Holy furnace

Chapter 207 1 piece of waste

As soon as the Heavenly Dragon Eight Tone came out, Li Haoxuan's surrounding tens of miles of vast sea and desert were immediately ravaged, almost roaring out of a big pit with a radius of ten miles, it was appalling!

"Huh... I didn't expect Tianlong Bayin to consume so much mana. With my current strength, a full one-tenth of my mana was consumed just by such a roar! Moreover, Tianlong Bayin seems to be very harmful to the primordial spirit. Fortunately, I can om the word Tianyin, which can completely resolve this kind of damage, otherwise even I can’t use it too much, otherwise I may hurt my soul and become an idiot in the future!” Li Haoxuan quickly absorbed the aura around him and turned his Mana refills.

He is very satisfied with the power of Tianlong Bayin. If he can cultivate to the stage of Dacheng in the future, and then collect the remaining four tones, he may be able to hide ghosts and ghosts in just one roar, which is almost equivalent to the roaring power of eight real Tianlongs!

"Huh? Instant kill **? It can actually make your own spirit fit with the air flow flowing in the world, making your own attack almost teleport, which can surpass the sound by several times, or even hundreds of times and thousands of times! God! Is that still a person? It's amazing. Yao Likong even cultivated the instant killing gun at a speed [-] times faster than the sound. He is worthy of being a strong Dharma ring. Those who are strong in the realm will be injured!" Li Haoxuan's eyes flashed, and he began to silently deduce the possibility of incorporating the Remnant Fire Taidao into the instant killing weapon.

"There are a lot of supernatural powers, and all of them have been cultivated to a very high level by Yao Liekong. In the future, as long as I don't meet such a powerful magic ring expert as Yuan Jiankong, I will even have the power to fight!" After a long time, Li Haoxuan finally got rid of Yao Likong. Lie Kong knows everything in this supernatural golden elixir.

"However, the top priority is to raise the realm first, otherwise it will be difficult to control the skyrocketing magic power in the dantian! Moreover, if I don't raise it again, I'm afraid I can't arbitrarily activate the supernatural powers above the golden core."

Li Haoxuan has a clear understanding of everything in his body, not to mention anything else, it is difficult to hide his golden light now, and it will make him the most conspicuous target!

"Promote me!" Li Haoxuan's current accumulation is too strong, he doesn't even need to use the inner alchemy of the black water snake, he directly stimulates the mana in his body to absorb all the spiritual energy from all directions, and suddenly, a kind of spiritual enlightenment arises spontaneously , With a click, it seemed that he had broken through some kind of shackles. The mana in his body suddenly rose, and the powerful coercion swept out, causing a wave of shock in the vast sea and desert!


The heaven and the earth felt it, and there was a dull thunder in the surrounding space, as if a catastrophe would come at any time, however, this aura finally dissipated, Li Haoxuan just broke through the seventh heaven of consecration, and did not enter Lingxu territory.

More and more auras from heaven and earth gathered and completely submerged Li Haoxuan. In the end, Li Haoxuan almost became a huge cocoon made of auras. The auras within a radius of a hundred miles quickly gathered, making Li Haoxuan's strength rise steadily!

At this moment, his dantian began to expand again, more and more mana was derived, and his spirit also began to elevate, he realized more heaven and earth, and became more and more handy in controlling his own mana!At the same time, one of the five drops of red blood essence in his dantian split itself at this moment, and a tiny strand of blood split into Li Haoxuan's body!

Click click click!There was a clicking sound in Li Haoxuan's body immediately. This is a new transformation that can make his physical body stronger!This is just a streak of blood, it is enough to continue to transform Li Haoxuan's current physical body, if all five drops of blood essence melt away, Li Haoxuan's physical body will collapse directly!

When this thread of blood was absorbed by Li Haoxuan's body, the countless crystal kingdoms in his body suddenly lit up, and a god's mansion exactly the same as Li Haoxuan sat cross-legged in it, and the sound of Zen singing came out louder and louder. At the same time, this The Kingdom of God seems to have begun to transform, the space of the Kingdom of God has become larger and larger, and even wisps of vitality from heaven and earth have been absorbed and entered into many kingdoms of God!

Li Haoxuan's breakthrough lasted for five full hours before it finally ended!

After the breakthrough, Li Haoxuan stood on the seventh small step of the Consecration Realm, which is only one step away from the eighth step, and he can step over it at any time!

The sixth level to the seventh level is a watershed, because entering the seventh level means entering the late stage of enlightenment, and then the eighth level and the ninth level can break through at any time as long as there is enough accumulation and aura, but Li Haoxuan is not in a hurry. Every step he takes must be steady and steady, and with his current strength, he is enough to rule the roost among the ordinary monks!

"One hundred feet has gone one step further! Now you should be able to freely activate the supernatural powers above the supernatural power golden core!" Li Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction as he felt the vast sea-like mana in his dantian.

"En? Who is it?" At this moment, Li Haoxuan suddenly felt a trace of evil energy wandering from not far away, and immediately raised his head to look at the source of the evil energy and shouted loudly.

"Hmph! There was such a big commotion, I thought it was some elite disciple of Qingxu Temple who was fighting monsters here. I thought that the oriole could make a lot of money later, but unexpectedly, only a miscellaneous fish broke through here !" As soon as Li Haoxuan finished speaking, a young man in green clothes appeared from the desert not far away, walking towards Li Haoxuan with a proud face, his body exuded wisps of strong monster aura.Behind the young man in Tsing Yi followed a few monsters with ferocious faces, each with strong mana, judging from the mana fluctuations on his body, they were all masters at the peak of Ling Xu.

"It seems that the movement of my breakthrough was too great, which attracted a small group of demons." Li Haoxuan thought to himself as he looked at the group of demons that appeared in front of him. Although there were only a dozen or so demons in this group of demons that suddenly appeared, each of them had a strong breath. It was extremely powerful, many times stronger than the army of monsters he had encountered before, and the aura of a few of them was even comparable to that of Yao Wuchang!

In the previous army of monsters, there were only a few monsters in the Lingxu Realm, most of them were monsters in the Foundation Establishment Realm, their spiritual intelligence and supernatural powers had not yet been revealed, so Li Haoxuan and the others were able to persist for so long!Otherwise, if they were all demons from the Enlightenment Realm and the Lingxu Realm, Li Haoxuan and the others would have been beaten to death long ago!

"So it's just a sky wolf, hmph, a waste!" Li Haoxuan's eyes suddenly shot out a divine light, shining on the yellow youth, and he was immediately able to see his real body.

The divine light shot out by Li Haoxuan's eyes is one of the supernatural powers recorded in the golden core, the silver eyes that break the delusion, after the cultivation reaches a great success, the eyes will turn silver, and at that time, all illusions can be broken, and the source of the rules can be reached directly!

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