Holy furnace

Chapter 236 Nine Tribulations of the Immortal Phoenix Path

"You mean that I'm a frog in a well?" Qi Ming asked Li Haoxuan with a slight frown.

"You have to ask yourself that." Li Haoxuan replied.

"What I see is the sky, and where I am is the sky. Don't tell me that there are people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky. In my eyes, people outside the people are not people, and the sky outside the sky is not the sky. Everything is crooked. , I will suppress it with one hand!" Qi Ming put his hands behind his back and said to Li Haoxuan with a proud face, an extremely confident aura emerged from his body and rushed into the sky, so much so that at this moment he let the sky The scorching sun has dimmed.

"There is a thing in the world called a hamster! It has extremely poor eyesight. If you see a ditch, you think it's a river. If you see a river, you call it an ocean. If you see an ocean, you shout, what I see is the sky!" Li Haoxuan sneered, and retorted.

"Hehe, it's interesting, it's really interesting." There was an inexplicable look in Qi Ming's eyes, and he said proudly, "If that's the case, then let me see what the so-called outsider, Tianwaitian is like today." Shit. See if I can suppress it with one hand!"

"You think too much of yourself. I know you still have some strength hidden, but that's useless. No matter what cards you have, it's impossible to suppress me with one hand. I'll let you know what Fengda is. You flashed your tongue!" Li Haoxuan said to Qi Ming very calmly.

"What if I could suppress you with one hand?" Qi Ming asked Li Haoxuan with a playful expression.

"Do you want me to swear a blood oath that once you suppress me with one hand, I will be your master?" Li Haoxuan sneered, and said directly, the disdain on his face grew stronger.

"I think this can achieve the best of both worlds. You can save your life, and I can also find a loyal subordinate. Don't worry, following me will never insult your reputation. In time, I will let your name be sung in the stars." Qi Mingping There was a hint of arrogance in it, as if the prophecy had come true at this time.

"Don't say that we are in a martial arts competition, I'm here to kill you." Li Haoxuan smiled faintly, stopped talking, and shot directly!

"Buzz!" Li Haoxuan swung his black fists again, piercing through the sky, and directly blasted at Qi Ming who was not far away in front of him. This was a life-and-death fight, and anyone could feel the bone-piercing killing intent contained in Li Haoxuan's fists.

"I'll let you understand what is called the real sky!" Qi Ming stepped back lightly and said.

After dodging Li Haoxuan's magical fist, Qiming stood still, beams of light shot out from his hands, and hit Li Haoxuan's black fist. Each beam of light emitted powerful fluctuations of mana, which seemed not to be condensed by mana. It is not made, but a certain kind of real magic weapon! "Dang!" A ray of blue divine light crossed the sky, collided with Li Haoxuan's fist, and made a loud noise!

With just one blow, all the monsters watching the battle from afar changed their faces. They didn't expect that it was just a ray of divine light, which was even fiercer than the most powerful sword energy!The blue divine light was shaken away by Li Haoxuan's punch, and struck in the direction of the ancient mirage city. With a sneer, it split dozens of monks in the enlightened state and Lingxu state into two halves, and at the same time wiped out a large area of ​​the formation. go away!

This kind of method changed everyone's color. This is only one hand, which can kill people like weeds. It's hard to imagine how powerful he will be with both hands!

Until this time, everyone also realized how powerful Li Haoxuan's physical body was, and he opened and closed among several divine lights, continuously flying them out. None of the divine lights could stop him half a step, and he continued to let out clangs. Clanking sound!

"Boom!" The energy in Li Haoxuan's body continued to boil, and his own golden light was transformed into billowing monster energy through the supernatural power of changing the world.All the strands turned into nothingness, unable to hurt him a single bit.

"I'm really surprised. The Chain of Five Elements can sweep away the characters in the early stage of Bigu, but it can't do anything about you. Your physique is very special. Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Sect has finally produced a Heavenly Demon body? It's impossible, if you It's impossible for the demon body to let you be born so early." Qi Ming's voice was soft, as if reminiscing with an old friend, but his right hand that kept waving suddenly changed, the original five-rooted divine light suddenly disappeared at this moment, and Then appeared nine divine phoenixes surrounded by flames!

The Divine Phoenix is ​​the fairy phoenix, which does not exist in the world like a real dragon. It is rumored that it is at the same level as a fairy and lives in the fairyland above the nine heavens!However, in ancient times, there were stone inscriptions of phoenixes handed down and deduced by others, so that many supernatural powers could evolve into the body of phoenixes. Although this kind of supernatural powers cannot have the power of phoenixes, it can make the supernatural powers more concise and powerful. Can be even worse!

At this moment, the five gods disappeared, but nine phoenixes appeared, and the sound of the phoenix's cry pierced through the endless desert and the sky.

Nine phoenixes spread their wings across the sky, and their graceful figures contained an extremely terrifying aura. They really looked like creatures from the fairyland descended into the human world.

"Nine Tribulations of the Immortal Phoenix Dao! Unexpectedly, Qi Ming has even learned this supernatural power. Does the Elite Pavilion really have such resources? No wonder the Elite Pavilion is independent of the Nine Palaces!" Li Haoxuan frowned, and he recognized Qi Ming's display at this time This is the supernatural power of Qingxuguan, which has been handed down for a long time. It is said that Qingxuguan, a peerless powerhouse in the fairyland, observed the immortal phoenix stone carving the night before his transformation. Enter the Immortal Realm to gain eternal life!

The ending is naturally sad, no one in the world can live forever, even those amazing emperors have disappeared in the long river of time, let alone a monk in the fairyland?Although there are many rumors of people entering the fairyland in history, none of them can withstand scrutiny and certainty. The existence of immortals is still illusory, just like driftwood in the water. When you are drowning in the water, you may think that it is enough to rescue you. The hope of life, but the people on the shore knew very well that even if you hugged the driftwood tightly, your ending would still not change in any way.

Although the Nine Tribulations Immortal Phoenix Dao cannot break through the Immortal Realm, but after all, it is a masterpiece deduced by a powerhouse in the Immortal Record Realm with all his energy, and possesses the supreme power to kill everything. He transformed into a dao in the starry sky, but at the moment before he transformed into a dao, he used this supernatural power to shatter a small piece of stars in the star field. Some small stars were directly turned into dust and became dust in the cold universe!

Of course, the equally famous Nine Tribulations Immortal Phoenix Dao could not have that kind of power, but with his current strength, he was able to make the power of this supernatural power begin to show.

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