Holy furnace

Chapter 218 The Great Conspiracy

Killings raged on the vast sea desert, and they turned into giant khaki dragons flying wantonly in the sky. If ordinary people entered it, they would be smashed to pieces by the strong wind immediately. Even monks in the Consecrated Light Realm cannot survive in this environment, because the vitality of the heaven and earth here has been completely disordered, and it is impossible to even use the vitality shield of the heaven and earth, and can only resist with magic weapons or physical bodies!

This is the natural force of heaven and earth, and its power is magnificent!However, at this moment, there were two people standing three feet apart, one of them was surrounded by green lights, while the other was bathed in golden light, and it was shocking that they were not affected in this storm-ravaged environment.

"How is it?" Li Haoxuan said again, "I don't have that much patience to wait any longer, I'll give you three breaths, if you don't answer, I'll shoot directly!"

"Do you keep your word?" Finally, the young master in Tsing Yi sighed dejectedly and said.His heart is also at war between heaven and man, he really wants to use his own foundation to kill Li Haoxuan completely, but the price of using his foundation is really too high, not to mention now, even in another 20 years, 50 years or even it will be impossible to die again Get that background!

His foundation is the most important thing for him, it can save him from any desperate situation, since he can not use his foundation now, of course he doesn't want to use it, and what Li Haoxuan said also had a great influence on him, He thinks that although Li Haoxuan's strength is outrageously strong and nearly invincible in the mortal realm, compared with the strong of the law, he is still only a little stronger than an ant. No matter how powerful an ant is, how can it be comparable to a dragon?

"Naturally! As long as you can answer my question, I can let you leave safely!" Li Haoxuan nodded.

"Okay! You are a disciple of Qingxuguan, and you are a righteous person. I hope you will not break your promise!" The young master in Tsing Yi finally compromised, and said through the endless yellow sand, "Actually, this time the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Palace cooperated to invade the Great Virtue. The dynasty is indeed an illusion, on the surface it is to snatch the sky blue sand steel from the Dade Dynasty, but in fact it is just a smoke bomb, not our real purpose!"

"En?" Li Haoxuan was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Snatching the sky blue sand steel from the Dade Dynasty is not your main purpose? Then why are several sky blue sand steel mines from the Dade Dynasty being dug away?"

"Of course it's to make the acting more realistic! In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can find the clues. The metal of sky blue sand steel can only be used to refine ordinary treasures. If it is used to refine magic weapons , I don’t know how much sky-blue sand steel is needed, and even a whole vein of sky-blue sand-steel can’t produce one percent of the magic weapon! Moreover, grabbing the entire vein of sky-blue sand-steel with one hand, this Planting the law of the sky and the earth can be regarded as a mustard seed, and the means of carrying the world is not something that ordinary law-precepts can display! This action is of great importance, and the law-precepts are just pioneers !"

"Could it be that a more powerful person is involved? Could it be that you Tianyao Sect has a strong person who is lacking in crime behind it? What kind of conspiracy is it?" Li Haoxuan was startled, and an ominous premonition lingered in his heart.

"Are you afraid now?" Seemingly sensing Li Haoxuan's state of mind, the young master in Tsing Yi chuckled and said, "Let's not say it's you, even if it's me, my heart beat wildly when I first learned about this plan, because it's the real plan. It’s a big deal, an earth-shattering deal! Once the plan is successful, our Tian Yao Sect can even rule the world and become the master of a world..."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Li Haoxuan took a step forward with a bang, stepped heavily on the desert and shouted, the haze in his heart became thicker, as if a big stone was pressing on his heart.

"Well, to tell you the truth, the initiator of this operation is not something you can guess at all. The strong man who lacks the border is really unattainable for us, and we can be directly reduced to dust with one breath, but , for a real big shot, the lack of a crime is nothing more than that."

"Could it be a strong person from Immortal Records? A strong person from Immortal Record Realm participated in it?" Li Haoxuan's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. If there were really strong people from Immortal Records involved, he would be really mad!

Immortal Realm is the pinnacle of power in this world. If two experts in Immortal Record Realm want to fight, they will definitely fight in the universe, because the experts in Immortal Record Realm are really too strong. Thousands of miles around into nothingness!

Legend has it that this vast sea desert used to be a boundless grassland, but later, two strong men from the Immortal Records fought in the sky here, and a ray of mana was knocked down and bombarded on this land. Forcibly turning an oasis into a vast and endless desert!

This is just a blow. If they really fight on the surface of the continent, it will even blow up the entire continent!Every person in the fairyland is a supreme powerhouse who can catch the stars and catch the moon. When fighting in the universe, he can use the stars in the sky as weapons, and his power is unpredictable!

Generally speaking, the powerhouses in the Immortal Record Realm are the supreme backgrounds of the major religions, and they are used to suppress the backgrounds, and they will not make a move when they are idle, but now, in Qingxuguan's small trial of elite disciples, they are mixed Against the will of the strong in the Immortal Records, all this is really terrifying!

How terrifying is the strength of the Immortal Realm powerhouse? Li Haoxuan didn't know it before, but now he knows it clearly. It is a peerless weapon. If you really do it, all the mortal realms in the world are Dharma realms, monks without gaps Heaps of lives are invincible!

"Are you afraid?" The young master in Tsing Yi sneered and said, "I tell you, the real initiators of this operation are the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect, the Supreme Master of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, and our two sects. All the cutting-edge combat power, and even many old antiques, the elders of the Taishang will take action, and the weakest are the strong men who lack the peak! What Dade dynasty, what sky blue sand steel, all are pretense, our Tianyao sect The ambition is to dominate the world!"

"Crazy! You are simply crazy! Could it be that you Tianyao Sect and Tianmo Shengong want to provoke the third battle between immortals and demons?" Li Haoxuan's face turned slightly pale, and he said in disbelief.

He had seen in the "General Outline of the World" before that there were actually two catastrophes on the continent where he lived, that is, the first two battles between immortals and demons, and these were only recorded records!

Those two battles were between the Immortal Dao sect and the Demon Dao sect, and the Demon Dao sect. Each time, the entire continent was almost shattered. Countless strong men fell, and even the masters of the Immortal Record Realm also fell. The real earth was devastated. , Even the stars in the universe were shattered into countless pieces!

If it wasn't for the birth of a great god-king body at a critical moment, suppressing all turmoil with supreme power, I am afraid this continent would have ceased to exist long ago!

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