Holy furnace

Chapter 277 Because I'm Niu Li

Niu Li's voice exploded in Ouyang Shu's ears like thunder, making his complexion suddenly pale!Ouyang Shu looked at Niu Li in front of him as if he was facing an ancient god. He wanted to be angry, and wanted to tell him that he still had his own pride, but he still couldn't get angry after all. Facing Niu Li, what was left of him Only fear!

You are a disgrace to all practitioners!These words echoed in the sky for a long time, even Li Haoxuan was moved by it, he never thought that Niu Li would be so overbearing, showing no sympathy to the other party at all!Li Haoxuan knows that from now on, no matter what level Ouyang Shu has cultivated, he will find it difficult to wash away the shame of today. As long as Niu Li still lives in this world for a day, Ouyang Shu will always have that shadow that cannot be concealed in his heart .

Qing Shi didn't know when she came to Li Haoxuan's side, she glanced at Li Haoxuan worriedly and remained silent.She naturally knew that Ouyang Shu could not be Niu Li's opponent, but she was afraid that Ouyang Shu would transfer all this anger to Li Haoxuan. As long as Li Haoxuan did not break into the law, Ouyang Shu would be a huge threat to him.

In fact, neither Li Haoxuan, Qing Shi, nor anyone else could understand Niu Li's state of mind at this time!Niu Li looked at Ouyang Shu, whose face was full of despair, and frowned, and found that he really didn't like the feeling of humiliating others, but Ouyang Shu's fear of fighting really made him angry, so he couldn't help it. , since you can't bear it, then you can't bear it.

"Niu Li, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. Since your friend is safe, why do you have to be aggressive? Forget it." Just when the whole world fell into silence, a voice as plain as water came from above the city wall of Niu Lilonghuguan. came.

Li Haoxuan turned his head to look, only to find that two young women appeared above the broken city wall of Longhuguan at some time, walking slowly towards this side.Their speed was very slow, as if it would take half a day to take a step, but their speed was extremely fast. When this idea just came to Li Haoxuan's mind, the two of them had already arrived in front of Niu Li.

"Am I being aggressive? You all know my temperament, and I won't hide what I want to say, but it doesn't matter if you think this is aggressive. I'm just extremely disappointed in him, even ashamed Be with him." Niu Li was not surprised by the appearance of these two women, as if he had already discovered that they were hiding there, he nodded slightly and said.

"Since you are ashamed to be with him, then don't look at him. It's enough if you don't see him. Why bother to humiliate him? I don't want to stand up for Ouyang Shu, but he is the core disciple of the law realm after all. Your behavior now It's been a while, even if you stand up for your friend, you wouldn't be so angry, right? After all, it's just a half-step ring." The woman in blue said to Niu Li with some dissatisfaction.

"Long Xuan, is this the first day you know me, Lao Niu? Do you really think that what I said to him was because of protecting Li Haoxuan?" Niu Li frowned, and then said disdainfully, "But you can do whatever you like. Think, I am too lazy to explain to you."

"Huh." The woman in blue was not too angry after being bumped by Niu Li. She snorted and turned her head, looked at Li Haoxuan and said, "You seem to be called Li Haoxuan? When did Kun Palace get such a pervert?" ? The strength is good."

Li Haoxuan was stunned, not knowing how to reply, and then saluted and said, "Thank you for your praise, senior sister."

"I know what you think, but if Ouyang Shu agrees to fight with you, what will you do?" The woman in an orange dress suddenly said to Niu Li.

"Then I will naturally suppress the realm and fight with him at the same level." Niu Li replied.

"Then what?" the woman asked faintly, "I know your temperament, and I know your combat power! Ouyang Shu can only use Eternal God to fight you, and once he uses Eternal God, then you It is also impossible to control the whole situation, so he will definitely die."

"Before you fight, say you're defeated. If you think you're going to die without even fighting, then he will still make me feel ashamed. Since you have to fight with all your strength, why not be afraid even if you really die in battle?" Niu Li frowned. .

"So there is only one bull in the world after all." The woman sighed, "For example, if you are asked to fight Meng Jun to the death, you will still fight with all your strength, even if you know you will die in Meng Jun's hands, you will not be afraid, but this is just you You can't make the whole world love fighting as much as you, and they are not afraid of death! If Ouyang Shu fights, what can he get? Get a compliment from you that is neither light nor heavy, and then die on your behalf Do you know which is more important to him, a compliment from you or your own life? The extremely noble things in your mind are not necessarily more important than everyone's life, so I don't think Ouyang Shu's What's wrong with the choice, it's not fair for you to treat him like this."

"So today I am the only one who can say these words, because I am Niu Li." Niu Li was taken aback, and then said as a matter of course, "Your unfairness is to others, but to me, as long as I fight at the same level, I will It's fair."

"You are unreasonable. Anyway, it is too much to humiliate a core disciple in front of so many inner disciples." A trace of anger flashed across the woman's face, and she said in a deep voice.

"I'm not Chongyang, so I don't make sense at all. If you want me to be reasonable, then I can only talk about my own truth." Niu Li looked at the pretty face opposite and said, "As a practitioner, if you Even the heart of fear can't be overcome, so what else is there to cultivate? Li Haoxuan dared to resist my coercion in front of me and not kneel before me when he had not achieved the half-step precept, how dare Ouyang Shu?"

"The two situations are different." The two women looked at Li Haoxuan at the same time, with a hint of surprise in their eyes, as if they didn't expect Li Haoxuan to have such courage, "Today's Ouyang Shu might die."

"The situation is actually the same." Niu Li shook his head and said solemnly, "How could Li Haoxuan at that time be sure that I would not kill him? No one could stop me from killing him! I knelt down, and Li Haoxuan said that I knelt down on my knees and knelt down on my parents, why would you make me kneel down? He also said, the things I don’t want to do are so big that no one can force me to do them, and the things I want to do are even at the risk of risking the world. I have to finish it even if it is a big deal, does Ouyang Shu dare to do it?"

After listening to Niu Li's words, the eyes of the two women lit up, and their evaluation of Li Haoxuan was a little higher again.

"You asked Ouyang Shu to fight with you, but he refused. Isn't that because he insisted on his own will, and no one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do?" Long Xuan said suddenly, and after he finished speaking, he realized that he seemed a little preposterous, He smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

"Ye Hongyu, do you know that Meng Jun once wanted to suppress the realm and fight him?" Niu Li smiled disdainfully, and then said to the woman in orange.

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