Holy furnace

Chapter 282 Doubt

Boom!The purple light transformed by Xu Ziyue has just disappeared, and a middle-aged man in black armor has appeared at the position she was in before.This middle-aged man appeared from nowhere, and no one could find the trajectory of his actions. He just stood there, but the void around him was constantly vibrating, as if even the void could not bear his strength.

The moment the middle-aged man appeared, two huge rays of light shot out from his eyes and swept towards Xu Ziyue's leaving direction. After a while, the two rays of light slowly dissipated.

"Shenguang Dun is worthy of being the supernatural power with the highest speed. Xu Ziyue can escape from my hands. It's amazing!" The middle-aged man retracted his eyes before opening his mouth slowly. Every word he uttered would vibrate the void. His words and deeds have affected the operation of the avenue in this world, as if he can turn himself into a master and become the absolute ruler of this area.

This is a kind of power that ordinary people can't imagine, one flower, one world, one thought, one flower blooms!

"I've met Senior Brother Ye." Only then did Qing Shi recover from the previous shock, and quickly saluted Ye Kaitian respectfully.Although Ye Kaitian's skill is supernatural, he is still a core disciple after all, not an elder.

"Who are you?" Ye Kaitian glanced at Qing Shi and asked casually.Although the name of Qing Shi is famous in the Nine Palaces, even in Longhuguan, she is still not qualified to enter Ye Kaitian's sight. It is very normal for Ye Kaitian not to know her.

Facing Ye Kaitian's calm gaze, Qingshi had no choice but to restrain her mind with all her strength. The coercion of the other party had penetrated into his bones, and even just looking at her made her feel great pressure .

As if feeling the pressure on Qing Shi, Ye Kaitian slightly shook his head and looked away from Qing Shi, Qing Shi was relieved and introduced Liu Bai and others to Ye Kaitian.

The vast sea desert is extremely huge, and the longest distance even stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles. It takes a long time for even a monk in the precept realm to fly across the entire vast sea desert. Back then, it took Yuan Jiankong two full flying boats to fly across the vast sea desert. Shi Chen, one can imagine that the vastness of this area is really unimaginable. Ordinary mortals may not be able to cross this vast desert in their entire lives. The vast desert has a name in the world, called the Sea of ​​​​Death!

At this moment, over the vast expanse of sea desert, a ray of purple divine light traversed the sky, and it disappeared in a flash. After a few breaths, it entered the hinterland of the expanse sea desert. After that, the purple light disappeared, and two figures appeared in the sky. The sky above the vast desert.

"Ye Kaitian is really getting stronger and stronger, Shen Guang Dun was almost overtaken by him." Xu Ziyue panted and said, Shen Guang Dun is the fastest supernatural power, even more terrifying than Shunbu, but it is also Consuming a lot of mana, Xu Ziyue's current state strength is not enough to maintain Shenguang Dun for too long.Although it was only five or six breaths, it had consumed nearly half of her mana, and the price was high.

"He can't be a great power who lacks the environment, right?" Li Haoxuan said in shock, he looked around and immediately found that they were already in the hinterland of the vast sea desert, and with his celestial vision, he couldn't see the end of the desert at all.

"Are you a Chinese cabbage who is the power of the lack of crime?" Xu Ziyue rolled her eyes and said, "Although he is very powerful, he is still far from the lack of crime, otherwise I can't run away with the magic light. Press it and pinch us all back."

"Is this kind of power far away from the borderline?" Li Haoxuan frowned.

"Don't think about it, you won't be able to imagine the power unless you have seen the means of the lack of crime with your own eyes." Xu Ziyue said, "The power of the lack of crime has begun to control the laws of the world, and the mountains and rivers will be broken with a single hand. How can it be so simple? Can it be accomplished? Don't look at Ye Kaitian's strength in a mess now, but maybe he won't be able to step into the threshold of lack of crime in this life."

"En." Li Haoxuan was thoughtful, he thought of that person called Punishment Venerable, that should also be a mighty one who lacks the realm of crime.

"What happened to you just now?" Xu Ziyue interrupted Li Haoxuan's association and asked.

"What?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, not understanding the meaning of Xu Ziyue's words.

"I said what happened to you just now. The coercion of Ye Kaitian's avatar came down. Even us people have to restrain our arrogance honestly. How did you raise your aura to the limit? I think you seem Do you really want to compete with Ye Kaitian's coercion?" Xu Ziyue asked jokingly.

"I don't know." After a moment of silence, Li Haoxuan said with a wry smile, "That's not my consciousness. I never thought about fighting Ye Kaitian's coercion, but my body reacted naturally, as if, as if It's like something else is dominating my body!"

"What do you mean?" Xu Ziyue's face suddenly changed, she looked at Li Haoxuan very seriously and said, "You won't be taken away by someone, right?"

"How is it possible? I am very conscious now." Li Haoxuan returned the white eyes that he had suffered before intact, and said speechlessly.

"It's not certain." Xu Ziyue did not relax, and said with some worry, "Some methods of seizing houses are unheard of, and you can even temporarily hide in your purple mansion, and come out at critical moments to make trouble and seize houses in one fell swoop." After finishing speaking, Xu Ziyue He frowned again, and said doubtfully, "It's not right, if that's the case, then it's even more impossible for him to control your body to resist Ye Kaitian's coercion. It's pure courting death."

"Hey, you don't really think that I was taken away?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"At first I thought it was possible, but now I imagine it's not the case." Xu Ziyue waved her hand and said, "Tell me about your feeling at that time."

"Ye Kaitian's coercion is too strong, I instinctively felt fear, and then the Fist of Disillusionment I practiced couldn't help rioting, and my own blood began to surge, I really want to fight a battle." Li Haoxuan replied "I think it's the fist intent of the God of Destruction Fist!"

"Could it be that there is something in Ye Kaitian's coercion that resonates with the God of Destruction Fist?" Xu Ziyue murmured to herself after thinking for a while.

"How can magical powers resonate? Isn't it a living thing?"

"Supernatural power is not a living thing, but after you succeed in cultivation, it will become a living thing, with your will on it." Xu Ziyue shook her head and said, "The Destroyer Fist is an extremely powerful and peerless supernatural power, and it is normal to have this nature! Forget it! , I will talk about this matter later, I will help you ask other people in a while, let me ask you, have you entered Lingxu Realm now?"

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