Holy furnace

Chapter 292 Ordinary Body?

When Xu Ziyue raised her foot and was about to step into the Holy Land of the Five Elements, her face suddenly became extremely pale. She looked up at the sky in horror, and suddenly saw that a dark cloud had appeared above Li Haoxuan's head. An unimaginable majesty of heaven and earth descended from the dark clouds, oppressing the entire Holy Land of the Five Elements. Under this kind of coercion, even with Xu Ziyue's strength, she couldn't help but tremble all over, as if in this moment Instantly felt the threat of death.

"This... is this a catastrophe?" Xu Ziyue stared at the black clouds above Li Haoxuan that were still in the process of condensing and muttered to herself.Then she seemed to have thought of something, and quickly put away the purple jade bottle in her hand. At the same time, the purple awn on her body exploded, and she escaped in an instant, appearing in the sky nearly fifty miles away from Li Haoxuan.

"It's really a catastrophe!" Xu Ziyue couldn't help gasping when she looked at the huge black cloud in front of her, her eyes were full of horror.When Xu Ziyue was on the ground before, she couldn't see through the entire catastrophe cloud. Now that Xu Ziyue flew up into the sky, she immediately found a terrifying catastrophe cloud with a radius of ten miles gathered in the sky above Li Haoxuan. Blue-purple electric lights flashed across the road, like a real dragon swimming in it, exuding terrifying fluctuations.

Moreover, this calamity cloud is still in the process of brewing and has not reached its limit.

"Damn! What kind of pervert are you!" Xu Ziyue was stunned for a long time before she couldn't help scolding her mother, and yelled at the void, "When Meng Jun broke through the Lingxu Realm back then, he almost made a Lingxu Little Heavenly Tribulation Scared a bunch of people to death, is this Lingxu Little Heavenly Tribulation? It’s even scarier than Bigu Jie! Almost wasting my old lady’s earth-level pill!"

Xu Ziyue felt that her scolding was very reasonable, because she felt that the appearance of this catastrophe was very unreasonable.Although this reason is very subjective, outrageous, and even willful, she still persists because she has her own opinion!She comes from a giant-like family, and she has seen many real geniuses, even geniuses comparable to Meng Jun, but she has never seen something as outrageous as today.

People like Meng Jun are true geniuses, and in any era, they will be unsurpassed talents who are bound to rise!Even in the ancient times, the ancient times, and even the ancient times, people like him would become one of the protagonists of the world, and would never be a supporting role. Therefore, although Xu Ziyue had great confidence in Li Haoxuan, she even thought that Li Haoxuan might chase after him in time. Opportunity to follow Meng Jun's footsteps.

But now, the catastrophe in front of him is revealing a naked fact, that is, never talk about geniuses in front of Li Haoxuan, because he will make all geniuses eclipsed.Xu Ziyue didn't know that Li Haoxuan had already experienced the baptism of catastrophe when he broke through the Consecration Realm, but this did not prevent her from guessing some deeper things, such as Li Haoxuan's physique!

Xu Ziyue can see through many things because she has a pair of eyes called the pupil of the Tao.Whether it is the god king body or the sky demon body, they are a kind of bloodline with a unique bloodline brand, and if her pupil of the Tao uses the power of taboo, she can peek into this most original brand, as long as the opponent's If the realm is not higher than hers, then it can't be hidden from her eyes at all.

It is precisely because of the existence of this pupil of Tao that she can easily see through the disguise of Li Haoxuan's great supernatural power.But she has never looked at Li Haoxuan's physique, because it must use the taboo technique of the pupil of dao, which will put a huge load on her body, and the activity of the pupil of dao will also be affected, it will take a long time Warm nourishment can truly recover.

So even if she saw through Li Haoxuan's supernatural power of changing the world, even if Li Haoxuan possessed the combat power to fight the magic ring, she didn't use the pupil of Tao to peek at the origin of the opponent's physique.Because Xu Ziyue knew that there was a God King Body in Qingxu Temple, and she had seen that God King Body from a distance, so she knew that no matter how against the sky, Li Haoxuan could not be the God King Body.

But now she is shaken, because besides the God King Physique, she really can't imagine any other physique that can cause such a huge catastrophe.This kind of catastrophe has lost the meaning of sharpening the immortal cultivator, and its meaning is only obliteration.

Therefore, at this moment, Xu Ziyue's pupils suddenly became hollow, like a dream, with the power of the Dao circulating in them, Li Haoxuan's body was clearly reflected in her pupils, and her face suddenly changed. After she became pale, she quickly turned red, but in an instant, her life source was damaged.

Xu Ziyue's complexion suddenly changed, becoming extremely weird and unbelievable, because in her Dao pupil, Li Haoxuan's blood did not have any brand of origin, in other words, Li Haoxuan was just a mortal body.

"Why is it a mortal body? How could it be a mortal body? How could it be a mortal body?" Xu Ziyue's eyes suddenly became extremely dark, and her eyes were full of determination.Everything in front of her was unacceptable to her.

Shenwang body is a general term, which generally refers to various god bodies.The world is so big, in addition to the divine body of the Eastern Desolation, the Divine Body of Chaos, the Body of the Sun, the Innate Saint Body, the Heavenly Demon Body and other divine bodies that are rare for tens of thousands of years, there are also many supreme king bodies that are rare for thousands of years, such as the Nine Youwang body, Xuanming body, Absolute Overlord body, Feathering body, Pluto body, etc. In addition to this, there are also fairy seedlings such as Tianjue Battle Body, Nether Body, and Bright Body. Although it is not comparable to the divine body, Sheng has outstanding people in every era, and almost all of them can reach the realm of immortal records.

Even if Li Haoxuan was just one of the most common immortal seedling physiques, Xu Ziyue would not be so unacceptable, but on the contrary, Li Haoxuan is a mortal body, a mortal body with ordinary blood power that can no longer be ordinary!Since Li Haoxuan is only a mortal body, the reason for his current combat power is only Qi Yu, but Qi Yu is not omnipotent.

What worries Xu Ziyue the most is that the gap between Mortal Body and Immortal Miao, King Body, and Divine Body will get bigger as you go to the back. Basically, there are no adventures that can help you get promoted. At that time, it is time to really test your physical fitness and talent!

There is a kind of Dao body in the divine body, this kind of physique is naturally compatible with the Dao, and the speed of comprehending the Dao is countless times faster than ordinary people, almost always in the realm of the unity of heaven and man.In history, there used to be a Dao Body that broke through from the Deficient Realm to the Immortal Record Realm in just over 200 years, and the mortal body who entered the Defective Realm together with her, although he encountered many adventures in the Legal Precept Realm and was invincible, Trapped in the realm of missing criminals for a full 1000 years!This is the importance of fitness.

It's impossible for Xu Ziyue not to be worried, no matter how defiant Li Haoxuan is now, no matter how strong his combat power is, it still doesn't mean anything, because he is just a mortal body, just a mortal body.It is not without precedent in history that the mortal body defeated the divine body, but with the addition of millions of years of history in the three eras, there is only one such person!Throughout the ages, dozens of ancient great emperors have appeared, but this kind of person suppressed everything with mortal resources, and there was only one person who finally ascended to the position of great emperor!

Can Li Haoxuan become someone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with that supreme being?Xu Ziyue smiled wryly, the most indispensable thing in the long river of time is genius, mortal geniuses who are a hundred times as talented as Li Haoxuan have appeared before, but so what?After all, he was defeated by the divine body and annihilated in the long river of history.

Boom!When Xu Ziyue smiled wryly, the calamity cloud on the sky finally finished brewing, exuding the power of thunder, a huge sea of ​​thunder fell from the calamity cloud, and smashed heavily towards Li Haoxuan!

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