Holy furnace

Chapter 231

Facing the endless army of monsters in all directions, the third white-clothed man didn't use any supernatural powers, and didn't use the slightest mana. He just stepped forward and uttered a single word. The cold ice field beyond the Great Wall!


A syllable resounds through heaven and earth!

Boom!The entire void trembled for a moment, and then, pieces of white snowflakes fell from the sky and fell on the golden yellow sand, unexpectedly condensed and did not disperse, billowing cold air appeared from the void, filling all the space!

Click click!

The snowflakes turned into ice crystals, and the ice crystals condensed into ice cubes. The world changed clothes, and the scorching sun was still hanging in the starry sky, sprinkling endless light and heat. However, this small world became a kingdom of ice, and everything was covered by ice. Sealed!

In just one breath, the endless demon army is sealed in the ice, no one can shake it, and it has become a vivid ice sculpture!The monsters in these ice sculptures all bared their teeth and claws, armed with fierce soldiers, and some even flew in the air, stabbing spears!

But everything ended here, the whole world became a world of ice, even the void was frozen!Everything within a radius of one hundred feet is ice except for the three young men in white clothes. This is the ocean of ice, the kingdom of ice!


The next moment, another man in white stepped forward, looked at the Kingdom of Ice in front of him, and spit out the same word!

hum!Mysterious and mysterious fluctuations appeared, a ray of black flame was born on the ice, burning in the kingdom of ice!

This is a strange picture, a huge ice sculpture suddenly appeared in the hot and vast desert, and then, a ray of black flames burned on the ice sculpture, and it intensified, and the stars could start a prairie fire, and finally became a large area. The black divine fire almost blackened the world!

And this blackness is a kind of fire.

In the end, the black flames extinguished, the ice crystals melted, and the countless army of monsters within them all gasified at this moment, turning into dust that was hard to see with the naked eye. Monster cores fell from the void and flew into the two of them. Among the storage treasures.

When they finished everything, Senior Brother Qi in the middle had walked a full five feet away. They quickly followed and walked towards the interior of the ancient mirage city, their steps were flat and steady!

As they moved forward, icebergs and divine fires continued to appear, but no one could escape any monsters standing in front of them, and they were all turned into nothingness, leaving only demon cores and demon embryos!

"Bold! Whoever dares to break into the ancient mirage city is looking for death!" Just after the three of them walked into the mirage ancient city for several miles, there was a sudden loud noise in the sky!

Boom!Before the people arrived, the sound came first, and after the huge roar resounded through the sky, two figures appeared above the three white-clothed men. Both of these two men were rippling with incomparably magnificent mana fluctuations, and their auras were profoundly mysterious. With the aura of "Dharma", they are the two monster clan powerhouses in the Dharma Ring Realm.

"There are three more people!" Senior Brother Qi raised his head and asked the two Dharma ring experts in the sky.

"Who are you?" Seemingly feeling the aura of Senior Brother Qi, the faces of the two monster clan powerhouses also became dignified, and said.

"The people who killed you." Junior Brother Hu who was beside him stepped forward and raised his head.

"You are from the Elite Pavilion!" One of the powerful monster clansman saw the clothes worn by the three people, his face changed, and he asked in a deep voice.

"So what?" Junior Brother Hu raised his head, looked at the two strong men in the sky and said, "Anyway, you will all die today."

"Bastard! A mere mortal cultivator, what qualifications does he have to talk to me!" A powerful monster shouted angrily, and at the same time pointed out, a huge coercion descended, directly pointing at the eyebrows of Junior Brother Hu!

"Hum!" Junior Brother Hu moved slightly, and the small world in front of him suddenly condensed into ice crystals.A ray of mana was sealed in it, and finally it shattered with a click, and that ray of mana was completely wiped out!

"Huh?" The strong monster clan who made this attack before frowned, and said coldly, "No wonder you dare to be so domineering, you really have some skills!"

"I feel that other people don't seem to be in the ancient mirage city. There are only the aura of the two of you here." Finally, Senior Brother Qi stepped forward and said to the two people around him, "Leave it to you, one person solves one, and the other one is solved." I'll handle the offal."

"Hahahaha! I heard you right, right? You actually let two mortal-level monks deal with us? Well, if you want them to die, I will fulfill you! I will come to play with you after I tortured and killed the two of them." , let you know what Yelang is arrogant!" The two powerful men in the sky laughed, and shot at the same time, directly pressing down with one palm, and blasted towards the three white-clothed men!

Just two mortal cultivators, if they were ordinary people, they could crush each other thousands of times with just one finger!But this time.Although what they said was simple, they didn't take it lightly in their hearts, and even showed their true strength and prepared to make a move with all their strength!

And all this is because of the word "elite pavilion"!There are strong and weak disciples in the Elite Pavilion, but in a word, almost every one of them is a ruthless character who is almost invincible at the same level!And these two people are able to block their own finger lightly, and they are so trusted by the strong man of the law of the elite pavilion. There is no doubt that these two people have huge cards, and one of them will even capsize in the gutter if they are not careful!


The two pressed their palms at the same time and immediately made the entire void go berserk. After all, this is a master of the law ring, and the full firepower is enough to turn this small piece of desert over!

"Huh!" The two stepped forward at the same time, each clapped a palm, and the four palms intersected, causing a major earthquake in this desert!Countless monsters were sent flying from a distance, and the house collapsed layer by layer!

"Go to the distance to fight!" The two monster clan powerhouses seemed to be afraid, and moved towards the distance while fighting. Otherwise, even without the opponent's shot, the aftermath of their battle would be enough to wipe out the entire ancient mirage city. destroy!

Rumble!All kinds of supernatural powers exploded in the sky, and the two monster clan powerhouses began to explode with all their strength immediately after they were far away from the ancient mirage city. They were filled with monster aura. From time to time, big black hands swept across the sky, and the golden desert was blown up one after another Every ray of mana fluctuations can overturn the desert!

However, no matter how the two monster clan powerhouses attack, their supernatural powers are still unable to descend on Junior Brother Hu. Ice crystals and divine fire appear in front of the two of them from time to time, resisting all attacks It's hard to tell the winner in a short time!

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