Holy furnace

Chapter 278 Expectations of Li Haoxuan

"What? Meng Jun actually wants to suppress the realm and fight him? How is it possible! He hasn't even reached the Bigu realm, how could he arouse Meng Jun's fighting spirit?" Ye Hongyu was taken aback, looked at Li Haoxuan in disbelief and said.She knows Meng Jun too well, and there are really too few people who can arouse his fighting spirit at his level, except for the Invincible Hall, and only a few strong men in the Elite Pavilion can arouse his fighting spirit, even now It is also difficult for the hot young masters to really catch his eyes, unless those young people can enter the ring of law!

There are no more than two kinds of people who can arouse Meng Jun's fighting spirit, one is powerful and can rival him, and the other is amazingly talented, unparalleled in combat power, and invincible in the same realm!Apart from these two kinds of people, Meng Jun would not have any interest in other people, and Li Haoxuan can arouse Meng Jun's fighting spirit, without a doubt he has the qualification to be invincible in the same realm!The same realm mentioned here is not a sub-realm of Jiuchongtian, but a small realm such as foundation building, consecration, and Lingxu!

Although the half-step Dharma Ring is extremely close to the Dharma Ring, it is still in Lingxu Realm, so Li Haoxuan's invincibility at the same level can be called No.1 under the Dharma Ring!

Although extremely shocked, Ye Hongyu soon felt relieved.She has seen Li Haoxuan make a move, and indeed possesses combat strength comparable to that of the Law Ring. He can even face some masters who have just entered the Bigu Realm without fear. Such a person is naturally qualified to be called No.1 under the Law Ring!

"Since Meng Jun once wanted to fight him, how can he still stand here?" Ye Hongyu reacted later, looked at Li Haoxuan in surprise, and then asked.Of course she was very surprised, because if Li Haoxuan had really fought against Meng Jun, he must still be recovering from his injuries, how could he be as alive as he is now?She never thought that Meng Jun would lose, because Meng Jun had never lost.

"Because Li Haoxuan refused." Niu Li said lightly.After finishing speaking, Niu Li glanced at Long Xuan casually, as if he was telling the other party with this sentence what it means that no one can influence my will.

Such a short sentence is worth a thousand words, because Meng Jun's name is bigger than everything in their hearts.They never thought that someone could maintain their will in front of Meng Jun, and even have the courage to refuse.Sometimes rejection is scarier than death, because the process takes longer and longer.Just like that, even ten Ouyang Shus can't compare. "I really underestimate you. You dare to refuse in front of Meng Jun. Where do you have the courage?" Long Xuan's eyes were full of admiration and seriousness. There are too few people who can say no to Meng Jun. She had never seen it before, and Li Haoxuan was the first one at this time.

"Ouyang Shu is indeed not as good as you." Ye Hongyu was silent, and then said slowly.Saying this sentence is tantamount to admitting what Niu Li said before, and she doesn't want to defend Ouyang Shu anymore, just like what she said to Long Xuan before, what does Ouyang Shu have to do with them?Even if she spoke for Ouyang Shu before, it was because of the word Fajie, not because of Ouyang Shu himself.Now, facing Li Haoxuan like this, she found that she really had nothing to say.

"Because Meng Jun is too strong." Li Haoxuan said with a wry smile, "If he really wants to kill me, no matter if I attack or not, he will die. If that's the case, I will naturally choose according to my own wishes." Now he thinks back to the original situation However, there is already a feeling that Meng Jun's mental coercion is too strong, every word and deed has the breath of "law", as if there is an inexplicable power that can make people do things according to his will, This is a realm beyond the realm of heartbeat. If Li Haoxuan at that time hadn't cultivated the Om word Tianyin, which could be used to expel the illusion and stabilize the primordial spirit, he might have made a bold move in Meng Jun's words.

In the face of such an existence as Meng Jun, courage has lost its meaning. Only an eternal and unchanging firm belief can hold on to one's unfailing body!

"No matter what, sometimes rejection itself is a more terrifying thing than death. You are a person with great perseverance. After seeing your combat power today, I wanted to recommend you to Meng Jun, but I didn't expect you We have already met." Ye Hongyu said with a faint smile.

"Boss Meng is waiting." Niu Li became a little excited, and said with a grin, "When Li Haoxuan enters the Bigu Realm, he will come!" The meaning expressed by the three words "he will come" is very simple, and everyone knows the meaning Meaning, so both Long Xuan and Ye Hongyu were a little excited, they hadn't seen Meng Jun make a move for too long!And since the person in front of them has the strength and qualifications to fight Meng Jun, how could they not look forward to it?

"I also hope that day will come as soon as possible." Long Xuan waved his hand, took back the blue ribbon that restrained Liu Bai and the others, and said, "Those people from Sun Moon Academy treated you well, just now you were imprisoned by Ouyang Shu. At that time, each of them had the will to die, and wanted to blow up their dantians to rescue you, so I had no choice but to imprison them, but now that I have set them free, you can get along well in the future."

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Li Haoxuan was shocked when he heard the words, he did not expect Liu Bai and others to be so resolute, they did not hesitate to explode their dantians, could not help sweating coldly from fright, and hurriedly said to Long Xuan.

"It's a trivial matter, it's just a matter of little effort." Long Xuan accepted Li Haoxuan's gift with a smile and said, "It will be a matter of time before you enter the legal realm with your aptitude, and we will still be friends of the same generation at that time! Fight a little longer, he's been proud for too long."

Li Haoxuan smiled, but did not speak.What Long Xuan said didn't mean that he could win, but he wasn't worried. Meng Jun's strength was astounding, and he might also have crossed the hurdle of retrograde defeating immortals. He didn't know what the final result would be before the real fight .And he is very clear about his real combat power, if he doesn't have Yao Likong's magical golden core, he may not be able to retrograde and defeat immortals.

"Meng Jun is not in the Qingxu Temple, didn't he enter the vast desert with you? Where is he now?" Ye Hongyu asked suddenly.

"When we came here, we came together, but something happened later." Niu Li frowned, and said, "We met a powerful figure from the Tianyao Sect, and Boss Meng fought with him to the outside world!"

Outer Territory means outside the region, above the sky, is the endless universe!Except for a few of the peak powers of the law ring who possessed heaven-defying combat power, only those who lacked the power to enter the star field have the ability and qualification to freely enter the star field!The so-called great power is a general term for the strong who surpass the realm of the law, and it is called the realm of lack of crime!The law is the strong, the lack of crime is the power!

"How could the Heavenly Demon Sect have such a powerful attack?" Ye Hongyu asked with a worried look on his face.Even though he had a peerless attack, Ye Hongyu still didn't worry too much, also because it was Meng Jun, the invincible Meng Jun!

"It's just a phantom of divine sense! Boss Meng wanted to refine him, so he went outside the territory!" Niu Li said, his words revealed strong confidence.

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