Holy furnace

Chapter 258 Purifying All Beings

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The Heavenly Demon Survival Art is the two great supernatural powers juxtaposed with the Hunyuan Heavenly Demon Body. The Hunyuan Heavenly Demon Body is mainly for defense, while the Heavenly Demon Ascension Art is mainly for attacking. Exercising will summon the extraterrestrial demon and unite with oneself, which can burst out unimaginable power!

However, the Heavenly Demon Survival Technique is a forbidden technique. Once it is used, when summoning the Heavenly Demon, it will also give a part of its own origin to the Heavenly Demon. will not be used.

Even to the point of death, Lao Ba couldn't believe that he was killed by Li Haoxuan when he performed the Heavenly Demon Survival Technique with his own strength!However, all of this happened in the end. His eyes hadn't even returned to clarity, and he was still in a state of confusion. However, his body had been completely divided into two halves, and he fell from the sky. The pitch-black Heavenly Demon Sword buzzed The buzzing finally stopped trembling, and it pierced into the blood-red desert with a bang!

"Demon!" After Lao Ba was killed, a black figure suddenly jumped out of his body, and flew towards the sky with a soft shout!

"Die to me!" Li Haoxuan raised his hand to see the Fire Dragon Burning City, but that figure seemed to be able to ignore all the confinement, and jumped out of the Fire Dragon Burning City, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared before.

"Could that be the Heavenly Demon Clan?" Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, staring at the direction where the phantom disappeared and said to himself. He had seen information about the Heavenly Demons outside the Territory in the "General Outline of the World", but there was very little information. The Heavenly Demons believe in ancient evil gods, evil and powerful, who once invaded the present world and almost destroyed the world, and were finally suppressed by the emperor of the human race!

The extraterritorial celestial demons are things from outside the sky, living in the vast universe, very few real bodies come to this world, but every time the real body comes, it will cause a huge catastrophe!Although Li Haoxuan had never seen the real demon, he could somewhat guess that the demon he saw at this time was not the real body, probably it was transformed by a divine thought, so he also gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing the other party and let him go.

The battle finally came to an end, the old ten was beaten into a blood mist by the Unbeaten Wangquan, and the eighth was split in half with a knife, and both of them died!Li Haoxuan didn't know that up to this time, all the five ring powerhouses in Mirage Ancient City had died!Yao Likong and two demon powerhouses died in his hands, while Yaobatian and another Tianyaomen powerhouse were easily beheaded like cutting melons and vegetables by the same name, without any suspense!

It can be said that from now on, the retreat of the Demon Alliance is doomed!

After killing these two people, Li Haoxuan grabbed the storage bags of Lao Ba and Lao Shi with his right hand, including the Heavenly Demon Sword stuck on the ground not far away!The body of the Heavenly Demon Sword is pitch black, with mysterious runes inscribed on it, exuding the coercion of ancient demonic ways!

This is a real magic weapon. It is useless to use the righteous method to activate it. You can only accept the magic power of the magic way!But Li Haoxuan didn't care, what he valued was the material of the Heavenly Demon Sword, not the coercion of the Heavenly Demon Sword itself!He casually glanced at the Heavenly Demon Sword and threw it into the storage ring at will. This sword is useless to him at this time.

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan looked at the two people's storage bags with his soul, and found that there was nothing else in them except a lot of spirit stones and Chunyang pills, but there was a suet jade bottle in the old eight's storage bag!

"En? Divine jade of such high quality!" Li Haoxuan looked at the suet jade bottle in his hand and thought that he had seen many top-quality jade articles in the ancient mirage city. It is as high as it is, but it is a bit inferior compared with the suet jade bottle in front of me.

"Could it be an elixir?" Li Haoxuan's heart moved, and he immediately uncorked the bottle, and the primordial spirit entered it!

Boom!The monstrous sea of ​​blood was tumbling, eroded by endless evil energy, Li Haoxuan's soul almost endured all the bombardment in the boundless sea of ​​blood, and endless resentment surged towards his soul, wanting to eat his soul clean!Even Lao Ba and Lao Shi only dared to roll out the sea of ​​blood carefully, how could they dare to put the whole soul into it like Li Haoxuan?That is really no different from courting death!

Li Haoxuan's face was pale, and a lot of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth!His primordial spirit has been greatly impacted. If he hadn't moved away from the Vulcan furnace at a critical moment, he might have been shocked to death by the evil spirit at this time. He only feels scared when he thinks about it now. Xuehai couldn't help being shocked!

He deeply understood that any supernatural power would be useless in front of that kind of power, and the fist intent of Shattering God Fist couldn't even block it for an instant, and it was blown away in an instant!

After a long time, his primordial spirit slowly recovered, and after a moment of contemplation, he put the mutton fat jade bottle into his storage bag!According to the principle, it is impossible to store magic weapons of space storage in the storage bag, but the mutton fat jade bottle is not included, because it is a false Taoist tool, and some of the Taoist tools are divine principles, which contain infinite space and are Externally, it is no different from ordinary jade bottles, and will not be rejected by storage bags!

Li Haoxuan stood in the void, his mana rippling quickly dispelled the devilish energy brought by the previous demon, making this world clear again!Then, Li Haoxuan flew into the air, and formed a sea of ​​fire in the void with the flow of the fire emperor's red flames, burning all the blood of all living beings!

A dense fire cloud appeared in the sky above the vast desert, and the sun shone through the fire cloud and turned deep red on the ground!The blood of all living beings contains an extremely violent evil will, if Li Haoxuan hadn't been somewhat immune to the impact of the dragon-bearded crocodile's evil spirit for many years, he might have suffered a little bit at this time!Moreover, Li Haoxuan possesses the supreme fist of the God of Destruction Fist, destroying everything!

Chi Chi Chi!

The old eight and the old full made two seas of blood congealed on the sky. If they were allowed to fall freely, they might rain blood for a whole month, making this small desert of vast sea a desperate situation!Even if Li Haoxuan wanted to dissolve so much blood of sentient beings, it would be very difficult for him, after all, he only had the power of one person, and these blood of sentient beings was the will of sentient beings!

Except for the ancient emperor, no one can truly counter the will of all living beings!Although the blood here is not sentient beings, it is still the blood collected after slaughtering several large cities. There are at least 10 people in it. Even if Li Haoxuan couldn't resist it, he would die in an instant!

At this time, Li Haoxuan was slowly disappearing, and from time to time he used the God of Destruction Fist to bombard and kill, and it took a full half a day to wash away all the blood of all living beings here!Then Li Haoxuan swept the red-stained yellow sand into the air, and turned them all into dust and nothingness with a punch of the Destroyer Fist, and finally gave up!

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