Holy furnace

Chapter 235 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well


Li Haoxuan is physically invincible. With his current physical body, he can really fight against the strong man of the law ring. This is a blow with his real body. The punch made the Yin-Yang figure tremble, and a large amount of Yin-Yang energy overflowed, rumbling Spinning, the supreme mighty force emerged, and actually pressed down the arm of the same name and sank slightly!

Now that Li Haoxuan's real body has arrived, the same name cannot be avoided, and he finally stretches out his second hand!His body bloomed with immeasurable light, covering his body with divine light, stretched out his second hand, and pressed it, the Yin-Yang Divine Diagram suddenly burst, and his palm firmly touched Li Haoxuan's fist!

"Boom!" The sky-shattering loud noise was shocking, enough to push three thousand miles horizontally!

Li Haoxuan clapped his big black hands repeatedly, the power was terrifying, each blow could make the void vibrate, layer upon layer of ripples centered on Li Haoxuan's fist, rippling out, causing the very distant void to be affected, and the sound of explosions could be heard endlessly, Never heard of it!

This kind of power made many powerful monsters in the distance terrified, and many strong people even watched the battle with supernatural powers such as Celestial Eyes. They were affected, and blood and tears were left in their eyes. This is the injury of the great way!

The four people who fought in the distance were all palpitating. This kind of power is really too rare. Even monks in the ordinary law realm cannot bear it.

"Hahahaha, our Yaozu has produced a supreme powerhouse again, the three of you will never come back!" In the distance, Yaobatian said with a big laugh watching Li Haoxuan and the equally famous Dazhan.

"Hmph! If that kid dares to fight our Senior Brother Qi, he is already a dead man! You are all monsters, and you have no reason to live alone if he dies. I will send you on your way!" The wind and snow hit Yaobatian, and in an instant, all the snowflakes became deadly weapons, cutting them one by one, killing him to death!

"when" "when..."

There was a thundering sound, and Li Haoxuan's palms slapped continuously, sometimes as punches, sometimes as palms, and sometimes as seals, each blow was stronger than the last, like a stormy sea, endlessly!

However, Qi Ming's power was beyond his imagination, and he received dozens of punches hard, but he didn't get hurt at all except his complexion was a little pale. This is a rare enemy, and he is the most powerful man in the law ring that Li Haoxuan has seen so far. Even stronger than Yao Likong!

Because many of the seals were played with Yao Likong's supernatural power, but the opponent took them all at the same time, and did not suffer any damage!Li Haoxuan couldn't help thinking of some past events in those years. At that time, no one in the [-] mountains could resist his physical body. Only the same name in front of him can stand up to him in terms of physical body!

Now more than seven years have passed, Li Haoxuan has continuously obtained adventures and improved his physical body so that he has today's invincible body. He originally thought that he had already surpassed the same name in terms of physical body. As long as he found his whereabouts, he could kill him at any time , but now they meet again with the same result, which makes him feel a little unbelievable, as if he has returned to the original starting point again!

Li Haoxuan couldn't figure it out, so he didn't bother to think about it. Now he only has one belief, and that is war!Even if the same name is the God King Body, he still has to fight against it, even if he can't kill him, he has to fight first!

As Li Haoxuan's strength has risen, the fighting spirit in his heart has already reached the point where he can't vent, now there is such a person who can make him fight unscrupulously, even if there is no reason for him to fight until he goes crazy!


Qiming is like a dazzling star, the light on his body becomes more and more intense, shrouded in white light, the aura on his body begins to rise and rise, as if a behemoth is awakening, more like a divine mansion is waking up, he His body was filled with a terrifying aura.

"What! Senior Brother Qi actually unlocked the seal of the first layer!" The two Elite Pavilion disciples who were fighting in the distance exclaimed at the same time. It seemed that it was hard to believe that the big battle had just begun. The first seal!

Others don't know what it means to break the first seal with the same name, but they know very well that this means that this opponent is very strong, and he is a real strong man in the ring!Although the two brothers and sisters have unique physiques, and possess "ice" and "fire" divine arts, they can even fight with the power of the law ring with their full strength, but even if the two of them work together, they still can't make senior brother Qi unravel the first step. One layer of seal, one can imagine that Senior Brother Qi's current opponent is really not easy, at least he has the qualifications for him to face it squarely!

"It's astonishing to have such fighting power without entering the Dharma ring! How great would it be if you were in my Qingxu Temple? It's a pity!" Qi Ming really seemed to be in harmony at this time, and said to Li Haoxuan flatly.

While speaking, monstrous mana surged out like a vast ocean, submerging towards Li Haoxuan. "It's enough to be proud of being able to fight against the strong of our monster race against the flesh without being weak. You brother Qi is already proud. Do you still expect him to win? It's a dream! You Batian, that little guy hasn't really entered the realm of the law yet , let's use all our strength to deal with these two boys first and then go help!" Another Yaozu strongman shouted at Yaobatian, and at the same time, he turned around and directly displayed the top supernatural power of Tianyao Sect, Tian Yaojue !

Facing the powerful mana that was as vast as the sea, Li Haoxuan retreated decisively, and did not split life and death with the opponent immediately, because that was not his purpose!Li Haoxuan was fixed in the void, his brows were slightly frowned, Qi Ming's strength was beyond his expectation, he could not be suppressed even in close combat, he was really his peerless enemy.

"You're fine! You're really fine! Although you haven't entered the real Dharma Precept Realm, you've already been able to kill some weak Bigu Realm monks!" Qi Ming said to Li Haoxuan in a calm tone, " It's a pity that you are a monster, it's a pity that you met me, today is destined to be the day of your downfall!"

"Could it be that you are the self-righteous person who sees everything in Qingxu? Frogs are stuck in a well, so they think that the sky is the mouth of the well! You live in Qingxu, do you also think that the sky is your Qingxu?" Li Haoxuan changed the sky and changed the earth. Changed the position of the throat, making the voice extremely rough, and said to Qi Ming.

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