Holy furnace

Chapter 256

The old man was shocked. Although he himself had been injured, he was still a powerful Dharma monk. How could he be injured by a monk in the Lingxu realm?However, the fact is that it once again shattered his proud self-esteem!

puff!Old Ten was hit hard, and a Heavenly Knife sliced ​​across the void and his wrist, instantly turning his arm into flying ash!Contained on the Heavenly Sword is the scorching fire emperor's red flame energy, which is enough to burn rivers and seas!

"Ah!" the old ten roared, unbearable the pain of breaking his arm!After getting more and more angry, he found that he was a little scared. The opponent could still hurt himself while fighting against the old eight's Heavenly Demon Sword. How powerful should the opponent's combat power be?

"Swipe!" Just as Li Haoxuan's Heavenly Sword was about to strike down again, Lao Ba's Heavenly Demon Sword suddenly charged forward and blocked the Heavenly Sword, and then his real body instantly disappeared and appeared next to Old Ten He pulled it up and backed away.

"Who the hell are you?" Lao Ba stared at Li Haoxuan and said, "You can't be a cultivator in Lingxu Realm, did you seal yourself? Or forcibly suppressed your own realm?"

"It's meaningless to say these things! Because no matter which one you are, both of you will die." Li Haoxuan walked forward with a long spear in his hand. From the moment he received the gift from heaven, he made up his mind, even if he did not hesitate to use Yao Likong's supernatural golden pill, He also wanted to kill them all!

Because Li Haoxuan felt that such things as luck were very important to him, his catastrophe was too terrifying, and there would be life and death crisis at every turn!Especially in the future when breaking through the great realm of the law, the catastrophe will definitely be even more terrifying. Even he is not absolutely sure, but now he knows that the luck in the dark can give him shelter and help him break through !

But this is only one of the reasons, the other main reason is because Li Vulcan furnace has a sense of this luck!He probably knows the level of the treasure of Li Vulcan Stove, but how can something that can induce Li Vulcan Stove be an ordinary thing?So he wanted to gain more luck, so he had to kill the two instigators in front of him!

"Old Ba, my hand!" Lao Ten was very unwilling, and roared angrily, staring at his wrist that had been scabbed under the fire emperor's red flames.Although he is in the realm of law, he can't regenerate his broken arm. One hand was burned to ashes, which means that he will lose this hand forever.


The Sword God Soldiers hovering beside Li Haoxuan shot out at the same time, and at the same time they shot out the Baoshan Seal. The Endless God Mountain and the God Soldiers attacked together to suppress Lao Ba and Lao Shi. Hold it up, so that the two of them cannot avoid it!

"So strong!" At the rear, everyone in Sun Moon Academy was stunned at the same time, they didn't expect Li Haoxuan to be so fierce, one against two and even broke the wrist of one of them!This kind of combat power is appalling, and it can make the strong in the law ring fear!

"Could it be that Senior Brother Li has already crossed that line?" Mo Xiaoxiao, dressed in white, looked at the majestic figure Zheng Zheng in the sky, and said to herself in disbelief.

"The combat power of the retrograde demon... How many years have there been such a hero?" Liu Bai's expression was a little sad, and then he regained his determination, watching the battle in the sky seriously, such a combat power It is of great benefit to him!

Li Haoxuan recognized the White Crane's Wings, and his speed was extremely fast, much faster than the speed of the Dharma ring powerhouse, and he came to the eighth and tenth children with a single movement!At this moment, those two people's attentions were all on the Endless Mountain and the several divine weapons, they never expected that Li Haoxuan would come first and then suddenly appear in front of them!

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan raised his hand abruptly, and the profound meaning of Destruction appeared, and he directly unleashed the Destruction Fist, Bahuangdong!

For those who are strong in the law, the mountains and rivers are broken and the sky and the earth are collapsing. They can't do anything about it. Only the movement of the wilderness can make them fearful!

"Bang!" The pitch-black palm was struck from in front of Lao Ba, the dead wood-like palm contained tyrannical power, and it collided firmly with Bahuangdong, triggering a great storm of vitality!The old eight collapsed and flew out on the spot, it was definitely a mistake to compare the physical body with Li Haoxuan!

Li Haoxuan's magic power may not be as good as his, but his physical strength can definitely kill him easily!

With one punch, Lao Ba was knocked back, and Li Haoxuan directly killed Lao Ten beside him!The strength of the old ten is much weaker than that of the old eight. Li Haoxuan's shots are like fire, and huge fire dragons rush out from the tip of the knife in Li Haoxuan's hand. Surrounded by it, forming a sealed space!

"The fire dragon burning the city with the fire emperor's red flaming energy!" Li Haoxuan shouted lightly!This is the third supernatural power contained in the fire emperor's red flame energy, and it is also the latest supernatural power that Li Haoxuan has practiced. After firing it, it can condense into several flame dragons from the tip of the knife. These flame dragons can kill the enemy for a long time. Surrounded in the circle of fire, the power is so great that even the strong of the law ring can't escape in a short time!

"Roar!" The old ten roared loudly in the fire dragon burning city, and even used the Hunyuan heavenly demon body again, but everything was useless, and was completely burned by the flames above the fire dragon burning city, even the Hunyuan heavenly demon body was difficult to maintain. Crash fast!

"Om!" Li Haoxuan stepped into the space where the fire dragon burned the city, and opened his mouth to drink the word Om Tianyin!

Rolling Tianyin contains supreme mighty power and is directly drank from Li Haoxuan's mouth, attacking the old ten's primordial spirit!Immediately, Old Ten saw the endless golden light, and then felt that he was standing on the clouds, as if he could touch the stars in the sky with his hand, he felt that he had embarked on the road to the sky, and what he saw before him was the fairyland!

This is a terrifying illusion, which can confuse even the strong in the law!However, the primordial spirit of the Dharma ring expert has jumped out of the mortal school level after all, and it is impossible to be permanently in the illusion. The confusion in the old ten's eyes quickly receded, and he regained his clarity again!

However, when he regained his clarity, in front of his eyes was an extremely huge fist!

Undefeated King Fist!Because of the sight blocked by the fire dragon burning the city, Li Haoxuan was no longer afraid of anything, and directly used Yao Likong's supernatural power golden pill, and punched out the magic ring realm supernatural power Undefeated King Fist!

Rumble!The world collapsed, and even the Fire Dragon Burning City was shattered by this fist. The Unbeaten King Fist has the same meaning as the Shattering God Fist. It is eternally undefeated and smashes obstacles. The power of Li Haoxuan's Unbeaten King Fist now is comparable to The monster is empty!

"Ah!" The old ten had just escaped from the illusion, and immediately suffered a peak blow from Li Haoxuan, his body was cracked, and then his body exploded in the void with a bang, and he was beaten into a blood mist!

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