Holy furnace

Chapter 219

ps: On the night of the 24th, my mother accidentally fell from the fourth floor to the third floor, causing two comminuted fractures of the pelvis, and she is still hospitalized.I have been busy these days, please forgive me when the update is not strong.

Fairy and Demon War!Words that scare everyone!

There was a gap of 3 years between the two battles between immortals and demons, but each time the war between immortals and demons brought the world to purgatory. The devastation of human beings is not enough to describe the tragedy at that time. The earth collapsed, the stars fell, and countless souls returned to the sky. , the dynasties and kingdoms, big and small, were basically all abolished, and even several of the supreme religions at that time were wiped out, and the world pattern was truly cleaned up!

The last battle between immortals and demons took place more than 2 years ago, which is very far away from today. Although monks can live forever by fighting against the sky, they cannot live forever except for the legendary immortals. They can borrow 8000 years from the sky. The lifespan is already against the heavens, even if it was the great god-king body at that time, the supreme powerhouse who could suppress all the turmoil in the world with one hand, still can only die alone after 1 years.

Although 2 years have passed, thinking back to the original battle between immortals and demons, countless people of the older generation can still shed tears. They seem to feel the sadness and throbbing at that time. Dao has become sad, every time a strong immortal record falls, blood-colored rain will fall from the sky, and the heaven and the earth mourn together!

Li Haoxuan clenched his fists tightly, if he really wants to start a war between immortals and demons now, then those monks who are from the mortal realm and the precept realm of the law are all cannon fodder, and they will definitely die!In the war between immortals and demons, everyone below the level of the underworld is cannon fodder, while the monks under the level of underworld are the main force, and the strong immortal record is the key to the final balance of victory and defeat!

A strong immortal record is enough to sweep the endless army!

"Are you planning to launch the third battle between immortals and demons?" Li Haoxuan asked loudly, such a thing was too terrifying, beyond his expectation.

"I don't know." The young master in Tsing Yi smiled indifferently, he seemed to like seeing Li Haoxuan lose his composure, and continued after a pause, "Although you and I belong to different factions, you are the immortal way, I am the demon way, But there is one thing in common, that is, strength is the most respected, no strength, no matter how high the status is, I have no status! I am just a small mortal student, if it is not for the title of young master, I am afraid It’s impossible to even know these inside stories, let alone things like the third battle between immortals and demons!”

"How big is the Great War of Immortals and Demons? Even the elders who are short of crimes may not be qualified to know. Isn't it a waste of time for you to ask me? But don't worry, even if there is a war between Immortals and Demons, it will not be fought so quickly. , Which battle between immortals and demons in history didn’t start after decades or even hundreds of years of turmoil between you and me?”

"Then let me ask you again, where are the Supreme Headmasters and Supreme Elders of your Tianyao Sect and Tianmo Shengong? Since this plan was initiated by your Tianyao Sect and Tianmo Shengong, it is impossible for them to remain indifferent Still sit firmly in your own school? Besides, you haven't said what your plan is? Is there a strong person in the Deficiency Realm or even the Immortal Record Realm in the vast sea desert?" After hearing what the other party said, Li Haoxuan His heart calmed down a little, and after thinking about it, he realized that he was worrying too much, even if the sky fell, there would still be a tall man to hold it up!

What's more, it is still a peaceful and prosperous age, and each of the twelve sects of the immortal way is in full swing, with countless huge accumulations. Today, the Tianyao sect, which was famous all over the world in ancient times, has been suppressed by the twelve sects of the immortal way. To begin with, almost lingering!Li Haoxuan does not think that the battle between immortals and demons will break out in the near future, because he is very clear about the strength of Qingxu Temple, it is really powerful, and Qingxu Temple only ranks No. Standing on top of the concept of Qingxu, one can imagine how powerful the Immortal Dao sect is.

"The movements of our supreme teacher are beyond my knowledge. I have never even seen his real body. How can I know his whereabouts?" The young master in Tsing Yi said, "But if my estimation is correct, he should be with him now. The suzerain of the Heavenly Demon God Palace observes the general trend of the world in a secret place outside the territory, it is impossible for me to know exactly where, and I am afraid that no one except those elders can know."

"As for whether there are strong men in the desert of the vast sea who are lacking in the realm of crime and the realm of fairy records, I can tell you clearly that there is absolutely no! If there are strong men in the desert of lacking in the realm of crime, do you think I will come here? Then If a battle of this level breaks out, I will be shocked to death even if I hide thousands of miles away! As for the fairyland, it is even more impossible. A strong man of that level has a hand bigger than the vast sea and desert. How could it be possible? Hiding in this kind of place? A small Dade Dynasty will send out the strong Xianlu, do you think the strong Xianlu is Chinese cabbage?"

"In fact, the vast sea desert is just a very small battlefield compared to our grand plan of Tianyaomen. It is so small that even the destruction of the entire army will not affect any situation! The headquarters of our two sides in the vast sea It is located in the ancient mirage city, and there are a total of five experts in the law realm! Three from the Heavenly Demon Sect, and two from the Heavenly Demon Palace!"

"Oh? There are only five experts in the law realm?" Li Haoxuan said to himself. After hearing so much, the worries in his heart finally dissipated completely. He knew that he would not be in danger anymore, at least in this trial. He can retreat completely, he doesn't believe that his luck will be so bad that he will meet again with a magic weapon that contains the will of the weak and strong!With his current cultivation base, he can completely walk away when he encounters a strong man of the law, and the opponent may not be able to catch up.

"En? There are only five? What? It sounds like you don't take Fajie disciples seriously?" The young master in Tsing Yi sneered, "I think you probably haven't seen the supreme power of a strong Fajie, so I feel that if I have strong strength, I can compete against those in the Law realm! Hmph, I admit that your strength is qualified to compete with some perverted monsters, and you can compete for the throne of the first place in the Mortal realm, but, just like this, you also want to challenge the Law realm Existence is just courting death! Who do you think you are? A god-king body?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Li Haoxuan said coldly, "So what if I'm not a god-king body? I can still suppress you with one hand!"

"You..." The young master in Tsing Yi's face changed, and he was about to get angry, but he forcibly endured it, and said, "I can also tell you that our Tian Yao Sect cooperates with the Tian Demon God Palace this time, and each of us follows from our own They brought a large amount of supplies from the mountain gate, including a large number of spirit stones, spirit pills, magic weapons, and even magic weapons..."

"Okay, don't you just want to trick me into going to the ancient mirage city? Your eloquence is too poor." Li Haoxuan flicked his fingers, and said lightly, "It's just right, I really want to go to your mirage ancient city. You Give me the map."

"Hehe, how important is eloquence? Haven't you decided to go? I will naturally give you the map, I just hope you don't get caught by our five strong men, otherwise my humiliation today will make you ten times, no, a hundred times Come back." After speaking, the young master in Tsing Yi raised his hand and typed out a jade slip, on which was a road map to the ancient city of Mirage.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs." Li Haoxuan glanced at the jade slip in his hand, wrote down the route in it, poured mana into it, and turned it into powder with a bang, "I know you are on the jade slip." If you want to use this to find out my location, there is no need for it, if possible, we can see you in the ancient mirage city. Let's talk about it next, what is your plan?"

"I don't know the details. My strength is too low to be involved in these things, but I heard that it seems to be related to an extreme weapon!" Speaking of this, even the young master in Tsing Yi's face became serious. got up and said.

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