Holy furnace

Chapter 296

"Kill!" Li Haoxuan yelled loudly, and suddenly uttered the word "Om" in his mouth. At the same time, he held the Baoshan seal in his right hand to attack, and his left hand directly shot out the Eight Desolation Movement. He turned his whole body into a means of attacking and killing. With raging flames, the moment he got close to the opponent, he used the Fire Dragon to Burn the City, surrounded the opponent with the Fire Emperor's Red Flame Qi, and burned the opponent with the flowing blade like fire. However, Li Haoxuan soon discovered that the Fire Emperor's Red Flame Qi was ineffective.

Because the opponent is not an entity, he can easily pass through the fire dragon burning city, and even the flowing blade Ruohuo and the remaining fire sword cannot hurt him at all, so he has to use the Baoshan seal and the shattering fist to fight against the enemy!This battle was fought extremely dangerously, the heavens and the earth were collapsing, and the sound of sonic booms was everywhere in the void. The human-shaped lightning attacked with a long spear, and every spear pierced could bring out the sky-shattering gun light, causing the void to shake. His realm Although it is only half a step, it can definitely kill any strong man in the mid-bigu stage.

when!Li Haoxuan resisted with his indestructible body. The golden light flowing in his body was almost truly indestructible. He did not receive a fatal blow when he fought with the soldiers of thunder. Up to now, Li Haoxuan had completely given up on himself and entered the point where he could not be indifferent. Neither the pain nor the pain can be blessed on him. He almost cut off all his perceptions. Even if his chest was cut open by the opponent, he still stepped forward to kill him with the God of Destruction Fist.

Li Haoxuan was beaten extremely miserably, mana full of the breath of law poured out from his dantian continuously, the holy power was endless, the entire void was filled with his mana and the power of thunder that he scattered.If the battle between him and this humanoid lightning is spread to the outside world, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world, and the heads of many great religions may be alarmed. Unfortunately, there is a power of the great way to block it here, even Xu Ziyue can hardly see through it. I can only feel the palpitating coercion.

Today's Li Haoxuan is fighting with himself who has entered the realm of half-step magic precepts. It is impossible to surpass the opponent regardless of his physical body or combat power, so he can only persevere until this catastrophe dissipates. He believes that this catastrophe cannot last forever As long as it exists, it will definitely disappear after a period of time.

His body was almost broken, and he even forgot that this was the first time his body was broken today. The Baoshan seal on his head was buzzing, and there were countless cracks all over it. He was also broken countless times, although every time Regrouping every time, but the regrouping time is getting longer and longer, and Li Haoxuan's spirit is getting heavier and heavier. Every breath in this battle will consume a huge amount of mana in his body, and he is almost unable to sustain the battle until now. up.

boom!Li Haoxuan was shot by the opponent's spear, and his whole body flew horizontally. There was a huge wound on his waist and abdomen, and he was almost cut in half!A large amount of blood splashed from his body, and fell to the ground from a high altitude. This was an unsolvable problem, and Li Haoxuan's methods were helpless.

boom!Taking advantage of the moment when he was swept away by the opponent, Li Haoxuan shattered a pure yang pill ring again, swallowing pure yang energy into his body, he has reached the limit, if he continues, he will really be wiped out.

However, the Fifth Heavenly Tribulation didn't give him a chance, and it flew from a distance exuding monstrous divine power. The powerful thunder force swept across all directions, annihilating many pure Yang pills directly. Li Haoxuan retreated, but found that he had already Came to the edge of the Five Elements Holy Land.

The Holy Land of the Five Elements was forged from the power of the five powerhouses of the precepts. It possesses the supreme mystery. It is allowed to enter and not allowed to exit, and its defense is amazing. It has not been destroyed under this kind of catastrophe, and it stands on the vast sea and desert. .

"Fight!" Li Haoxuan coughed up blood, and directly exploded three storage rings containing middle-grade spirit stones. Immediately, endless middle-grade spirit stones appeared in the Holy Land of the Five Elements. Among these middle-grade spirit stones Containing pure aura of heaven and earth, under the guidance of Li Haoxuan's spirit, they exploded one after another, and the aura of heaven and earth spread like a tide across the entire space in an instant!

At this time, Li Haoxuan's firepower was fully fired, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth during the battle!Since he couldn't stop to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, he could only fill the entire space with aura of heaven and earth. Only in this way could Li Haoxuan absorb the aura while moving, otherwise he would surely perish once the aura was exhausted, and he would not hesitate to pay any price for it.

Li Haoxuan's body kept moving in the Holy Land of the Five Elements. As time went by, a large amount of thunder power was absorbed into his body together with the aura of heaven and earth, turning it into the source of life.But the catastrophe still hasn't dissipated, and his body is still getting injured. At this time, the endless crystal kingdom of God in his body seems to be collapsing. Haggard, with dim light, as if it would be broken at any moment.

"Xingyuesha!" Li Haoxuan knew that his time was running out, so he didn't delay any longer, he hoped that if he died one day, he would also die in battle!So his eyes became more determined, and at the cost of almost completely shattering his body, he played the half-movement Xingyuesha!

Rumble!The sky exploded, and the purple awns flew, as if the world had returned to chaos. Under this punch, even the sky and the earth ceased to exist.Li Haoxuan punched out his peak punch, and then his whole body began to disintegrate, his body shattered like porcelain, a large amount of blood gushed out crazily from various parts, the life force in his body was permeating, but it couldn't repair his broken body. The physical body, because his body has reached its limit, the kingdom of endless crystals shattered at this moment and became ruins.

Li Vulcan Stove twirled crazily in his dantian, trembling rapidly, trying to relieve Li Haoxuan's worries, but for some unknown reason, he finally fell silent, and did not help Li Haoxuan restore his physical body as before.

Feeling the movement of Li Vulcan Stove in his body, Li Haoxuan couldn't help showing a wry smile, that was his biggest reliance and hole card, he could feel the emotion of Li Vulcan Stove wanting to help him, but under the catastrophe However, Li Vulcan Furnace seemed to be afraid of something, but he didn't make a move after all.

Li Haoxuan's physical body is still in a state of continuous fragmentation. A large amount of flesh and blood has been stripped from his body, making his face extremely pale. His eyes are fixed on the void in front of him. He wants to see what he is most Can a peak blow bring hope to his life!

Boom!Suddenly, a spear with purple lightning flashed appeared from the void, pointing straight at Li Haoxuan who was not far away.

Li Haoxuan was almost desperate, although his punch wiped out half of the opponent's body, but the opponent did not disperse after all, and he had no strength to fight anymore.At this moment, he seemed to hear the endless mournful roar from his crystal kingdom, which was extremely desolate.

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