young marshal spring and autumn

Chapter 48 Year Plan, Education-Based

Zhang Zuolin only studied for three months before dropping out of school because he had to go home to collect firewood and help his mother cook and do chores.He is proficient in writing and ink, so it is inevitable that he will write wrong words and say wrong words.However, sometimes, these mistakes, while making jokes, often become a long-lasting story.

It is said that in the past, there was a wooden signboard "Conveyor's Room" in front of the gate of the Marshal's Mansion. When he went in, he often only looked at the military appearance of the guards and didn't pay much attention to other places.One day, for some reason, he suddenly saw this sign and frowned, feeling very upset.After getting out of the car, he said to the secretary earnestly: "Even if we win and the Northeast is unified, we can't be proud. You see, on the door of the Marshal's mansion, there is only a plaque of 'Governing the country and protecting the people', not my name." Three words Zhang Zuolin." Then, he turned around, pointed to the reception room in front of him, and continued: "Look at our brothers again, even a small reception room should be named Fu Lianbao What's the proper way?" The secretary took a closer look and almost laughed out loud, it turned out that the chief regarded the reception room as Fu Lianbao and his name.

A joke was made, but Zhang Zuolin didn't take it seriously.However, he thought that if the officers and soldiers on the battlefield came up with these tricks and conveyed the wrong military orders, it would be a matter of victory or defeat.Therefore, the education of Zhang Xueliang and others has always been given priority. Not only did Zhang Xueliang learn fashionable English, but also recruited many private tutors, and even arranged Fengtian Confucian Jin Xihou to be his full-time teacher.

However, most of his Fengjun generals were mountain bandits who were born and died with him. It was easy to fight, but difficult to study.Youdao is martial arts and governing the country with civility. There are not many capable civil servants under his command, and he is just a straw king throughout his life.Knowing his father's "big ambition", Zhang Hanqing also lost no time in proposing a large-scale education to cultivate talents.

Zhang Zuolin also wrote a letter to the then President Yuan Shikai, pointing out the various drawbacks of Fengtian Education, and proposed rectification measures, suggesting strengthening the management of the school.At that time, Zhang Zuolin was only the commander of the small 27th Division in Fengtian City. Although he had a heavy army, he had nothing to do with education anyway.

Based on the opinions of several counselors, Zhang Zuolin first pointed out in the report that there are two major drawbacks in running Fengtian School: one is that the waste is too much, and the gain is not worth the loss;In addition, he also mentioned that the emphasis on running schools is on higher primary schools, while ignoring elementary schools, which makes normal graduates reluctant to go to junior primary schools to teach.There is a lack of good teachers in elementary schools, and graduates have no way to go on to higher education.

Zhang Zuolin's statement attracted great attention from the Ministry of Education, the State Council, and even the President, who affirmed that all the allegations in the article were the crux of the matter, and the President ordered the State Council to forward the statement to the Ministry of Education for review.

Regarding the first article, the Ministry of Education replied that "on February 1915th this year, the provinces were ordered to consider local financial resources, observe the living conditions of the people, and try their best to cut down on savings to eliminate emptiness."Regarding the second article, the Ministry of Education commented: "Now primary schools must be rectified, and there is no delay. The method of rectification should start with saving energy and waste, and strictly setting the qualifications of teachers and administrators. The teachers and administrators who are not competent It can be greatly eliminated, and there is hope for the future of education to be clarified." On April 4, 9, the Ministry of Education ordered the civil affairs chiefs of all provinces to follow suit.The educational circles were delighted to hear this, but they didn't know that this command originated from a martial arts man who was known as a "bandit" far in the Northeast.

In order to cultivate more talents, the cultivation of normal students is the top priority. On December 1918, 12, Fengtian National Higher Normal School was formally established.At the opening ceremony, Shi Jichang, Director of Fengtian Government Affairs, went to read Zhang Zuolin's congratulatory speech.

To this day, students in normal colleges are exempted from tuition fees and receive monthly subsidies.However, few people know that as early as Zhang Zuolin's time, Fengtian Normal School had exempted tuition fees and provided food expenses, all of which were paid by the Fengtian Provincial Government.People often say, "There is no such thing as a free lunch", but Fengtian Normal School not only provides free meals, but the standard is not low.For example, Fengtian Provincial No. [-] Normal School, students eat rice porridge and pickles for breakfast; rice, four dishes and one soup at noon, two meat and two vegetables; dinner four dishes and one soup, all vegetarian dishes.Saturday lunch is improved, including altar meat, mushu meat, roasted yellow croaker, braised sea cucumber, etc.There are others such as Fengtian Higher Normal School, where the food is also very rich.

After the first Zhifeng War in official history, Zhang Zuolin once again paid close attention to education while reorganizing the army.He gladly adopted the suggestion of Wang Yongjiang, governor of Fengtian, and Xie Yinchang, director of education, to establish Northeastern University, and said to Wang Yongjiang: "I have never read a book, and I know the harm of not having ink in my stomach, so I can't let the people of the Northeast not go to university." Seeking opportunities for further studies, Minyuan (Wang Yongjiang’s words), I will leave everything to you, the sooner the school starts, the better. Tell me with money, no matter how much, I would rather save [-] troops, but Northeastern University is right and wrong. No."

The establishment of Northeastern University was originally China's own business, but when the Japanese side learned that the Northeastern authorities wanted to run a university on their own, the Japanese Consul General in Fengtian actually offered "advice" to Wang Yongjiang: "I heard that you want to run a university, it will not be easy. It costs money, and there is no one. If you want to study science and engineering, we already have "Lushun Engineering"; if you want to study medicine, we have "Nanman Medical University"; If you go to university, the Japanese government will give you preferential treatment and government subsidies. Why do you bother to run your own university instead of looking for trouble?” Wang Yongjiang immediately reported this conversation to Zhang Zuolin.After Zhang Zuolin heard this, he was very annoyed: "The more they object to our old Zhang running a university, we must do it. We must do it quickly, we must do it well, and we must quickly produce talents."

Time waits for no one, and the Northeast, which is waiting to be rejuvenated, urgently needs all kinds of talents. According to the official history, the speed is too slow.Although cash-strapped, Zhang Hanqing still strongly recommends that Northeastern University should be built early and extensively. Besides, the construction of the school is not a one-day effort. When it gradually grows in scale, the Northeast's economy should be able to meet its needs by then.So on April 1919, 4, Northeastern University was formally established, and the school temporarily used the old school buildings of the university and the liberal arts school located in Dananguan, the provincial capital.Later, 26 mu of land was purchased in Beiling, and construction of a new school building began.Except for the purchase of land, the infrastructure cost of Northeastern University reached Fengyang 500 million yuan. In 600, the new school building was built, with a large scale and complete functions, which is second to none in China.

In addition to building school buildings, the Fengtian Governor's Office also allocated 200 acres of official land near Beiling and allocated 280 million yuan to build a university factory.This kind of university-affiliated factory, which not only takes into account the students' internships, but also guarantees the source of funds, was not available in other domestic universities at that time.Northeastern University also has 100 acres of botanical gardens.In this way, the entire campus covers an area of ​​900 mu, which was the largest campus in China at that time.It can be seen that Zhang Zuolin's school building plan is quite magnificent.

The annual funding of Northeastern University is also second to none among universities.At that time, Peking University’s annual funding was 90 silver dollars, Nankai University’s 40, and Tsinghua University’s subsidy was only 120 million.Fengtian Provincial Finance has invested heavily in Northeastern University. The funding plan is 160 million yuan in the first year, and it will increase year by year.

After Northeastern University began classes, there were some problems in recruiting teachers. Some scholars from other provinces did not understand the financial situation of Fengzhou, and they were afraid that they would come to teach at Northeastern University.Knowing this situation, Zhang Zuolin immediately made a decision: "The salary of all university professors and others will be paid in silver dollars, and no arrears are allowed." In order to attract first-class scholars to teach here, the salary and treatment set by Northeastern University are quite generous, even high Several well-known universities in the country.Taking professors as an example, the monthly salary of professors at Peking University and Tsinghua University is 300 yuan, that of Nankai University is 240 yuan, and that of Northeastern University is 360 yuan.In the later period, Zhang Shizhao and others paid as much as 800 yuan.Northeastern University also built new villages and villas for professors, and arranged spacious and comfortable residences.The professors went back to Beijing to visit their relatives, and they were reimbursed for their round-trip travel expenses.This is in stark contrast to the civil war situation at that time, when professors in various schools owed wages and cut wages as a common practice.

With the sycamore tree, it is not afraid that the golden phoenix will not be attracted.These favorable treatment from Northeastern University attracted many well-known professors to teach at that time.Later, according to the statistics of Northeastern University in 1928, among its 128 professional teachers, 77 returned from studying abroad, including 11 doctors, 37 masters, and 29 bachelors.And most of them study in the United States, graduated from some famous universities in the United States, such as: Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and so on.The rest of the professors graduated from well-known institutions of higher learning in China, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Tongji University, etc., even if they have never been "gold-plated" abroad.Its lineup of professors is far beyond that of other universities.

The teaching equipment of Northeastern University was also top-notch in China at that time.Northeastern University has almost all experimental instruments and machinery, such as physical and chemical instruments, engineering machinery, animal and plant specimens, books, and factory equipment.Moreover, most of them are purchased from abroad and are relatively advanced, which is rare in domestic famous schools.According to statistics in 1926, the school has a total of 33164 volumes of books, 13516 specimens of various instruments, and mechanical equipment worth [-] yuan, providing excellent conditions for students to read, experiment and practice.

By the end of the 20s, Northeastern University had the largest number of students in China, with 300 professors and 3000 students, while Peking University had only 2000 students at that time.

Initially, many Japanese did not believe that Zhang Zuolin would run Northeastern University well.However, Japanese scholar Junliang Niijima also had to say after visiting Tohoku University: The experimental equipment of Tohoku University is first-class, and the salary of professors is much higher than that of national universities.Its educational standard is "higher than the higher education institutions run by Japan in Manchuria".

As a great warlord who conquered the world by force, it is really impressive to be able to allocate a large amount of money for education from the money purchased for guns.Although Zhang Hanqing contributed the most to this, in any case, Zhang Zuolin still understands the relationship between education and the national economy and people's livelihood. This is one of the reasons why Fengjun can become stronger and stronger under his leadership.

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