Holy furnace

Chapter 291 Purple Jade Vase

The transformation that lasted for two hours finally came to an end at this time, the starlight dissipated, and Li Haoxuan's real body was revealed again!Around his body, the originally flat sea and desert became extremely devastated, and the power of the five elements continued to surge, and these potholes began to slowly repair.

At this time, Li Haoxuan seemed to be the protagonist of the world, the dazzling golden light had been completely restrained, the blood-stained tattered body had been completely reshaped, and a burst of invisible mana overflowed, shaking the thick blood scab on it into nothingness, revealing Li Haoxuan's body as clean as glass.There was a faint halo flowing over his bronze-colored skin, and wisps of golden light wandered around his body surface, exuding bursts of powerful and terrifying aura, making it hard to imagine what kind of power is contained in this fleshy body!

Crackling.Li Haoxuan's body will still occasionally hear a crisp sound, like frying beans, it is that he is consolidating his current state, his physical body has become stronger and stronger, beautiful and beautiful, it can be called an indestructible body , especially the drop of blood essence in his dantian, which has now completely disappeared. He felt that his whole body was full of strength, as if he could smash the sky with one punch.

After a long while, Li Haoxuan finally opened his eyes and stood up. The Lihuo God Stove in his dantian trembled slightly, and the Spirit Gathering Formation was activated, quickly absorbing the energy of the ten directions.The previous breakthrough had consumed a lot of mana and stamina. He knew that the catastrophe was coming, and he had to keep himself at his peak state before that.Therefore, without hesitation, he crushed the two storage rings hidden in his chest, and at the same time poured out all the spirit stones inside.

A spirit stone as high as a hill suddenly appeared, bursting with bright light, submerging Li Haoxuan in it, and even Xu Ziyue was startled.Then, the light on the spirit stone dimmed very quickly, and was swallowed by Li Haoxuan. After breaking the boundary, Li Haoxuan devoured the spirit energy faster, several times faster than before.Moreover, the spirit stones in his two storage rings are all low-grade spirit stones. Although the quantity is more than Xu Ziyue's, the quality is far from comparable.

Rumble!Like a landslide and a tsunami, the sound of the rapid flow of spiritual energy even caused a sharp whistling sound.

"It turns out that he still has so many private goods. If he knew that he shouldn't have taken out the spirit stone so early, this deal is considered a loss." Xu Ziyue grinded her crystal white teeth, stared at Li Haoxuan viciously, and planned to break Li Haoxuan's life. After the situation is successful, settle accounts with him.

Even so, she still couldn't hide the shock in her heart. With her experience, she had never heard of such a breakthrough. The border time is almost there, and even worse than that.

This time, Li Haoxuan absorbed the spiritual energy wholeheartedly, and within a short time all the spiritual stones had been consumed by him, and the remaining stone skins were turned into dust by his mana. At this moment, Li Haoxuan was radiant, full of vigor, and full of vigor. And his combat power has reached his peak.His current state gave him the urge to cry up to the sky, and even wanted to fight Qiming again at this time, to see who would win and who would lose in this battle.

Li Haoxuan shook his head, knowing that this was an illusion brought about by the soaring combat power, so he took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the crazily surging blood in his body and the boiling fighting spirit that wanted to fight the sky and the earth, looked up at the sky, and waited for the last moment to break through close.

Feeling the palpitating aura from Li Haoxuan, Xu Ziyue frowned suddenly, because she could feel that Li Haoxuan didn't seem to have successfully broken through at this time, and was still in the consecrated state, but judging from Li Haoxuan's combat power , He has indeed broken the boundary, otherwise, how could his combat power soar to such a degree, more than twice as strong as before the breakthrough!

Ordinary people break through the realm first with the soul, and then comprehend a higher realm, and then drive the physical body to break through the realm, and the combat power soars, but how could Li Haoxuan do the opposite?This situation even made it difficult for her to understand.

"Li Haoxuan, your realm has not yet broken through, sit down and continue to break through quickly, don't be dazzled by this kind of combat power, don't use your mana, otherwise you will not be able to control your current realm at all, and it is very likely that you will explode And die!" Xu Ziyue felt Li Haoxuan's growing aura and fighting spirit and suddenly thought of a certain possibility, her face changed drastically, and she shouted towards Li Haoxuan.

Xu Ziyue once heard the elders of the clan say that when some people with extremely powerful souls break through the realm, they may encounter the same situation as Li Haoxuan today. Their combat power soars but their realm is still unable to break through. The consequence is the collapse of the realm, aroused infinite desire by the majestic force of physical strength, instant obsession, doing whatever they want, and in the end, the body will explode at least, and the soul will be scattered in severe cases.

Li Haoxuan really wanted to answer Xu Ziyue, telling him not to worry, but he couldn't. Now he couldn't speak at all, and he couldn't even relax his mind a little, because that would cause the huge fighting spirit and momentum accumulated in his body to burst out instantly.He knew very well in his heart that the strength he had accumulated with the help of the opportunity to break the boundary was the strongest blow he could strike so far, and he felt that he could even blow Ouyang Shu completely with this punch.

Xu Ziyue's face turned pale, Li Haoxuan's aura had reached the point where she was moved, although she was not worried that Li Haoxuan could hurt her, but she was worried that Li Haoxuan would really explode, and her soul would be blown away, she felt that at this moment Li Haoxuan has reached the limit.

"Hey." Xu Ziyue sighed suddenly, her pale face slowly returned to the original calm, she looked at Li Haoxuan with complex expressions in her eyes, even she didn't know what she was thinking at this time What, but she is very clear about what she should do now.

So she solemnly took out a purple jade bottle from the void.The purple jade bottle was engraved with dense talismans, and immediately after it appeared, there was an incomparably mysterious wave. The dense purple mist of the medicine came out through the purple jade bottle along with the incense, covering Xu Ziyue in it, looking It is like a dream, as if it is about to become a flying fairy.Holding the purple jade bottle, Xu Ziyue walked towards Li Haoxuan step by step, her steps were firm and calm. From the first step she took, the expression on her face became relaxed. Her eyes fell on Li Haoxuan, He never looked at the purple jade bottle in his hand again.

At the moment when Xu Ziyue was about to step into the Holy Land of the Five Elements, her face suddenly turned pale again, and even her eyes revealed a look of fear!

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