghost Shantide is an unstoppable hero, my identity can only hold him down for a while. If he has the chance, he will definitely find a way to take everything from me. Therefore, we must always Just be on guard against him!"

Emperor Feng was a little puzzled, "Probably not! Judging by Shantiden's attitude, it doesn't look like a fake!"

Yue Ziqun laughed and said: "As the saying goes, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, how can we guess his thoughts? What's more, we can't guard against others! It's always right to guard against him!"

Cultivation is difficult and difficult, and there is a danger of perishing if you are not careful.Emperor Feng knew this very well, so he stood still silently without saying a word.

"Young Master Yue, do we still need to help the Buddha Realm Alliance deal with the Divine Beast Alliance?" Feng Di asked.Now, Yue Ziqun has become the highest authority of the Feng Clan, so he naturally has to ask what Yue Ziqun meant!

"Help! We must help! Our current main enemy is still the Divine Beast Alliance, and our goal is to completely exterminate them!" Yue Ziqun said.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Ziqun stepped forward and teleported to the place where the Buddha Realm Alliance and the Divine Beast Alliance were fighting.At this time, the starry sky was already stained with bright red blood, and the bodies of several divine beasts lay horizontally, lifeless.The Buddha Realm Alliance is no better than the Divine Beast Alliance. There are also mountains of corpses and seas of corpses.

It was a total vision of hell.

Yue Ziqun stepped forward, faced the masters of the Divine Beast Alliance, and said coldly: "You will perish here soon, write your last words!" The voice boomed and spread thousands of miles, making everyone The masters of the Divine Beast Alliance have heard it.

"You're fucking shit! Just because you want to wipe us out, you're just dreaming!" The master of the God and Beast Alliance laughed wildly, not taking Yue Ziqun's warning to heart at all.

Although Yue Ziqun's strength is very strong, he is not well-known in the mortal world after all. Few masters in the Divine Beast Alliance know his name, let alone his methods.

"I hope you can still laugh out loud in the future!" Yue Ziqun said indifferently.Then, a swimming snake appeared in the void, it was pitch-black, and it was constantly revolving around Yue Ziqun, seeming extremely intimate to him. [

Seeing this situation, the masters of the Divine Beast Alliance felt a little funny, "Boy, don't you think it's ridiculous that you plan to use 'it' to defeat us?"

Yue Ziqun didn't talk to him either, only to see that the speed of the swimming snake was getting faster and faster.Suddenly, the swimming snake hid in the void and disappeared without a trace.Then, the figure of Yue Ziqun left and returned to Feng Clan.

The master of the God and Beast Alliance looked very proud, "Isn't he boasting very well? He asked us to write a last word, but in the end, he left a swimming snake and left!"

"That's right! I think he has blown the cowhide to pieces, and he has no way to save himself! So he can only run away and go home crying!" Seeing this situation, the master of the Divine Beast Alliance couldn't help laughing. stand up.

What Yue Ziqun did was really weird. The snake he cast had no effect on the masters of the God and Beast Alliance. Everyone didn't understand the significance of Yue Ziqun's actions.Not only the army of the Divine Beast Alliance didn't understand what was going on, even the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance didn't understand why he would do this!

This news spread back to the ears of Long Hao and Long Zhen.Long Hao didn't feel much, but Long Zhen looked serious.He had seen the scene of Xiao Hansheng fighting Yue Ziqun before, and naturally he still remembered Yue Ziqun's methods.

Long Zhen believed that Yue Ziqun would never do such a chatty thing. He walked around the sky of the God and Beast Alliance, threw a few harsh words, and then drifted away.However, he did not find any flaws after careful consideration, "Could it be that the snake is the root of the problem?" Thinking of this, Long Zhen suddenly became flustered, and said to Long Hao, "Old Ancestor, we should avoid the Buddha." The edge of the domain alliance, fight another day?"

Long Hao looked at Long Zhen suspiciously, "Are you afraid of Yue Ziqun's snake?"

Long Zhen said solemnly: "Yue Ziqun's methods are mysterious and unpredictable, we must not underestimate him! Therefore, I suggest that we choose the opportunity to fight again!"

Long Hao pondered for a moment, then said: "Now we are in the upper hand, if we leave here, I am afraid it will cause the army's morale to be unstable. What's more, I haven't paid attention to Yue Ziqun's tricks."

When Long Zhen was about to persuade, Long Hao waved his hand and said, "I have made a plan, so you don't need to say it." Seeing Long Hao's firmness, Long Zhen knew that persuasion was useless, so he could only retreat.However, Long Hao's words not only did not reassure him, but made him worry even more.

As soon as Yue Ziqun returned to the Feng Clan, Jitten sent someone to ask about the situation.Shantide didn't know what the hell Yue Ziqun was doing, so he naturally wanted to come and ask.

Yue Ziqun was straightforward, and asked the messenger to tell Shantide, "You just send the army of the Monster Saint Alliance to attack the Divine Beast Alliance, and you will win!"

After much consideration, Shantide decided to press all the masters of the Buddha Realm Alliance to the Divine Beast Alliance for the final decisive battle.

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