young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 47 Northeast New Deal

The military work "Fengjun Jianjun Outline", which was later regarded as the standard by the People's Party and also known as Zhang Hanqing's military thought, mainly absorbed a series of achievements of Mao Weiren's life, and also borrowed from the system formed by the Kuomintang. It is divided into:

1.The army implements the "three-three system" principle.This is inspired by Mao Weiren's famous "Adaptation of Three Bays". After all, triangles are stable.After the reorganization, the Fengjun was organized at the division level, with 3 infantry brigades and divisional artillery regiments, cavalry regiments, engineer battalions, reconnaissance battalions, and special service companies under the division, bringing the total number of reorganized divisions to 3.

2.Three disciplines and eight attentions.It mainly emphasizes that the Fengjun is the army of the people in the Northeast, and it is the duty of soldiers to defend their homes and the country.It not only preliminarily solved the question of "who is fighting for" among the soldiers, but also established a positive image of the soldiers in society.

3.The principle of unconditional obedience of the military to politics - this later evolved into "upholding the party's absolute leadership over the army", which was later simplified by Zhang Hanqing as "insisting on the party commanding the gun, not the gun commanding the party".

4.The General Command of the Fengjun Army was established, under the jurisdiction of the General Staff Department, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department (later changed to the General Logistics Department) and the General Armament Department.Improve the "military order" and "instruction order" system, and all Fengjun is under its control.Zhang Zuolin was the commander-in-chief, Wu Junsheng and Sun Liechen were the deputy commanders, Zhang Zuoxiang was the chief of the general staff, and Zhang Hanqing was the deputy chief of the general staff.

5.Establish a Northeast Navy directly under the leadership of the General Command.In Heilongjiang, the "Jiang Heng", "Li Jie", "Li Sui" and "Li Chuan" dispatched by the Beijing government in 1911 were on guard there, originally to prevent the chaos caused by the Russian Revolution on the Sino-Russian border in the Far East After Zhang Zuolin unified the Northeast, he took over all of them, integrated the original Fengtian River Defense Fleet, and established the "Northeast River Defense Fleet". The first fleet commander was concurrently held by Zhang Hanqing.

6.Establish a Northeast Air Force directly under the leadership of the General Command.The first air force commander was concurrently held by Sun Liechen, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Fengjun Army (as was the case in history).

7.Reform the military governor system, the military governor is no longer in charge of civil affairs (the civil affairs are handed over to the governor), but the responsibility of recruitment, logistics, training, and security in the province.The Overseer has no right to move troops without a command from the High Command.This article is very similar to the powers and responsibilities of the commanders of the seven major military regions in later generations. It is a good strategy to control the army!Not long after, it took the lead in abolishing the military supervisor system across the country and changing it to the provincial security headquarters.

8.The Northeast Lecture Hall was changed to "Fengtian Military Command School", referred to as "Fengtian Military Academy", focusing on training senior officers at regiment and battalion level and above.Each regiment has a teaching team to train mid-level and lower-level officers.

9.In order to cultivate military talents, young students were recruited on a large scale and educational institutions were established.That is to say, preparations for recruiting students, recruiting teachers and other matters were started, and it was decided to recruit 1000 young people who had graduated from junior high school or had the same education in the Northeast, and established an officer candidate team, which was attached to the "Fengtian Officer Candidate Military Academy" in the back tower of Fengtian Provincial City. The semester is six months.After passing the exam, all were transferred to the "Fengtian Military Command School" for further education.Zhang Hanqing, who has tasted the sweetness of the reform of the Guards Brigade, is determined to continue to increase his efforts to train literate officers to gradually replace the old-fashioned soldiers.

After the famous "February Revolution" broke out in Russia, Zhang Hanqing lost no time in proposing the idea of ​​establishing the Chinese People's Party in the Northeast. Progressive intellectuals with communist inclinations—these cultural people have infinite energy, and they are also the most farsighted and influential talents. In history, the Communist Party is about to be established—although Zhang Hanqing witnessed There are countless corrupt officials in China, but at the beginning of the founding of the party, the Communist Party was still very attractive and had pure ideals.In the future, if there is a dispute between the People's Party and the Communist Party, how can he kill like the later Kuomintang?It can only be killed in the cradle first.The third is that party and group politics is the trend of international development, allowing the forces in the Northeast to intervene in the government of the Republic of China in a grandiose manner, laying the foundation for future entry into the customs.

In the "Party Constitution of the Chinese People's Party", Zhang Hanqing proposed to establish a reformed Chinese Kuomintang, the People's Party, under the banner of Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles, through the gradual means of military administration, political training, and constitutional administration, with the working stage as the core. Based on the main body and the alliance of workers and peasants, we will accomplish the great goal of the Three People's Principles.Each administrative village establishes a party branch, and each township, county, city, and province establishes a party committee at the same level, which is under the highest leadership of the Central Committee of the Northeast Chinese People's Party.

The People's Party has a central executive committee chairman, who is Zhang Hanqing, a vice chairman, who is also served by Fengtian Governor Wang Yongjiang, and a secretary general, who is Guo Songling.Two deputy secretaries.There are 6 departments and a secretariat including the Organization Department, the Propaganda Department, the United Front Work Department, the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry, the Women's Federation and the Commission for Discipline Inspection.A large number of Fengjun officers Jiang Dengxuan and Han Linchun who had a close relationship with the young marshal became the first batch of members of the People's Party and the backbone of the party.

Zhang Hanqing personally designed the party flag, which is a bright red five-star red flag. He interpreted it as the unity of scholars, farmers, industry, and businessmen to build a great country under the leadership of the People's Party; The five-ethnic republic of Hui, Hui, Tibetan and Han.Although the design of the sickle and hammer is avant-garde, firstly Zhang Hanqing does not catch a cold, and secondly, communism is still in its infancy in China. Whether this time and space will have a chance to develop again is still uncertain.

The party's slogan is "workers and peasants cooperate, unite Sun and Russia."

The party's program is to "establish a unified and powerful republic where the people are the masters of the country, and expel all imperialist forces and privileges in China. Equal land rights, independent tariffs, punishment of corruption, and judicial justice."

This is a brand-new idea that integrates the slogans of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party at the historical stage at that time. In history, it also created the first honeymoon of the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation and the climax of the democratic movement. In reality, it attracted countless patriots, Those who longed for the February Revolution, those who were dissatisfied with the power of the Beiyang and the Kuomintang factions, and those who were loyal ideals rushed to the Northeast to personally participate in this historic initiative.

As the saying goes, the way of civil and military affairs is one piece, one piece; if you win the world immediately, you cannot rule it immediately.Although Zhang Zuolin was illiterate, he knew the importance of scholars.For the People's Party, which is mainly composed of young intellectuals, the main attitude is to ignore it and wait for it.He didn't have any reluctance to the young marshal's "tossing" in politics, after all, the scholar rebellion failed for three years.Without the help of the army, no one can fight against the sky in the Northeast.For the eldest son he is most looking forward to, he is more happy than anyone else to see Zhang Hanqing emerging in politics.

With the acquiescence of the general, and the personal efforts of the young marshal, various branches of the People's Party have sprung up all over the Northeast, deeply affecting the people, the rule of the people, and the hearts of the people; .A year later, Zhang Hanqing's method of influencing the army was not only the name of the young marshal, but also the identity of the leader of the People's Party.

Today, the Young Marshal's strategic decisions within the Feng Faction mainly rely on his influence on the three giants of the Feng Faction. With his identity and long-term correct and keen insight, he can basically get the top priority.In order to provide a favorable time for the development of the Feng Clan, Zhang Hanqing actively influenced the leaders headed by Zhang Zuolin, Zhang Zuoxiang, and Sun Liechen, and proposed to "establish a foothold in the pass, develop the economy, keep a low profile, and do nothing." Trying to get out of the warlords in the pass , has been strongly recognized. On May 1918, 5, Zhang Zuolin, Sun Liechen, and Wu Junsheng announced: "From the beginning of May, all political affairs in the three northeastern provinces, and the people of the three northeastern provinces, make their own decisions; and take consistent actions with comrades in the southwestern and Yangtze River provinces; support the law and support self-government , eradicate violence, and promote unity."

This declaration basically guaranteed the two-year-long war of the Feng faction in northern China, a huge leap forward in the economy, and the cohesion of political and people's power.

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