Holy furnace

Chapter 232

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Throughout the ages, apart from the god-king body, the gap between Fanxue and Dharma is hard to ignore no matter what!No matter how talented and gifted you are, if you haven't stepped into the realm of Dharma Ring, you won't be able to compete with Dharma Ring for a day!

Some ancients once said that the road of practice is a road of transformation.The lives of ordinary people are like dust on the ground, while cultivators at the mortal level are like ants walking on the dust. Whether it is building a foundation, consecrating light, or Lingxu, they are all ants, but ants have different strengths and weaknesses. However, no matter how strong an ant is, it is still difficult to change his essence of being an ant!

The strong man in the Dharma Ring is a giant walking on the ground, pressing down with one finger is enough to kill any strong ant. This is the gap between Fanxue and Dharma Ring!

But now, the two supreme powerhouses of the monster race, the cultivators of the law-level realm, are unable to deal with the mere two small figures of the mortal realm. The two ants in the mortal realm seemed to have no means of attack, but they were able to achieve true invulnerability to all dharma, even the strong ones in the realm of dharma could not do anything to them!

"I don't believe that I can't do anything to you!" Finally, the two strong monsters completely lost their patience, and one of them directly used his immeasurable magical powers!

I saw him suddenly radiant, his aura began to rise steadily, until it reached a critical point, and then the aura of "Tao" permeated, and the monster aura on his body began to transform into a sacred aura. This is a qualitative change , It can be seen that he really used all his strength!

At the same time, a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered around him, and finally condensed into eight huge portals!Four of the eight gates are filled with the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind, while the other four gates are blank. This seems to be a magical power that has not been truly cultivated, and it is only half completed.

"Eight phases of reincarnation!" The monster master roared, and suddenly the eight portals descended at the same time, one after another revolved around the two of Hu Shidi, and the earth, water, fire, and wind in the four portals appeared at the same time at this moment, evolving into the five elements, It actually restrained the ice and fire of those two people, and finally with a bang, the eight gates united, sealing those two people inside!

"Water and fire!" When the eight layers of portals merged to seal the two people, a faint cold snort suddenly came from the portal, and then the entire portal suddenly expanded, and finally exploded with a bang, and then, a An ice dragon and a fire dragon appeared, intertwined with each other, rushing towards the two powerful monster clans with their teeth and claws open!

"Hmph!" At this moment, a big black hand appeared, grabbed the ice dragon's neck directly, and crushed it with a click!However, the ice dragon did not die, and quickly regrouped in the void, swiping its tail like a dragon, and swept towards the giant black hand!

The giant black hand was extremely powerful. He stretched out his hand and pinched the ice dragon in his hand again, smashing it into pieces!This black hand is condensed with the magic power of the Law Precept Realm, and its strength is far from being shaken by a cultivator of the Ordinary Realm!

These two disciples of the Elite Pavilion have not yet entered the Law Precept Realm. Although they are not afraid of the Law Precepts due to their own physique, the attack methods are too different. It is almost impossible to kill the Law Precepts with this method.

There was a loud bang!A whole mile of golden sand suddenly floated up, as if it was controlled by an invisible big hand, and then, the huge golden sand directly smashed towards Junior Brother Hu and the two of them, with the magic power of a strong man in the law ring attached to it. , Condensing it into a piece of golden divine iron, even the strong in the law and ring dare not resist, wanting to avoid the edge for the time being!

This is almost a kind of divine power, and whoever touches the huge divine iron with a radius of one mile will definitely die!

Just when this giant iron mountain was about to reach him, "Xuan Ming!" brilliant.

This ray of brilliance was shot out, and it directly turned the divine iron within a radius of one mile into nothingness, leaving no dross behind!However, they also paid a huge price for this, their faces paled almost instantly, obviously this supernatural power caused a great burden on them.


At this moment, the two of them finally took out their magic weapons, one of which was a half-broken ancient knife, and the other was a gourd that looked extremely dilapidated!

"Mie Shen!" Junior Brother Hu yelled loudly, and the broken knife in his hand let out a shocking long cry, and then, the broken knife struck out on its own, turning into a big dragon, and rushed towards one of the strong monsters. !

"Sword Killing!" Brother Tie sipped lightly at the gourd, and the broken gourd suddenly sang violently, rising to the sky, with the mouth of the gourd facing down, and spit out sword energy one after another, forming a Xuan Ao's sword formation moved towards another strong monster from the monster clan to suppress it!

"It's a broken magical weapon!" A strong monster from the monster race shouted. He had already felt the breath of "law" from these two magic weapons. incomplete!

"Eight Demon's Eight Styles!" The two of them simultaneously played the supreme technique of the Heavenly Demon Sect, almost turning themselves into real ancient Heavenly Demons!Legend has it that the sky demons in ancient times were comparable to the gods. Once they reached adulthood, they would have the power to destroy the world. The monks are not opponents at all. Even if they are at the same level, they will not escape the fate of being killed!

Rumble!Trembling in the void, the Heavenly Demon's Eight Forms are the ultimate skill, once played, the sky will collapse immediately, and even the great sun in the sky will lose its brilliance at this time!

The big dragon transformed by the broken knife gave out a shocking dragon chant. It seemed that it was really an ancient sky dragon. The sword array can be reorganized immediately after being shattered, and the two sides have fallen into a stalemate, and it is difficult for each other to do anything!

Just when those people from Qingxuguan Elite Pavilion were in an inextricable battle with the Yaozu law ring powerhouse, Li Haoxuan's cultivation has also reached the most critical moment!The mana in his dantian was fluctuating like a vast ocean, and it was constantly surging and impacting in his body!

There was a roaring sound coming from his body, as if those powerful magic powers were about to explode his body!At the same time, one of the five drops of blood essence in his dantian also began to loosen slightly at this time, and strands of essence blood gushed out of it and merged into his body, making his physical body even stronger. powerful!

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