Holy furnace

Chapter 281 Ye Kaitian

"What courage!" This majestic voice rumbled from the depths of Longhuguan, as if the whole world was echoing his question, and a series of terrifying sound waves visible to the naked eye erupted, making the void seem to be broken. Trembling like cloth!

A kind of domineering to the extreme coercion descended, roaring within a radius of a hundred miles, covering Li Haoxuan and others!The hairs all over Li Haoxuan's body suddenly exploded, and he suddenly felt a kind of extreme fear.The moment Li Haoxuan felt fear, his body suddenly swelled with golden light, and the energy and blood in his body surged violently. The fist intent of the God of Destruction Fist unexpectedly revived under this coercion, as if it was about to roll back up against the mighty Compare the pressure!

"Don't resist!" Xu Ziyue's complexion changed, she hurriedly pressed Li Haoxuan and said solemnly, "You are not his opponent, once you resist, you will attract his coercive attack, and your life will be at stake!"

While speaking, a gorgeous purple light emerged from Xu Ziyue's body and enveloped Li Haoxuan. After being enveloped by this layer of purple light, Li Haoxuan's restless punching intentions immediately calmed down, and he quickly regained his composure.

In just a few moments, Li Haoxuan found that his entire back was soaked!He himself couldn't understand why the fist of the Destruction Fist in his body suddenly rioted, and even broke free from his thinking. This is an extremely terrifying thing, because he has never heard of a magical power that can break free from the will of the master. Running, this gave him the feeling as if the Fist of Destruction had life and had its own consciousness!

He took a deep breath and looked at Xu Ziyue gratefully. He knew the gap between himself and this coercion. If he really collided with this coercion, even if he didn't die, he would die because of the damage to his soul. Become an idiot!This coercion is not comparable to that of Ouyang Shu. From the dignified expressions of Niu Li and others, it is enough to guess that the other party's realm must not be inferior to them.

"That's Ye Kaitian." Seeing that Li Haoxuan had returned to normal, Xu Ziyue breathed a sigh of relief, and said to him.

"He is Ye Kaitian?" Li Haoxuan was stunned for a moment, the encounter just now almost made him lose his mind, if it wasn't for the breakthrough in the previous realm, he might really be unable to suppress the fisting intention of the Shattering God Fist!

"Well, a very strong person!" Xu Ziyue said, "He is in charge of everything in the secular world. He is independent from the Nine Palaces and Three Pavilions, and only accepts the orders of the Elder's House and the Supreme Master."

"Hiss!" Li Haoxuan gasped when he heard the words. Although the other party was only a core disciple, his current status could be described as powerful, almost like an uncrowned king.

"How strong is he?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help asking.

"All of us here are no match for him." Xu Ziyue said seriously after thinking about it, and then smiled and comforted her, "You don't have to worry too much, it's just destroying the city wall, at most it can be repaired. "

"No!" At this moment, Chongyang's expression suddenly became incomparably weird, and he said, "Ye Kaitian's aura should be more than that, and why is it that only his coercion echoes after so long, but not his breath?" people?"

"Hahahaha! This is his incarnation, not his real body sitting here! If that's the case, then I'll take a step ahead!" Niu Li laughed loudly when he heard the words, then turned his head and left, three or five Within a few steps, he had already appeared a hundred miles away and lost his trace.

"The things here have nothing to do with me." Chongyang's reaction was also extremely quick. As soon as Niu Li left with his front foot, he had already followed with his back foot. In the blink of an eye, his family disappeared into the clouds, leaving no dust behind.

"I remember that there seems to be a message talisman sent out in the temple. It may be that there is an urgent need to call me back! Now that the army of demons has also dispersed, I will go back too." Long Xuan also said immediately, and at the same time as he spoke, his body had a blue light and rushed towards him. The sky left behind a splendid tail light.

"Are you still leaving?" Xu Ziyue asked in surprise looking at Ye Hongyu in front of her.

"Why should I leave even if you haven't left?" Ye Hongyu snorted.

"Why do you have to compare yourself to me in everything?" Xu Ziyue said speechlessly, "It doesn't matter if your surname is Ye or not when Ye Kaitian is so angry."

"He doesn't care if your surname is Xu." Ye Hongyu replied.

"But I have Divine Light Escape, and Ye Kaitian can't catch up with me." Xu Ziyue said indifferently, "If you don't leave, then stay with me. Those who should go will go, and those who shouldn't will go too. Ye Kaitian has to find someone to vent his anger on."

"You..." Ye Hongyu's complexion changed suddenly, and then disappeared instantly with a heavy wave of his sleeves.

"So fast!" With Li Haoxuan's strength, he was completely unable to see the opponent's actions clearly. When he thought the opponent was still there, it was actually just an afterimage. In terms of speed alone, Ye Hongyu was undoubtedly on par with Niu Li Chongyang and others. Everyone must be strong.

"That's Shunbu." Xu Ziyue explained after hearing the words, "Cultivating to the Dacheng state is comparable to teleportation, even if you don't understand the law of space, it is enough to escape from the hands of the strong in the lack of offense."

"Terrifying supernatural powers." Li Haoxuan sighed, there are so many wonders in the world, whether it is supernatural powers or geniuses, they all emerge one after another.

"Qing Shi, you are not far from the Bigu Realm." Xu Ziyue smiled, looked at Qing Shi beside Li Haoxuan and said.

"I've seen Senior Sister Ziyue." Qing Shi hurriedly bowed and saluted.Those characters who appeared here before are all strong in the realm of law, so how can she speak?Even a half-step method can't go beyond the rules, so she has been respectfully standing aside, Wei and Chongyang nodded slightly.

"You are a junior sister of Chongyang, and you are not an outsider, and I guess you will enter the bigu realm in half a year at most, so there is no need to be polite." Xu Ziyue nodded, pointed to Liu Bai and others and said, "Those sun and moon The disciples of the academy are here to look for Ye Kaitian, you and Xing Qichen will greet you first, Ye Kaitian must be coming soon, and you will be responsible for introducing them, well, as he is, he will not embarrass you These juniors."

"Oh, if he asks about what happened here, you just say you don't know. If you really can't, just tell the truth."

"Tell the truth? Then Haoxuan..." Qing Shi was taken aback, and asked with some concern.

"Haoxuan?" Xu Ziyue's expression froze slightly, then quickly returned to normal, and said, "I still have some things to take Li Haoxuan to do, after finishing we will go back directly to the temple. When we return to the temple, Ye Kaitian won't be able to touch him ,Don't worry."

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Qing Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a slightly red face, in Qing Shi's mind, how could Xu Ziyue with such strength really ask Li Haoxuan for something?That being the case, then she acted like this to see her intention to help her save Li Haoxuan.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Ziyue said, at this moment, a coercion nearly ten times fiercer than before came from a distance.

"No, Ye Kaitian is here!" Xu Ziyue's complexion changed drastically, she grabbed Li Haoxuan and disappeared in a flash of purple light instantly.

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