Holy furnace

Chapter 255


Li Haoxuan's move is a killer move, the Fire Emperor's Chiyanqi Remnant Fire Sword!A flame suddenly appeared, almost cutting the entire space-time!

boom!The Remnant Fire Sword is the fastest sword, Lao Shi who was not far away was hit by this sword in an instant, the spirit weapon treasure clothes on his body reacted in an instant, and radiated infinite light to help him block Li Haoxuan's Remnant Fire Sword !However, the Remnant Fire Taidao is not only fast, the huge power contained in it directly penetrates the opponent's treasure clothes, and the old ten is sent flying!

"Death!" Seeing Li Haoxuan's sudden attack, Lao Ba's expression suddenly changed, and his body suddenly magnified several times and stepped towards Li Haoxuan!

At this time, Lao Ba seemed to have exerted a supernatural power similar to the law of heaven and earth, and his whole body became a full three feet tall. His huge body passed through the sky, and the powerful demonic coercion crushed the void, and rushed towards Li Haoxuan. At the same time, the old eighth hand squeezed the seal of the demon god, like an ancient god and demon, and suppressed it towards Li Haoxuan.

"Boom!" The terrifying air force and powerful killing intent fell down like a star. The Demon God Seal is a supreme magic technique in the Heavenly Demon God Palace, which can evolve the phantom of ancient gods and demons!Seven years ago, Li Haoxuan had seen Li Tian displaying similar supernatural powers in the [-] mountains, but Li Tian was far behind the current Lao Ba!At that time, Li Tian could only shoot a few ghosts, but now when the old Bayi seal is pressed, there are nearly a hundred ghosts, and each ghost has the breath of "Dharma", which is extremely powerful!

"Roar!" The gods and demons roared, shaking the four fields, and a large piece of golden yellow sand was shaken up, retrograde upward, and sprinkled into the depths of the sky!The roar of the gods and demons resounded through the universe, deafening, each of the gods and demons was extremely tall, exuding a terrifying aura all over their bodies, Liu Bai and others in the distance all turned pale, shocked by this supreme power!Only then did they know how far the gap between themselves and Fajie was. If Lao Ba had used this supreme skill from the very beginning, I am afraid that they would not even have a chance to fight back!

"Bang!" Without saying a word, Li Haoxuan directly typed out the Baoshan seal!Immediately, a huge mountain appeared, shaking the sky and the earth, and around the huge mountain, there were gusts of wind and thunder suppressing hundreds of ghosts!On the mountain, tigers howled and monkeys cried, and strands of mysterious Dao patterns were looming, extremely majestic!

Rumble!There was an explosion in the sky, and the phantom of gods and demons several feet high held the sky with both hands, and began to fight against the endless mountain of gods falling from the sky!However, the coercion of the Endless Divine Mountain is hard to resist, and even more mysterious and yellow aura hangs down, weighing more than ten thousand jun!The phantom of gods and demons confronted the huge mountain of gods, and the light of gods was endless in the void!

In the end, Lao Ba stopped a hundred feet in front of Li Haoxuan, surrounded by several phantoms of gods and demons, standing still, with terrifying demonic energy rippling all over his body.

"Clang!" A fiery red long knife appeared beside Li Haoxuan, and then a long spear appeared, another burst of sword energy emerged, and one after another magical weapons appeared beside Li Haoxuan. The condensed method comprehended in battle can carry a wisp of the power of the Dao on the magic weapon!

The several magical soldiers around Li Haoxuan were all shining with red light, and made a slight trembling sound. In the end, Li Haoxuan held a nearly ten feet long spear in his hand and slowly pushed forward.

"Boy, I can see it! You are not a cultivator of the Dharma ring, but just an ant of the mortal realm. Although I don't know why you have such a combat power, it is still the same sentence. If you have not entered the Dharma ring for a day, One day is an ant! The most powerful ant is still an ant, as long as I stretch out a finger, I can pinch you to death at any time!" The old eight stared at Li Haoxuan with a cold light and said, he did not He didn't feel the breath of "law" from Li Haoxuan's mana, but he, a strong man in the law realm, was once again humiliated by the mortal realm, which almost drove him crazy!

In the distance, Liu Bai and the others all changed color and were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Li Haoxuan, who had established the belief of invincibility in their hearts, was just a cultivator of mortal realm!

"Senior Brother Liu..." The girl in white beside him showed a worried expression, "I feel it, Senior Brother Li is indeed only at the Lingxu Realm, and now I don't know what method he used to force himself to possess the combat power of the Law Ring. But I think no matter what method is used, there must be a time limit, if the stalemate continues, I am worried..."

Although the girl in white didn't say anything behind, everyone understood what she wanted to express, and the mood that had just relaxed became heavy again.

"Senior Sister Mo, we won't die here, right?" the person called Junior Sister glanced at the girl in white and asked with a sigh.

"It's fine for us to die, but Senior Brother Li can't die." As soon as the little junior sister's voice fell, Liu Bai's firm voice came, "Senior Brother Li came because of us, and we should bear all the price he has suffered! Listen, everyone! , now try my best to restore the mana in the body, even if necessary, use the extermination array to help Senior Brother Li escape from the desperate situation!"

"Yes!" The other eight people nodded heavily, and began to try their best to recover the mana in their bodies. Immediately, the pieces of spirit stones dimmed, and the spirit energy in them was quickly absorbed!At this time, they couldn't absorb the aura of heaven and earth in the void at all, because all the aura of heaven and earth had been polluted by the blood of sentient beings, once they absorbed it, it would cause unimaginable consequences.


Suddenly, a black long sword appeared in Lao Ba's hand. Immediately after the long sword appeared, a vast sea-like power swept out and appeared in all directions.

This is a terrifying idea. This sword seems to have brewed a bit of magic, and it is trying to demonize the whole world. A cold killing intent is pervading, and sword energy is rippling from the black sword body Come out, and punch one big hole after another in the nearby desert! .

"Old Ba, you brought the Heavenly Demon Sword!" Lao Ten was very excited, looking at the long sword in Lao Ba's hand and shouted.He was slashed by Li Haoxuan before. Although he was protected by a spiritual weapon, he was still traumatized. A hot poison invaded his lungs. It was not until this time that the hot poison was cleaned up. He looked up at Li Haoxuan, as if Look at a dead man!

"Boom!" The world shattered!Li Haoxuan was holding a red long spear, and several fiery red magic soldiers were floating beside him and charged towards Lao Ba!The red spear and the black Heavenly Demon Sword collided with each other, shooting out all kinds of brilliance. Under such an impact, the desert was torn apart like tofu, and nothing could stop the fight between the two...

when!The fiery red spear is extremely hard, evolved from the supernatural power of Wuhuo Daogang, and it is hard to resist the Heavenly Demon Sword!This place seems to have become a land of destruction, covered by red light and black light, and nothing can be seen. At the same time, Li Haoxuan focused on two things, directly mobilizing the long knife and sky sword beside him, attacking and killing those not far away. Old ten!Because he found out that Old Ten was actually planning to attack those people from Sun Moon Academy at this time, he had no choice but to pull Old Ten into the battle!

"Qiang Qiang..." Several magical soldiers around the old ten flickered at the same time, a powerful coercion burst out, and at the same time the power of the avenue also manifested at this moment, the old ten who was beaten kept retreating, bleeding from the corner of his mouth!

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