Holy furnace

Chapter 257 Slash!

"You actually killed Lao Shi!" Lao Ba was knocked back by Li Haoxuan's palm before, but just after he came back to his senses, he found that Lao Shi had already been blown away by the other party's punch!Immediately, two terrifying lights shot out from his eyes, and he stared at Li Haoxuan and said.

"Killers are always killed, don't you understand this truth?" Li Haoxuan said lightly, and at the same time as he spoke, endless flames suddenly rose from Li Haoxuan's body and burned the blood that was still falling in the sky clean!

Li Haoxuan's Fire Emperor Red Flame Qi restrains all evil spirits and filth, it is the nemesis of the blood of these beings, the sound of chi chi chi chi is everywhere in the void!In fact, the righteousness of the sun and the moon also has great restraint on the blood of sentient beings. It is a pity that Liu Bai and others are too low-level to display the true power of the righteousness of the sun and the moon. Otherwise, a song of righteousness will be enough to purify all evil spirits here filthy!

"You may not know! The old ten cultivators have the ability to curse. Now that he is killed by you, your real body will naturally encounter his curse! No matter where you appear in the future, as long as we people from the Heavenly Demon Palace get close to you You will be able to sense the curse that the old ten left on you, and when the time comes, you will face the pursuit of the entire Heavenly Demon Palace, unless you hide in the view of the pure and empty forever, otherwise you will die in the sky and on the earth!" Lao Ba The eyes looking at Li Haoxuan were full of sarcasm.

"The evildoers of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, the righteous people in the world have to punish them. Now that I have met them, even if you don't come to kill me, I will kill you all. What's the point of cursing supernatural powers?" Li Haoxuan sneered. With a sound, he said contemptuously, "Do you really take your own Heavenly Demon Palace seriously? Just because you are doing what you are doing now, one day in the future I will personally walk up to Tianmo Mountain and destroy your Heavenly Demon Palace."

"Destroy our Heavenly Demon God Palace? Hahahaha, what a big joke!" Lao Ba raised his head and laughed wildly, "Even if you are the head teacher of Qingxu Temple, you don't dare to speak so brazenly. When will Qingxu Temple start to stop?" Are there some braggarts?"

"It's still the same sentence, don't take yourself too seriously! Have you ever seen our supreme teacher? Have you ever known his supreme power? If he comes in person and takes a look at you, you will die. Do you think you are still alive? Will there be time for you to talk nonsense? Well, you don't need to delay any longer, I know you are recovering from your injury, is it almost done now? I will send you on your way when it is almost done!" Li Haoxuan stepped forward and said.

"Ignorance!" Lao Ba smiled coldly, his mocking tone was full of contempt, and said, "You shouldn't have given me time to prepare, then you might still have a chance!"

"Cut!" Li Haoxuan responded with a soft snort, and then a Heavenly Saber descended from the sky, cut through the sky, and slashed towards him with a fiery red tail light.

"Call the demon!" Faced with such a shocking knife, Lao Ba's eyes suddenly became hollow, his hands formed a strange handprint, and a mysterious aura emanated from him, and then, Lao Ba's The right hand suddenly raised, holding the sky with one hand, it is hard to regret the supreme sword!

when!Lao Ba's physical body transformed at this moment, and a mysterious aura began to emerge from his body. This aura was full of the smell of demons, but it was completely different from his original demonic power!

"Summoning Sutra!" Li Haoxuan's expression suddenly changed as he felt the aura of Lao Ba, he remembered a person, Han Feiyu!Back then in the infinitely small world, Han Feiyu had used the Demon Summoning Sutra, but Han Feiyu's Demon Summoning Sutra was obviously different from Lao Ba's current technique. The demon Han Feiyu summoned was actually a heart demon, and everyone has a heart demon, so it doesn't matter Righteousness and evil, but what Lao Ba summoned was the heavenly demon, the demon from outside the territory, extremely cruel, it is said that the people enshrined in the Temple of the Heavenly Demon God in the past are the real demons from outside the territory!

The blood rain in the sky began to slowly gather towards Lao Ba's body, and all the distorted faces were attracted by the heavenly demon breath on Lao Ba's body, and entered his body one after another, sending out sharp and mournful screams shout!

"Seek the devil!" Lao Ba's handprint changed again, and a black figure began to peel off from him slowly. At the same time, red mysterious runes were everywhere on the black shadow, all of which were branded with the blood of sentient beings. made!

"Magic!" The black phantom has no facial features, but a syllable clearly came out from his body, "Magic!"With the utterance of this syllable, the world suddenly changed drastically, day turned into night in an instant, and the demonic energy was overwhelming, covering the whole small world in it, the demonic power was mighty!

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan urged the Fire Emperor's red flames, emitting endless light and heat, dispelling all the magic power within a hundred feet around him, looking at the old eight not far away and the statue next to him. Shadow!

"The Remnant Fire Sword!" Li Haoxuan swung it again, but in the end he still returned in vain. The phantom stepped forward, chanted the word "magic" in his mouth, and easily blocked the Remnant Fire Sword!

"Transform the demon!" In the end, Lao Ba's eyes suddenly lit up with a blood-colored strange light, and the phantom beside him returned to his body in an instant, and the two merged into one again!

"Demon!" At this moment, Lao Ba's stiff body finally returned to normal, and he looked at Li Haoxuan and said softly.

Rumble!The exit of a magic character is like the sun and the moon splitting, mountains and rivers reversed, and the universe turned upside down. Li Haoxuan saw the boundless phantom, and also saw the boundless sky demon!

"Om!" Although he was deeply in an illusion, Li Haoxuan instinctively uttered the word Om Tianyin!The two mysterious heavenly sounds collided instantly, and the sonic boom shook the entire void!A magic character Tao exhausted all the demons in the world, and a word Om represented the true immortal in the sky. In the end, Li Haoxuan took a step forward and typed out the eight sounds of Tianlong with the word Om, which instantly shattered the opponent's magic sound!

The moment the magic sound shattered, Li Haoxuan immediately shot out the fire dragon to burn the city and besieged Lao Ba. This time Li Haoxuan didn't stay behind, and the first shot was a Yin-Yang figure!Yin and yang are one of the origins of the world, and the attributes of the five elements can even create a world. Now, the two qis of yin and yang flow into a matrix and crush down, making Lao Ba's bones crack!

"Instant Killer!" With the fire dragon burning the city to seal, and then using the Yin-Yang Array to imprison and suppress it, Li Haoxuan finally used the Instant Killer at this time!With a snort, Li Haoxuan slashed down from the sky with the Remnant Fire Taidao, his own speed was 25 times faster than the sound, and within an instant he cut Lao Ba in half!

Crash!Endless blood poured down like a torrential rain!Even if Lao Ba used the supreme taboo supernatural power "Heavenly Demon's Coming to the World", he still couldn't compete with Li Haoxuan. He was split open by him and died completely!

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