Holy furnace

Chapter 206

What happened to Li Haoxuan in just a few days can really be described as a series of adventures!Not only did he kill Yao Likong, but he even used the mana of Yao Likong to repair Lihuoshen Furnace, and then used Lihuoshen Furnace to kill the Venerable Punisher who was in a lack of crime. Afterwards, the Li Vulcan Furnace underwent earth-shaking changes, and even Li Haoxuan's body was transformed again, the source of life became more abundant, and the mana in his body was compressed again, which can be compared to the power of the ring!

In addition, Li Haoxuan's greatest achievement is to get the supernatural power seed Great Golden Pill from Yao Likong!

Li Haoxuan has just opened the Light Realm now, and there are many things he doesn't know. If it is someone else at this time, such as Ziyue who is a strong person in the Law Ring Realm, then they will know all about it clearly!Once entering the Law Precepts Realm, a golden elixir will be formed in the monk's dantian. The quality of the golden elixir is directly related to the strength of the monk himself!

To condense this golden elixir, one must condense one's own soul power, mana power and blood essence power into one ball when breaking through and entering the realm of law. It can only be formed by condensing the perception of the way of heaven obtained in an instant!

Once the golden elixir is formed, it means that it has truly entered the realm of the law. From then on, it can reach the sky in one step, and its life span will immediately increase by 500 years!

However, this golden elixir is just a carrier. After condensing into a golden elixir, you have to turn your supernatural powers into talismans and burn them on this golden elixir. For one thing, in the future, there is no need to run mana according to a specific route like a monk in the mortal realm when performing supernatural powers. As long as the mana is poured into a specific talisman, the supernatural power will be displayed immediately, saving a lot of effort !

Moreover, the stronger the golden core, the stronger the magical powers it can display, and the more magical powers it can withstand!Ordinary law monks can only engrave two or three of the most powerful supernatural powers on the golden core, while some evildoers and geniuses can even engrave dozens of supernatural powers on the golden core. The situation is changing, and there is no law!

Originally, this kind of golden elixir has been influenced by the deity's will and mana for many years, so it will not be stolen by others at all. If someone puts someone else's golden elixir into his own dantian, then this golden elixir will explode immediately, even if he can't die The opponent will also self-destruct, because the two kinds of mana conflict with each other, and the golden core contains the will of the deity!

But for Li Haoxuan, there are no such problems, because the will of Yao Likong in the golden elixir has been refined, and it has become a pure supernatural power seed, the great golden elixir, and, with the suppression from the Vulcan furnace, this golden elixir In the end, Li Haoxuan's current mana quality is too high, comparable to that of a strong man in the ring, and it is precisely because of this that he can activate this supernatural power seed Great Golden Elixir to unleash the magic power of Yao Likong. Great supernatural powers!

If it is an ordinary cultivator in the mortal realm, even the powerhouse of the Lingxu Nine Heavens will not be able to activate this magical golden pill, even if all the mana is poured into the supernatural golden pill, it will be useless, because the mortal realm His mana level is too low!This is not a quantitative difference, but a qualitative change!

"Okay, very good!" Li Haoxuan opened his eyes at once, looked at the golden bell-shaped air mask around his body and nodded repeatedly, he could feel that this defensive supernatural power was extremely powerful, even stronger than the heaven and earth vitality mask How many times!

He didn't know that the number of supernatural powers that the supernatural power golden core can bear is limited, and the supernatural power that can be burned on the supernatural power golden core by Yao Likong is naturally no small matter!In fact, this supernatural power was obtained by Yao Likong from a cave in a deep mountain by accident. Only after he successfully cultivated did he realize how powerful this supernatural power is. After the mastery, it can be called an absolute defense, even able to block the attacks of monks who are one level higher than himself , That's why he engraved this supernatural power on the golden core, and at the critical moment, he can even make himself escape from the critical moment!

"The defense of this supernatural power is too strong, even stronger than the defense of the white crane's wings! Unless I meet a magic weapon or someone who is in the ring realm, I'm afraid I won't be able to hurt a single hair of me even if I let others attack!" Li Haoxuan Feeling the power of qigong in the golden bell cover body, he said to himself.

Then, Li Haoxuan withdrew the magic power poured into the golden elixir, loosened the restriction of other kinds of supernatural power talismans, and restored the supernatural power golden elixir to its original appearance!

"Golden bell cover body with great supernatural powers, Undefeated King Fist, Wuhuo Daogang, Heavenly Snake Silk Power, Instantly Killing **, Heavenly Dragon Eight Tones... Good guy, there are more than ten magic powers above Yao Likong's supernatural power Golden Core. Eight kinds of supernatural powers! En? Even Tianyao Art? Isn’t Tianyao the supreme secret art of Tianyao Sect? It is equivalent to the Chongxu Sutra of Qingxu Temple, how can it be engraved on this golden elixir? Aren't you afraid that there will be a giant of the immortal way to kill the disciples of the sect to take the golden core, and then comprehend the Heavenly Demon Art?"

"That's right! These golden elixirs are all engraved with complete magical talismans, not cultivation skills. Even if you get these golden elixirs, you can only use the Heavenly Demon Art and cannot decipher the Heavenly Demon Art! Moreover, the righteous people may not be able to decipher it!" No one would be crazy enough to use the Sky Demon Art, right?" Li Haoxuan carefully studied the various supernatural powers on this golden elixir, and at the same time thought about his future direction!

Now that he has obtained this supernatural golden elixir, it can be called No. 1 under the ring. Even people like Xing Qichen may be able to suppress it with one hand, without any suspense!With his current strength, if he returns to the Dade Dynasty to practice with other people, it will be too inferior.

"Five Fire Swords? This is a fire-type supernatural power? Not bad, but it's a pity that I can't see the practice method, otherwise it will be of great benefit to my Fire Emperor Chiyan Qi! But if I can use the Five Fire Swords a few more times , maybe it can also make some comprehension, making the Remnant Fire Taidao and Flowing Blade Ruohuo go one step further!"

"Invincible King Fist? A total of six moves? Invincible, invincible, invincible, lawless, invincible, and I am the only one who dominates? Good, so domineering! The fist intent of Shenquan will definitely make him exert even stronger power!"

"Eight Dragon Eight Sounds? The supreme Dao sound created by the ancient Tianlong clan? Yao Likong can even learn this kind of supernatural power? En? Unfortunately, the last four Dao sounds have been lost, leaving only the first four Dao sounds!" With a thought in his mind, Li Haoxuan immediately poured his mana into the magical talisman of Tianlong Bayin!

Immediately, the phantoms of eight heavenly dragons appeared in Li Haoxuan's mind!

Each of these eight heavenly dragons is extremely powerful, with beards, golden scales, claws, and long horns, as if the ancient real dragon is really resurrected!However, Tianlong is only a branch of the descendant of the real dragon, not a real dragon, but its strength is still strong, far surpassing that of Jiaolong!

Each of these celestial dragons has a vicissitudes of life and an air of arrogance, even Li Haoxuan feels that these celestial dragons are all sacred and noble, exorcising all evil spirits!After the eight heavenly dragons appeared, they began to chant non-stop, and each dragon made a completely different sound, and each long chant sound was composed of hundreds of strange syllables, like a ghost in the dark. The sound of the avenue in China.

However, Li Haoxuan also discovered that the eight heavenly dragons only issued four heavenly sounds, not eight, because the four heavenly sounds were lost, and Yao Likong did not get it.

"Woo! Goo! Ba! Well!" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan opened his mouth violently, spit out four mysterious syllables, suddenly the hurricane rose, and the sound waves exploded!

It can even be clearly seen above the entire vast sea desert that circles of sound waves are constantly vibrating, causing countless golden yellow sands to be directly roared into powder, and a huge layer of ripples centered on Li Haoxuan, sending out one after another. The concentric circles spread out one by one, and the voice contained an extremely fierce and huge will, which was enough to destroy the dead!

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