Holy furnace

Chapter 208 A group of waste

"What did you say?" When Li Haoxuan said the truth, the young man in Tsing Yi's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Li Haoxuan with a ferocious face and said.

"I said you, a Sirius, are no different from trash in my eyes!" Li Haoxuan flicked his fingers, and said with a sneer, "What I don't like the most is your high-ranking look, thinking that you can control the world by yourself? Exactly, I still need a lot of monster cores from your monster clan, so donate them all to me, if you can take the initiative to hand over the monster cores, I can spare you!"

The demon core is the crystallization of a monster master's lifelong cultivation. Even if the body dies, the demon core will remain, just like the inner alchemy of the black water snake!And a master of the monster race, if his demon core is dug out, although he will not die, his whole body will be turned into running water, or even degenerate into an ordinary beast, and he will never be able to practice again for eternity, because his The origin has also been integrated into the demon core.

"What did you say? Spare us not to die? We haven't shot you yet, yet you dare to let us keep the demon core? I know, you must be an inner sect disciple who just entered Qingxu Temple, so you don't understand the rules , I probably think that our monster race is easy to talk, originally we could give you a good time, but you are talking nonsense here, it is impossible to die quickly, we will capture you and let you taste the best in the world. Painful punishment, and then you will be annihilated!" Li Haoxuan just finished speaking, a master behind the young man in Tsing Yi came up and said to Li Haoxuan.

His eyes were full of contempt, as if he was speaking to an ant that was about to die.

"That's right! Who do you think you are? A strong man in the realm of law? Hmph, even if you are in the Elite Pavilion or the Invincible Hall, you can't talk to our young master like this! What you said just now means that you are dead. No one in the sky or on earth can save you, even if you want to kill yourself!"

"Exactly! All of you righteous people take it as their mission to eliminate demons and defend the way, but you never thought that one day you would be tricked by our Heavenly Demon Sect, right? You don't need to expect someone to rescue you. There is no one within thousands of miles. , even if there are your accomplices, we will kill them together! You want to take our demon core, but we also want to take your sect token!"

"Yes, if we can get the sect token of Qingxuguan, we can go back to Tianyaomen to receive rewards, and the benefits will be very great at that time! Boy, quickly hand over your token of Qingxuguan inner gate, and then kneel in front of you. If you kowtow on the ground, we may show mercy and give you a happy time!"

"That's impossible! Even if you surrender your sect token and kowtow to your knees, it's impossible for us to kill you directly. To deal with you, we will definitely kill you! With our young master here, even if you want to commit suicide There is no hope! But if you are sensible, we may torture you for a few days less, and kill you immediately after collecting all your blood essence, so as not to let you suffer more pain!"

"You are very good! Very good! The world is so big, there is no one who dares to say that I am a waste! Since you dare to say such a thing today, then don't take any chances. I admire your courage, I hope You can still speak later!" The young man in Tsing Yi said coldly.

"Noisy! A whole bunch of trash!" Facing the young man in Qingyi and the others, Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, waved his hand, and said, "You said that we, Qingxu, have fallen for your Tianyao Sect's schemes, what's going on?"

"What did you say? You said we are all useless?" Another great master stood up, the mana fluctuations on his body were the most intense, not even under Yao Wuchang, his two eyes were emerald green, he stared at Li Haoxuan unexpectedly It made him feel dizzy.

However, Li Haoxuan's fist of Destruction God Fist circulated immediately, and immediately dispelled this feeling. He knew that this was the opponent's pupil art, which could affect people's mind. A sudden hit in the middle is enough to turn the tide of the battle.

"Huh? Can you actually break my eyes? You really have some skills, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant in front of us! But that's it, I'll let you know today, what will happen if you offend our Heavenly Demon Sect! "The master was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward with a sneer, a powerful aura radiated out and hit Li Haoxuan's body.

"Jing Wuxue, I don't want to see him die too soon, understand?" The young man in Tsing Yi said coldly, "I want to leave 99 wounds on his body. He died prematurely, so I will leave the remaining wounds on your body!"

"Yes, obey!" Jing Wuxue trembled all over, as if thinking of some means of the young master, his face turned pale, and he said hastily.

"Well, let's go." The young man in Tsing Yi nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand.

"Boy, you can start enjoying the feast of hell!" Jing Wuxue stepped forward, and suddenly there was a long red whip in his hand, with wisps of red blood lingering on it. At first glance, he knew that this was a powerful weapon, it should be A magic weapon of the spirit weapon level!

"Wait!" Li Haoxuan raised his right hand, and said, "Are you sure you can beat me? Do you think I will definitely die?"

"You have no other way to go." Jing Wuxue said coldly.

"Since that's the case, then tell me what kind of conspiracy and tricks the Sky Demon Sect is playing? You said that we, Qingxu, have been caught by the calculations of the Sky Demon Sect?"

"Boy, you're asking too many questions. You're already dying. What's the point of asking?" Jing Wuxue approached Li Haoxuan step by step with a bloody long whip in his hand. It makes the vast sea and desert in a small area throb violently. This is a different kind of coercion, which is enough to break the opponent's will.

"Since you think I'm bound to die, what's there to hide? Could it be that you don't have full confidence in capturing me? Is it because you don't have confidence in yourself?" Li Haoxuan laughed. There is no effect, as if the wind blows the clouds.

"Hmph, even if you are eloquent today, you will not escape being tortured by us! Do you think this will hurt my confidence? It's a joke! Since you want to know, then I will satisfy you and let you be an understanding ghost Do you Qingxuguan think we are playing the idea of ​​the Dade Dynasty? Hahahaha, the people in your Qingxuguan are all pig-headed. How could our Tianyao Sect be so stupid, knowing that you are guarding the Dade Dynasty? Constant violation? Well, we're just..."

"Jing Wuxue, you talk too much!" At this moment, the young man in Tsing Yi spoke again, his flat tone filled with the coercion of the superior.

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