Holy furnace

Chapter 230 3 people

"Brother Qi, in front of you is the ancient mirage city, the home of the demon army. According to the memories of those demons before, there are five demons of the law ring sitting here." The three stopped outside the ancient mirage city, and one of them pointed Looking at the endless houses in the distance, he said to the young man in the middle.

"What about the law and precepts? What you cultivate is not the righteous way, but you will end up with a chicken and a dog." The young man standing in the middle said lightly, then frowned, and said to himself, "How can there be such a strong smell of blood. ...Could it be that someone is using human blood to practice some kind of magic here?"

"Be punished!" The third person also frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Then kill them all." The person who spoke first said in a flat tone, as if killing all the monsters inside is as simple as eating and drinking water. You can exchange for Xuanjing after you get the demon core. It happens that I am only a little bit short of Xuanjing before I can enter the reverse world. better than nothing."

"My Xuan Jing is still far behind, and it will take a long time to accumulate it to enter the reverse world! Senior Brother Tie, you have to give me this chance to kill the monsters in the precept realm." No.3 white-clothed man raised his head and said.

"Junior Brother Hu, do you still miss that ancient Iron God in your Wuji small world?" The man in white who spoke first froze for a moment, and said, "Even if you lose to him once, it's no big deal! Undefeated forever? How many true sons of heaven like senior brother Qi are there? Your obsession is too deep, don't demand too much of yourself, it will be harmful to your practice."

"I still can't let go." The person called Junior Brother Hu paused and said, "I have practiced hard for many years, and everyone knows that I am the strongest person in the Wuji Small World, but when that person entered the Wuji Small World, he immediately killed me." Defeat, I cannot bear such a shame!"

"That's okay, after all, you entered the Elite Pavilion. Being able to enter the Elite Pavilion is the most important thing. You use the best spirit stones, eat the best pills, and cultivate the best supernatural powers in our Elite Pavilion. With the best magical weapons, how can such a small world be treated like this?" The man standing in the middle called Brother Qi spoke up, waved his hand and said, "In life, if you win, you will lose. It is said that I have never been defeated, but I have also been defeated, although I did not break the seal at that time."

"What? Brother Qi, have you ever been defeated?" Both of them were extremely surprised and asked at the same time.

"That's right." Senior Brother Qi said lightly, as if he didn't care about this first defeat in his life, and said, "In the infinitely small world, I was in the Ninth Heaven of Consecration at that time, but I was forced by a monk who established the Ninth Heaven of Foundation... Almost broke the seal!"

"How is it possible! Who is he? Is he a god-king?" The person who spoke first was taken aback, and said, "Even if you have sealed part of your skills, Brother Qi, you won't be forced, right? Who is he?"

"I don't need to mention the name. I'm afraid he doesn't even have a corpse at this time." Senior Brother Qi sighed a little disappointed and said, "If I knew it, I shouldn't have killed him back then. Only now do I understand how invincible is." Lonely! If he can live until now, maybe it can make my life more enjoyable."

"Senior Brother Qi, you come from the infinitely small world, have you heard of the names of Gongsun Bubai, Yuan Hua and others?" The third person suddenly asked, "These people are all disciples of the Nine Palaces, but they have a very high prestige in the Nine Palaces." , It is said that they all have the ability to quickly advance to the realm of law."

"Not only have I heard of it, but I am very familiar with it." Senior Brother Qi smiled and said, "We even practiced together for a long time. Their aptitude is not bad. It is not surprising that they can cultivate to the realm of the law. It will be a matter of time, but unfortunately, they are still not qualified. Come to my side... Although the two of you have not yet entered the realm of law, but your physique is very special, I hope you can accompany me to go further."

"Let's go, we have to go collect Yuanci Xianguang after we kill this demon alliance." In the end, Senior Brother Qi took steps while speaking, and walked towards the ancient mirage city.

"Who is here!" The three of them were dressed in white, and they looked dazzling in the golden yellow sand. As soon as they appeared, several magic masters who controlled the entrance in the distance had already spotted their tracks and shouted loudly. road.

However, the three of them didn't seem to have heard a few words, and they still walked forward with ease, as if they didn't come here to kill the enemy, but to take a vacation.

"It's a person who is pure and clear, kill me!" Soon, the three people were less than fifty meters away from the entrance of the ancient mirage city, and their faces were enough for people to see clearly. Roar, at the same time throw the spear in your hand towards the three of them!

"Hoo!" The quaint spear pierced through the void, and there was a violent roar!This master of magic is a strong man at the peak of the Lingxu Realm, throwing such a long spear with all his strength is enough to nail an ordinary Lingxu master to death, and he doesn't even have time to react!

However, the three of them were still moving forward at a steady speed, without being affected in any way, and they couldn't even see the roaring spear in front of them!In an instant, the long spear arrived as promised and shot directly between Senior Brother Qi's eyebrows.

hum!Just when the spear was only an inch away from Senior Brother Qi's eyebrows, the spear suddenly trembled all over, and was fixed in the void. It moved with Senior Brother Qi's footsteps, and it was always an inch away from the center of his eyebrows!

A gust of wind blew, and with a splash, the black spear immediately turned into powder, fluttering in the wind, and scattered over the golden yellow sand.From the beginning to the end, the three white-clothed men never stopped, never made a move, and didn't even change their eyes once.

"Kill!" After throwing his long spear, the magician gave a loud warning, and led hundreds of troops to surround and kill the three people. These are vanguard elites, each of whom is a monster above foundation establishment, and all of a sudden, a group of demons danced wildly. , There is an army of monsters everywhere in the sky and on the ground. These monsters even know how to form an formation, and form a formation to surround them from all directions, so that they will die with one blow!

Intense fluctuations of mana are everywhere in the entire void, and new army of monsters are constantly added, trying to tear these three people into pieces!No one has ever dared to challenge the dignity of the strong man of the law, and no one has dared to appear in front of the ancient mirage city so openly!

"Ice!" At this moment, the No.3 young man in white, known as Junior Brother Hu, stepped forward, looked at the countless monsters in all directions, opened his mouth slightly, and spat out the word "ice"!

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