Holy furnace

Chapter 250 Sun Moon Academy

ps: A new feature of the novel is launched today, called monthly pass.Everyone is welcome to subscribe to the Holy Stove and vote for the Sacred Stove at the same time. The monthly pass and the gold medal are very important to Brother Biao. I sincerely hope that everyone will vote and thank you for rolling on your knees.

When red snowflakes fell from the sky, the whole world seemed to be in a huge catastrophe!Those snowflakes floated in the air, as if they had turned into ghosts one by one, baring their fangs and claws, screaming continuously, and even a hallucinatory scene appeared in the void, distorted faces appeared one by one, opened their mouths wide, and cursed silently, everything was as it should be. Appeared like hell.

At this time, the golden city of God that had been stained by a few red snowflakes suddenly flashed divine light, and instantly melted the few snowflakes. Above the Golden God City.

"Senior Brother Liu, what should we do? It's been more than half a month. If no one comes to rescue us, we are really in danger!" In the Golden God City, nine young men and women were sitting cross-legged. Uniform clothing, a day is embroidered on the Taoist robes of the male monks, and a bright moon is embroidered on the Taoist robes of the female monks.

The one who spoke was a petite and lovely girl. Her strands of black hair slipped from the left side and hung on his shoulders. She sat cross-legged on the ground and said to the man in front.

"I have sent out a signal for help, and I believe disciples of Qingxu Temple will come to rescue them soon." The cultivator known as Senior Brother Liu turned his back to the crowd, formed seals with his hands, and streams of mana emerged from him Passed, passed to the city of protection.

"Senior Brother Liu, those two monsters of the demonic path are both strong in the Law Ring realm. The disciples who are ordinary in the Qingxu Temple can only die if they come here. Less." Another disciple said, with a look of worry in his brow.

"The Guardian City was Brother Chu's natal magic weapon back then. It is powerful without a doubt! Even the strong of the law ring can't do anything to us. If we can last for half a month, we will naturally be able to last for another half month." Another person said resolutely.

The guardian city is very empty, except for a space, there is nothing there. After all, this is a magic weapon rather than a Taoist weapon, and it cannot evolve time and space. Everyone has been sitting on the ground for half a month, but at this time there is still no hope of escaping here. .

"Hey, I didn't expect that our majestic Sun Moon Academy would have a bad start, and we would be blocked by someone just after entering the vast sea desert! I don't know if we should say that our luck is too bad, and we have to meet two people who are strong in the law ring. Or, how do you fight this?"

"Junior Sister Xia, take out the Baiyang Pill and serve it to everyone." At this time, Senior Brother Liu who was sitting at the front suddenly said.

"Yes!" One of the slender girls stood up and said, "Senior Brother Liu, there are not many Baiyang pills left. I thought this time was just an ordinary experience. I didn't even bring much Baiyang pills. Now I'm afraid it's only enough for us to take half a pill." It’s too late! Moreover, those two demonic monsters used their supernatural powers, and the vitality within a radius of ten miles was drained, and the magic power in our bodies can’t last long.”

"Wait." Senior Brother Liu was silent, and then slowly said, "Now there is no other way but to wait! Although the vast sea desert is huge, it doesn't take long for a real practitioner to cross the vast sea desert! Guardian city Although it is a defensive magic weapon, Senior Brother Chu cast a magic spell on it and engraved a help-seeking talisman on it before departure, now that I keep urging the Guardian City, the help-seeking talisman will continue to activate, I believe someone will be able to find us!"

"Can you break through?" A cool voice sounded, but it was a girl sitting behind Senior Brother Liu who spoke, her red lips parted slightly, and she said slowly, "The moment I put away the patron saint, I cast Sea Rising Moon, If you use Rising Sun to Shine Nine Heavens, the combination of the two visions may be able to stop those two demons in an instant."

"It's useless." Brother Liu shook his head, "They are demon cultivators who can burn their own blood to break through the limit! Moreover, they are not monks who have just entered the realm of the law. If they are monks who have just entered the realm of the law, then we His supernatural powers can indeed drag them here, and it may not be impossible to even kill them, but it can't work now. I knew from the previous fights that their realm is above the five heavens of bigu, and the sea rises brightly and the sun shines. Nine days can only hold them for five breaths at most."

"Where's the Soul Locking Formation?" The girl asked again after thinking about it.

"No, the junior sister's realm is not enough, the two masters of the magic way are not refined to death, the younger junior sister will die first."

"What about the sun and moon array?"

"It can be used, but there is no possibility of success." Brother Liu shook his head again and said, "There is no spiritual energy in the world within ten miles, so it is impossible to succeed."

"I can only wait to die?"

"Wait for help." Senior Brother Liu said calmly, then took the Baiyang Pill handed over by Junior Sister Xia, and swallowed it directly.


At this moment, the entire Guardian City suddenly trembled violently, as if it was facing a strong attack. Even the nine of them could hardly maintain their balance and began to stagger!

"What's going on?" Everyone was shocked, and they all raised their heads to look at the sky above the city of God!The guardian city is extremely mysterious, the outside world cannot see the situation inside, but the inside can clearly see everything outside.It wasn't until this time that they realized that they didn't know when, red snowflakes were falling from the sky.

"What's going on? Why do I smell such a strong smell of blood?" The girl known as Junior Sister Xia frowned, with a look of vigilance and anxiety on her face.

"Evil demons are crooked!" Brother Liu's realm is the highest here. He understood what happened almost instantly, and his face became very gloomy. Suffering from God's punishment?"

"God's punishment is for the future, I only pay attention to the present!" The pale old eight said gloomily, "If you don't want the Guardian City to be completely abolished, then you'd better destroy the city of God now. Spare your lives!"

"Damn you." Looking at the phantoms of people's faces distorted to the extreme in the void, Senior Brother Liu's face was so cold that water dripped out, and then he turned around and said to the woman behind him, "Yiyi, you are here to control and protect City!" After finishing speaking, Senior Brother Liu's handprint side, directly soared into the sky, broke away from the guarding range of the Guardian City, and appeared in front of the two demon powerhouses!

"The fish is here!" Lao Ba and Lao Shi looked at each other and said with a smile.

"Boom!" Brother Liu's expression was extremely resolute, and he shot directly without saying a word. One day, the sun rose from behind, shining bright red like the newborn sun, and then the next day, he jumped directly into the void, Rush towards the dark clouds in the sky!

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