Holy furnace

Chapter 254 Luck, merit

The old eighth shot with anger, unleashing his strongest blow, the terrifying coercion of magic permeated the whole world, his invincible fist smashed through all obstacles, and slammed down heavily on the nine masters of the Sun Moon Academy!

At this time, a young man in a blue Taoist robe suddenly appeared on the scene, and he punched out such an earth-shattering punch in front of him, and the majestic mana suddenly surged out from his body, like a vast ocean, like The vast desert, endless, endless mana!

"Boom..." The world seemed to be boiling!The collision of two supreme forces is enough to crush everything in the world!The desert under their bodies was immediately blown up, and a huge pit with a radius of several miles appeared!The endless yellow sand in it all turned into nothingness in this blow and became air!

The old eight's eyes suddenly narrowed. He didn't recognize the person in front of him, but he was able to rush into the arena and block his own punch under such circumstances. There is no doubt that this is an extremely tyrannical opponent, at least not Weaker than him, but he is not afraid, because he has the advantage, because there are two of them!

Senior Brother Liu and the others stared fixedly at the back that suddenly appeared in front of them, like a god descending from the earth, like an ancient immortal coming to the dust!The back figure in front of them has an invincible posture, entering into the opponent's fist forcefully, smashing the opponent's fist intent with one punch, and at the same time still having the kung fu to hit a powerful hand!

At this time, under the nine of them was a big hand of vitality shining with golden light, holding them in it!

"At Sun Moon College, Liu Bai, may I ask which senior brother from Qingxuguan came to rescue him?" Senior brother Liu struggled to get up from the big hand of vitality, bowed slightly to Li Haoxuan's back, and asked after maintaining enough humility .

"Li Haoxuan!" An indifferent voice came from the invincible back, and then a jade bottle was thrown from the opponent's hand and fell into their hands: "There are Baiyang pill and Chunyang pill in the bottle, and Lingshi, hurry up and recover your mana."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Li!" The nine people bowed and saluted at the same time, and then slowly lowered their hands with vitality, sending them safely to the vast desert!

Standing in the void, Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, he felt that things were a little tricky!The reason why he appeared here was because he was attracted by the strong smell of blood here, but after he arrived, he discovered that there were actually students from Sun Moon Academy here!

Li Haoxuan has read the "General Outline of the World", so of course he knows what kind of existence Sun Moon Academy is, everyone belongs to the righteous way, since they encounter each other, they can't do nothing but die!However, he doesn't want to expose his true strength to others, even if these few people won't have any intersection with him in the future!

However, the strong man of the evil way launched the strongest blow without giving him much time to think, and Li Haoxuan had no choice but to make a move. If he didn't make a move, these nine people would definitely die!So, here he is!

Li Haoxuan's current strength is more advanced than before. Although he has not broken through, the mana in his body has become more solid, and his realm has become more consolidated!At the beginning, he was able to resist the same reputation as Bigu's fifth heaven, and now he can naturally resist the demon powerhouse, but this time he did not use Yao Likong's supernatural power golden pill, otherwise the seriously injured Lao Ba would be killed by Li Haoxuan. One punch!

"A person with a pure and empty view?" The boss looked at Li Haoxuan slightly, and said.

"So what?" Li Haoxuan replied.

"Cultivating to the realm of Dharma precepts is not easy, I hope you don't mistake yourself! They are disciples of Sun Moon College. It is said that the competition between Sun Moon College and your Qingxu Temple is quite fierce. Are you in a dangerous place? I remember Zhengdao's saying that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall, you should learn how to be a gentleman." The old ten stepped forward and said to Li Haoxuan.

"The two demons heretics, do you want to reason with me? I don't know what kind of gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. I only know that a gentleman will do something and not do something." Li Haoxuan sneered, and his body appeared A layer of fiery red flames was formed, blocking the rain of blood falling from the void and preventing him from being contaminated in the slightest.

Li Haoxuan has the fire emperor's red flame energy, which is the supernatural power of the fire system, which has a great restraint effect on some filthy things, and his whole body has undergone the transformation of Li Vulcan furnace, whether it is physical body or mana. They all contained a trace of the nature of Li Vulcan Furnace. The blood of all living beings descended on Li Haoxuan's body and made a chi-chi sound, and all of them turned into nothingness!

Moreover, as the blood of these sentient beings was purified by Li Haoxuan, the power of resentment contained in it also began to dissipate, and those phantom faces full of resentment in the void began to show discouraged smiles at this moment!

The most painful thing in the world is not death, nor is it that life is worse than death, but that you will continue to be tortured and oppressed after death, but that you will become someone else's butcher knife and swing it at your loved ones after death!

Those wills created by the blood of all living beings are painful and resentful. For them, the real death is what they desire most. Li Haoxuan burning them to death is equivalent to giving them relief!

After countless blood rains were purified by the fire emperor's red flame energy on Li Haoxuan's body, a mysterious and mysterious will suddenly descended from somewhere, and merged into Li Haoxuan's body!

Li Haoxuan was shocked, his eyes showed confusion, and then quickly recovered his clarity!There was no ecstasy or pity in his eyes, only a kind of indifference!Just now, he received a gift from Heaven!

Perhaps it was because so many lives were liberated, a kind of merit and luck blessed his mind and body!

In the past, Li Haoxuan did not believe in the theory of cause and effect, luck, and merit, but only believed in his own strength, but just now, he truly believed in the existence of merit and luck!

Li Haoxuan understands somewhat that the so-called merit is the reward of heaven and earth for the operation of the Dao of Heaven or the Dao. When the merits and virtues increase, the luck of a person will gradually increase. Whether it is increased or not gathered together, people with great luck gain heaven Zhiyou, spirit treasures and chances are greater than others, and people rely on chances to cultivate Taoism. Without chances, you will be at the bottom all your life!

However, karma is just the opposite of merit and virtue. When karma is entangled, everything will be unlucky. When the karma is large enough, it is not uncommon to choke to death after drinking saliva. This is what the monks say.And cause and effect is the relationship between good and evil between man and man, man and nature, and man and heaven and earth. Karma is based on strength and weakness, that is, strong birth and weak death; but when man and nature have cause and effect, the weak side is generally nature, And nature is destroyed, and nature is an integral part of heaven and earth, that is to say, destroying nature is destroying heaven and earth, and destroying heaven and earth is karma descending!

What's more, when you kill a person with merit, the heaven and earth will automatically dissipate the equivalent merit on your body. If you don't have so much merit on your body, then the insufficient place will be entangled by karma. Therefore, we practitioners of martial arts must accumulate merit.Because beatings and killings are unavoidable in normal times, if you kill someone with merit and virtue but your own merit is not enough, you will be in bad luck.

Merit is like currency under the avenue. When your merit is great, the luck of heaven and earth will automatically increase; and karma is debt. When you are entangled in karma, luck will automatically pass away.Luck is like a river, it has periods of dry water and floods, as well as normal periods of stability; when luck dries up, the person will be unlucky; The luck of ordinary people is generally very stable, except when the calamity of heaven and earth comes, when the heaven and earth are in turmoil, murderous, evil, and fierce are everywhere, people's luck will be turbulent and unstable.

For the first time, Li Haoxuan felt the profound and incomparable luck in his body and began to show some kind of reverence for the way of heaven above his head!Luck is very empty, it cannot increase his magic power, nor can it improve his realm, but it can make him seek good luck and avoid evil, and at the same time make his thoughts more clear!

"You guys deserve to die." In the end, Li Haoxuan raised his head, looked at the two demonic powerhouses in front of him and said indifferently, and then swung out a saber, it was the Remnant Fire Taidao!

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