Holy furnace

Chapter 259 is up

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The blood of all living beings contains the boundless killing intent and evil spirit of all living beings, which is a kind of blasphemy against human nature, and a cruel act that is not recognized by Dao. Li Haoxuan's purification of these blood is equivalent to liberating all living beings!After Li Haoxuan purified the blood of all sentient beings, the dark luck descended again, covering Li Haoxuan's body!

Luck is an existence that is difficult to describe in words, even Li Haoxuan himself cannot describe what kind of power it is!The only feeling he can feel is comfort. He vaguely feels that he can see farther and see more clearly!

"There is righteousness in the heaven and earth!" While Li Haoxuan was receiving the empowerment of luck in the void, the nine elite disciples of Sun Moon Academy finally finished adjusting their breaths, and then the nine of them flew into the air and sang the righteousness song at the same time. The remaining killing thoughts were all resolved.

"Liu Bai of Sun Moon Academy, I have met Senior Brother Li." Liu Bai walked towards Li Haoxuan first, and said with his arms folded.

"Brother doesn't dare to be that, let's go down and talk." Li Haoxuan waved his hand and landed on the desert not far away.

"Senior Brother Li's supernatural power, he can use Ling Xu's cultivation to kill two strong men, and he can be said to be a retrograde demon!" Mo Xiaoxiao (the previous text was written as Yiyi, corrected the typo, it is Mo Xiaoxiao) bowed to Li Haoxuan Said, "On behalf of many brothers and sisters, I would like to thank Senior Brother Li for his kindness in saving me."

"Hey, we all belong to the righteous way, and it is our duty to support each other. Why do you say thank you?" Li Haoxuan smiled, and then asked with a frown, "You are students of Sun Moon College? This place is far from Sun Moon College, how could you come here?"

"I heard that there are a large group of monsters in the desert of the vast sea, so our Sun Moon Academy sent nine of us to fight against the Qingxu Temple." Liu Bai stepped forward and said, "But there are strong people like Senior Brother Li in the desert of Hanhai, so it is safe and secure , we also came here with a tempered heart." While speaking, Liu Bai took out a letter from his bosom and handed it to Li Haoxuan, "This is a letter from our teacher, let us come to the vast sea desert. He handed it over to Senior Brother Ye Kaitian, and Senior Brother Li will be invited to recommend it for you when the time comes."

"Senior Brother Ye?" Li Haoxuan glanced at the letter in the other party's hand and shook his head, "Then you all go back to Dragon and Tiger Pass with me. You keep the letter yourself, and I will arrange it for you when the time comes."

"Thank you Senior Brother Li!" Liu Bai said sincerely.

"You're welcome." Li Haoxuan took out a stone plate from the storage ring. On it was the coordinates of the Dragon and Tiger Pass of the Dade Dynasty. It’s not far away, if we fly with all our strength, we can get there in half a day.”

"Senior brother Li, is your injury okay?" The junior sister of Sun Moon Academy suddenly spoke, pointing to the blood stain on Li Haoxuan's chest and said worriedly.

The blood stains on Li Haoxuan's chest came from the impact of the sea of ​​blood in the mutton fat jade purification bottle, but at that time, the nine members of the Sun Moon Academy hadn't been freed from the old eight's demon descending technique, so they couldn't see everything about Li Haoxuan at all. So they naturally thought that Li Haoxuan's blood was saved from the battle with the two strong men!

Being able to use Ling Xu to fight Fajie is already a thing against the sky, how can it be possible to be unscathed?

"It's okay! I used some taboo supernatural powers before, so I encountered a little backlash, and it's not a big problem." Li Haoxuan just took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, so as to hide his real combat power.

"Senior Brother Li, don't need to worry about it. It's already a celestial being to be able to do this! How many people have the power to defeat immortals in ancient times? Brother Li should be one of them!" Mo Xiaoxiao said.

"Hehe, I don't dare to compare with the former sages." Li Haoxuan smiled and asked, "Since you came from Sun Moon Academy, why didn't you go directly to the Dade Dynasty? This direction doesn't seem to be the direction to the Dade Dynasty, right? "

"En! When we came here, we also found many demon armies in the Moonland Kingdom, and we found that they were collecting the blood of all living beings, and their methods were cruel! So we chased them all the way, and followed them from the Moonlun Kingdom to the vast sea desert. , and finally learned from them that all the blood of all living beings will be transported to the ancient mirage city in the vast desert!"

"We were planning to go to the ancient city of Mirage, but we happened to meet those two strong men of the demonic way, so we were besieged here. If Senior Brother Li hadn't appeared in time, the nine of us might have been wiped out." Liu Bai summed up the matter in a few words After talking about it, the anger at this kind of behavior can't be concealed in the tone!

"It is said in "General Outline of the World" that the Sun Moon Academy emphasizes the style of a gentleman, and everyone has a noble spirit. Now it seems that this is indeed the case! I just don't know how strong their complete righteousness song and Sun Moon righteousness will be?" Li Haoxuan I thought to myself.

"You guys dare to go to the ancient mirage city?" Although he was thinking about other things in his mind, Li Haoxuan said in a deep voice, "Don't you know that there are five strong rings guarding the ancient mirage city?" ? I feel lucky for you, otherwise, once you are besieged by the five ring strongmen, the consequences will be even more miserable."

"What? Five ring experts?" Liu Bai, Mo Xiaoxiao and the others turned pale suddenly, as if thinking of some unforeseen consequences. "Our information comes from a small boss in Lingxu Realm. , I didn't expect to be put together by him!"

"But don't worry about it, the information you have is still of great use to us! According to what you say, the army of monsters is probably carrying out some unknown conspiracy, otherwise why is it necessary to collect the blood of so many living beings? Perhaps at this time Many people have been kept in the dark, I will take you back to the Dade Dynasty to explain everything." Li Haoxuan said quickly, many thoughts quickly turned in his mind, and he immediately made up his mind that he could not admit that he had been to the mirage The ancient city can't even admit that he has been close to the ancient city of Mirage!

As for the fact that there are five strong ordained men in the ancient city of Mirage, the information is of little importance. I believe many people can find out, so it's nothing.He is very clear about the consequences he will face if the fact that he has been to the ancient city of Mirage is exposed. First, he will be chased and killed by the same name, and then he will swallow so much wealth by himself. This is not something everyone wants to see!

"Okay!" Liu Bai nodded immediately when he heard the words, and couldn't wait to get up and go to the Dade Dynasty with Li Haoxuan.

"That's right." At this moment, Mo Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped in his tracks, and asked with a sad expression, "Senior Brother Li, did you find a white jade bottle after you killed those two demonic people?"

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