Holy furnace

Chapter 297

Li Haoxuan was almost desperate, but it meant that he was not desperate after all. At the moment when he did not really die, Li Haoxuan would not allow himself to despair, and at this moment he saw the dawn of victory in a trance, because the human-shaped lightning in front of him was finally still alive. Half of his body was obliterated by him.

Now half of the body of the humanoid lightning has disappeared, only the right hand and right leg holding the gun are left, and even half of the head has been smashed, so the coercion on his body has dropped to an extremely low level. Li Haoxuan in the all-victory period could even crush it with a single punch.

Li Haoxuan began to mobilize the mana in his body to actively repair his body, wanting to buy more time, because he felt that this catastrophe was coming to an end.


Just as Li Haoxuan was pumping the blood in his body, a thunderclap resounded from the sky, and then Li Haoxuan saw the huge calamity cloud in the sky begin to condense, and finally turned into a huge lightning glow several feet thick towards the sky. The ground fell.

This huge lightning light descended from the sky like a real dragon, carrying unparalleled thunder force, it struck the human-shaped lightning not far from Li Haoxuan!

Boom!After being hit by this huge electric light, the light of the human-shaped lightning became dazzling again, and the half of Li Haoxuan's body that was shattered by Li Haoxuan also recovered again, becoming more solid, and a powerful aura rippled from his body Come out, crackling electric light filled the entire void.

With the fall of the sixth thunder calamity, the black calamity clouds in the sky finally dissipated, and the starry night appeared in Li Haoxuan's eyes again.This time, Li Haoxuan was really at a loss. He originally thought he could make it through, but unexpectedly he fell down here in the end.

The Baoshan Seal was suspended above Li Haoxuan's head, strips of faint black and yellow aura overflowed, wrapping Li Haoxuan tightly in it.Humanoid Lightning didn't have any emotions, and as soon as his strength recovered, he immediately attacked Li Haoxuan, sweeping the spear in his hand, and shot out a huge thunderbolt!

Li Haoxuan looked at the gun light that was getting closer and closer, and suddenly there was a touch of sadness in his heart, some reluctance, some sadness, and more helplessness.

"Is this my end?" Li Haoxuan stood up straight with difficulty, his Destruction Fist was intended to roar loudly, trying to fight against the spear light in front of him, but his body had reached its limit, and he couldn't even stand upright. It has become an unimaginable burden.

Just when the gun light was about to approach Li Haoxuan's body, a bright halo suddenly landed on Li Haoxuan's body from the sky, and then, the purple gun light hit the halo heavily, the gun light shattered, but the halo was unharmed .

"What's going on?" Li Haoxuan himself was stunned, his whole body was covered by this halo, and he was almost absolutely defensive, but he actually blocked the sky-shattering gun light. At the same time, the light above the halo was slowly Disintegrated and merged into Li Haoxuan's body.

With the influx of these rays of light, Li Haoxuan's body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Huge life essence gushed out from this halo and flowed continuously to Li Haoxuan's body. At this moment, Li Haoxuan seemed to have gained newborn.

"In the past, in the blue sky, singing in the sky, floating in the sky... Flying in the clouds and in the sky, the green jade wheel, the feather cover hanging down..., the starry sky, the jade balance stops the wheel, the god wind is silent, the mountains and seas hide In the midst of "clouds", a mysterious and mysterious voice of the Daotian reverberated in Li Haoxuan's mind, his whole person suddenly became ethereal, and a look of compassion appeared on his face.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan seemed to see endless images, corpses strewn across the field, darkness and turmoil, blood flowing into rivers, and heaven and earth shattered. However, no matter how these images change, there is always a voice resounding through it, Inexhaustible.

In the midst of this mysterious and mysterious Taoist sound, he finally knew where the sudden halo came from.This is the power of luck blessed to him in the dark, manifesting at this time, blessing Li Haoxuan with supreme divine power and helping him break through.

When Li Haoxuan rescued Liu Bai and others, he spent a day purifying the blood of all living beings. At that time, he felt a wave of luck entering his body. At that time, he only felt that this luck was beneficial to him, but he did not expect it to be Bringing such a great help to himself, the principle of the cycle of cause and effect has been manifested to the extreme at this time. It is precisely because Li Haoxuan has the cause of purifying the blood of all living beings that he has his current fruit.

Li Haoxuan's lifelong luck gained from purifying the blood of all living beings is condensed on this bright halo. At least it can help him avoid disasters, and at worst it can save his life. The catastrophe is an unavoidable level for him, so Qi The luck merit manifests in this way, repaying the lifeline owed to Li Haoxuan by heaven and earth.

The power of qi luck merit surpassed everything, and within a few breaths, Li Haoxuan was restored to his original state, the mana in his body transpired, and the qi connected to the clouds.

At the moment when this halo disappeared, Li Haoxuan's fist had already been blasted out again. This was his second life borrowed from God. It was absolutely impossible for him to die here because of this little Lingxu Heavenly Tribulation. So every punch of his is venting, roaring, and angry.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!Li Haoxuan's fists collided with the thunder spear thousands of times, and the loud sound shook the heavens and the earth. If it hadn't been for being in the Holy Land of the Five Elements, it would have caused boundless disasters. It's a phantom but like a substance, every bombardment can make the light of the humanoid lightning become dimmer.

It is impossible for Li Haoxuan not to be injured. Although he has recovered to his peak at this time, so is his opponent. After smashing half of the opponent's body, Li Haoxuan stepped forward and tore apart the humanoid lightning with his bare hands while roaring wildly. He struggled violently with the power of the endless electric light but he inevitably ended up being completely swallowed by Li Haoxuan!

hum!After this human-shaped lightning was completely swallowed by Li Haoxuan, endless power of life suddenly came out of Li Haoxuan's body, and the thunder power absorbed by him did not begin to disintegrate, reorganize, and infuse into Li Haoxuan's body until this moment. In the source of life.

The source of life is the foundation of life, the stronger the source, the stronger the vitality, now Li Haoxuan has obtained a large amount of the source of life, and the whole person immediately started a new round of transformation!

With the demise of this human-shaped lightning, Li Haoxuan's human origin robbery finally ended, which also means that Li Haoxuan finally succeeded in breaking through at this moment, and Li Haoxuan's spirit suddenly left his body at this moment, flying to the infinite and far-reaching boundless world , there, he saw a huge portal towering in the boundless sky.

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