Holy furnace

Chapter 249 The Boundless Sea of ​​Blood

The golden god city towers above the golden yellow sand, looking like the palace of the gods, extremely brilliant, and even filled with divine brilliance, extremely holy, of course, if there are no strands of seemingly messy black lines on its body.

The Golden Divine City is called the Guardian City, and it is a magic weapon in Sun Moon Academy, the main defense!

Sun Moon Academy, the Twelve Gates of the Eastern Desolation Immortal Dao ranked seventh, second only to Qingxu Temple.

"You mean this guardian city?" The eyes of the person who spoke before suddenly brightened, and after a little thought, he said, "The guardian city is a magic weapon that has been passed down for a long time by Sun Moon College. Chu Tiange of Sun Moon College back then I once used the two magical weapons of the sword of the kingly way and the city of protection to win the title of invincible under the lack of crime, and this magic weapon may not be so easy to surrender."

"Old ten, although the magic weapon is domineering, it depends on whose hands it is in." Old eight had already thought it over, and said after hearing the words, "If we were among the Chutian singers, we would naturally turn around and leave, and we would not even think about killing people if we didn't have time to escape. Treasure hunting? But at this moment, the guardian city is in the hands of these little dolls, so we deserve it. These little dolls don't have a single magic ring, and they are all in the Void Realm, what threat can they pose to us?"

"However, many magic tools will leave the imprint of the primordial spirit of the strong. With the power of the Sun Moon Academy, how can they let a few little guys come to the desert like this without worry? I am worried that the guardian city is not that simple." The man called Old Ten said hesitantly.

"It's just a wisp of Yuanshen branding, how can we do anything to us?" Lao Ba said disdainfully, "Even Chu Tiange can't kill us with the branding! Besides, although these little dolls have good strength, they are not as good as Qing Those perverts in Xuguan Elite Pavilion can’t be compared, how high the status can be, we immediately return to the ancient mirage city after obtaining the guardian city, and then snatch the material and return to the Tianmo Temple, even if Chu Tiange is strong, how dare he enter the sky? Demon Palace?"

"Chu Tiange's daring doesn't mean that Sun Moon Academy doesn't dare." Old Ten was still a little hesitant, and said, "At this time, the Palace Master and the Tianyao Sect Master are outside the territory, and if this ruins the Palace Master's affairs, we may not be able to afford it. "

"Hmph! Why are you going back as you live?" Lao Ba said in a deep voice, "There are two ways of immortals and demons, and one hair can affect the whole body. Do you really think that Sun Moon Academy has the guts to start a war with the Heavenly Demon Palace? Sun Moon Academy is not the only one." Possessing a Taoist artifact, not to mention, this is an extraordinary period, and the birth of the Extreme Dao Divine Soldier will not be hidden for long. At that time, those big figures will fight for life and death. Do you think that a mere magical artifact can provoke a war between immortals and demons? In front of soldiers, Taoist artifacts are all scum, but magical artifacts are nothing?"

"Okay!" In the end, Lao Shi nodded heavily, looked at the golden city below with cold eyes and said, "Old Ba, you are right, the magic weapon is now our opportunity, so what if it has the brand of Yuanshen, even if others know So what? Our Heavenly Demon Palace is the number one demon in the world, who dares to disobey it? Natural selection, these little dolls came here because God wanted them to die!"

"Very good!" Lao Ba said slowly, "The city of guardianship is a thing of the sun. I heard that the material of this whole city of gods was collected by the sun and the moon when the head teacher of the Sun Moon Academy personally entered the universe. It is made from the fusion of ores from the past, Yin and Yang complement each other, making it indestructible, and the only way to break this divine city is to use top-quality attacking auras or Taoist weapons!"

"If we had done it before, we really had no choice but to slowly grind the people inside to death as we do now, and then we can collect the Guardian City! But today, there is no need to be so troublesome. The blood of all beings is the most powerful corrosive substance. Nothing can resist it except Dao artifacts, even the Guardian City!"

While speaking, Lao Ba flipped his right hand and took out a jade white vial.

"If the palace lord hadn't personally set up the restriction, this jade bottle would not be able to carry the endless evil spirit and killing intent contained in the blood of all living beings." Lao Shi looked at the jade bottle in Lao Ba's hand and sighed.

"That's natural! This jade bottle was made by the palace lord himself, and the palace lord forcibly stamped the true meaning of "Tao". Who can do anything below us?" Old Ba snorted, and at the same time slowly opened the jade bottle.

Boom!The moment the jade bottle was opened, a rush of blood rushed to the sky, as if the heavens had sensed it, and even large swaths of dark clouds began to wander in the sky, as if they were going to fall into the night!

Woo woo woo woo, there was an inexplicable woo woo sound in the exquisite jade bottle, as if thousands of ghosts were howling in it, and what was in full bloom in the jade bottle was as vast as the sea. Fresh blood, these bloods are all blood collected from killing everywhere in the Heavenly Demon Palace!

The Heavenly Demon Shrine has magic secrets, but it can extract all the blood from the human body alive, not a single drop is left!Moreover, the blood must be collected from living people, even if they are seriously injured, but they cannot die!Because once you die, the evil spirit and killing intent contained in the blood will disappear, and the blood will lose its value!

What they want is this kind of fresh blood full of evil spirit and killing intent. They hope that all the resentment will be integrated into the blood at the moment before the person is killed. Only in this way can the best effect be achieved!

Although the jade bottle is small, the mustard seed Nasumi inside it has an extremely large real space, otherwise it would not be possible to become a false artifact!The space inside is the size of a sea area, and at this moment, boundless blood is surging in it, and the sound of clattering echoes with the sound of howling ghosts and wolves everywhere!

Lao Ba and Lao Shi looked at each other, and shot at the same time, took a small piece of blood water out of the jade bottle and hit the sky, letting it dissipate in the sky and merge into the dark clouds high in the sky!After doing all this, the faces of the eighth and tenth children instantly became extremely pale. Although they are strong in the law, they still couldn't bear the boundless resentment in the sea of ​​blood. In just an instant, their souls were already injured , encountered a backlash!

They originally wanted to pour the blood directly on the guardian deity, but only after they really came into contact with this sea of ​​blood did they know that if they really poured this blood on the guardian deity city, the guardian deity would be destroyed in an instant. All formations, but Shencheng itself will die under this sea of ​​blood, turning into a pile of broken copper and rotten iron!This is not their original intention, they want to subdue the patron saint, not destroy it!

The sky became more and more gloomy, and the black clouds turned blood red, as if it had become a purgatory on earth!The scorching desert sea unexpectedly began to fall red light snow at this moment. The light snow was filled with a strong smell of blood, falling piece by piece on the golden yellow sand and the golden city of God!

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