Holy furnace

Chapter 234 Yin Yang God

Once Li Haoxuan made up his mind, he immediately shot with all his strength, without any extra words, he flew directly into the void, his body exuded a billowing monster aura, and used his supernatural power to hide his golden qi, blood and mana. The evolved huge palms have become pitch-black ink!

"There is still a monster master?" The white-clothed man called Senior Brother Qi frowned slightly, and looked in the direction where Li Haoxuan appeared, but his gaze was as indifferent as before, except for a trace of surprise. nothing else.

"Boom!" The huge black arm was hundreds of feet tall, covering the sky and the earth, covering the sky and the sun, and the huge mana fluctuations circulated on it, and wisps of black light floated in it!This huge palm is filled with a frightening smell, the pressed void is almost collapsing, and the endless yellow sand begins to rush, as if it has become a raging river!

At this moment, Li Haoxuan's power to consecrate the Nine Heavens broke out completely, and with the mana power comparable to the ring of law, several people who were fighting in the distance stopped for a short time and looked over here!This is a terrifying power. It is not like the means that a strong man who has just entered the realm of the law can display. The huge palm of a hundred feet is almost condensed into substance. This is a qualitative change. Can't do it!

Li Haoxuan focused on two things, while slapping the giant hand, he urged the supernatural power of changing the world and the sky demon art, so that he was surrounded by evil spirit, and his face was hidden. Ordinary Tianyan couldn't see him through this layer of evil spirit. true face!Although he has now displayed the supernatural power of changing the world, he is still afraid of being recognized by others, otherwise he is very likely to be classified as a monster, and the consequences of this are very serious!

Around Li Haoxuan, the demonic energy filled the sky, enveloping him in it, forming a strange picture!He walked forward in the void, stepping forward on the ground step by step. Every time he took a step, the sky and the earth would shake. This was a terrifying and mysterious rhythm, which ordinary monks could not bear at all. All the monsters in Lingxu Realm were retreating in horror, some even coughed up blood on the way back, and were crushed by Li Haoxuan's mysterious fluctuations.

When fighting the so-called young master before, Li Haoxuan used this method of blending his fist and supernatural power with his aura. Now his realm has risen two small steps again, and his strength has become even more unfathomable!

At this time, Li Haoxuan was like a supreme holy spirit, with a huge demonic aura that shot straight into the sky, and his big black hands slapped forward, covering the sky and the earth.

Qi Ming's complexion was impassive, and he was not at all moved in the face of such a huge palm like a hill!Although he usually doesn't talk much, and doesn't show his mountains or dews, his strength is extremely powerful, and he can be considered outstanding even in the elite pavilion.Dressed in white clothes, he took a step slowly like Ling Bo's banished immortal, seemingly extremely slow, but his speed surpassed the limit in an instant, becoming the carrier of Tao at this time.

With just a slight movement of his body, it immediately turned into a blue light, with Dao patterns appearing around him from time to time, passing by the big black hand at the very moment, Li Haoxuan's palm with all his strength didn't hurt him at all.


Li Haoxuan sneered, using his mana to condense swords, spears, knives, halberds and other weapons, all headed towards Qiming. Every weapon contained Li Haoxuan's invincible mana, which was enough to destroy everyone! !

"Qiang" At this moment, an ancient shield suddenly appeared in front of Qi Ming, blocking all of Li Haoxuan's attacks!

"Explode!" With a thought in Li Haoxuan's mind, those divine soldiers exploded immediately, endless magic power erupted, and the rumble resounded through the sky!In the end, dozens of magic weapons disappeared, and the ancient shield of the same name also disintegrated at this moment. It turned out to be an ancient shield condensed by its own mana, and it was not a real entity!

"Huh? It's not the Law Ring? It's interesting. A monster in the mortal realm can have such strength. I want your demon core." Qi Ming felt Li Haoxuan's mana and immediately knew that this was not a law ring. Those who are strong in the realm, because there is no aura of "law" in it, this is something that Li Haoxuan can't imitate at all, no matter how strong the magic power is, as long as he has not entered the realm of law and has not been recognized by the way of heaven, there will be no magic power. Pure "Dharma" exists.

"Humph!" Li Haoxuan still didn't speak, just let out a cold shout, and at the same time, he moved his hands to hit a yin fish and a yang fish respectively, these two yin and yang fish were combined together and immediately evolved into a complete yin and yang array!

Boom!Like a volcano erupting, the yin and yang array rotated in the sky, rumbling, exuding supreme power to suppress Qi Ming, and the endless rotation of yin and yang energy was enough to cut through the sky and the earth.

This is a magical power of the Great Golden Pill, the seed of the demon cracking sky magical power, called the Yin-Yang Diagram!It can evolve the yin and yang into the supreme divine map, which is a supernatural power!


The powerful yin and yang god seals the sky and locks the earth, hovers over Qiming, and suppresses it in one of them, and then the Yangtu and Yintu are crushed down at the same time, crushing Qiming.

"Ding!" Suddenly there was a light sound, a small starlight flew out from between Qi Ming's eyebrows, and hit the Yin-Yang diagram with a ding sound, resisting this mighty force that was about to suppress everything, at the same time, Qi Ming Stretch out your right hand, lift your five fingers to the sky, and press it towards the Yin-Yang figure!

"Boom!" All hands turned to the sky, Dao lines appeared on the palms of their palms, and mysterious power circulated around them, blocking the Yin-Yang Divine Diagram!The endless Yin-Yang air flow circulated and rolled down, but it still couldn't break the eponymous hand. The Yin-Yang Divine Diagram rotated, and the crushing force became stronger and stronger, and even made a rumbling sound of disappearing, but in the end there was nothing he could do about it. White and strong palms!

The lower part of the Yin-Yang God Map seems to be a small world of its own, and Qi Ming is suppressed in it. Although he can't obliterate the other party, he is trapped in place!Li Haoxuan's hair fluttered wildly, and he was still walking forward in the void, like a demon god. Then, he shot again, and his big jet-black hand evolved into a mysterious sky tablet and took a picture of the Yin-Yang God.

This is Li Haoxuan's own technique created by imitating Qing Shi, although it has not yet got its essence, but it has a similarity, which can be used to deceive people's eyes and ears!The black mysterious celestial monument fell down, the void collapsed, and the extremely heavy pressure was added to the Yin-Yang Divine Diagram, causing Qi Ming's right hand to pause slightly, and several strands of dao patterns were wiped out!

Suddenly, Qi Ming's body suddenly began to glow at this moment, it was a silvery-white light, gorgeous and dazzling, like a sun releasing light!The light on his body even dispelled the yin and yang energy on the Yin-Yang God Map, bringing the entire desert into the range of his light. This light is so dazzling that it is enough to blind an ordinary monk!Many monsters in the distance looked up, looking for the light source, and suddenly found that their vision began to blur, and then they were completely blind!

With the same name, he once again blocked the diagram of the Yin-Yang God. However, at this time, Li Haoxuan had already reached the top of the diagram of the Yin-Yang God, and directly raised his hand and punched it down!

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