Holy furnace

Chapter 298 Ling Xu

Li Haoxuan finally succeeded in breaking through the realm at this time, and entered the realm of Lingxu.His spirit began to sublimate, and he began to understand the true meaning of Lingxu Realm.

His spirit left the body in an instant, and he entered a state of harmony between man and nature. He seemed to have entered a mysterious world. This world is infinitely high, infinitely vast, and even time and space do not exist. In this world There is only one huge portal in it.

This gate is boundless, towering in front of Li Haoxuan, no matter how Li Haoxuan perceives it, he can't see the whole picture of this gate.No matter how he attacked with Yuanshen, this huge portal did not move at all. In front of this portal, Li Haoxuan seemed to be inferior to an ant.

Gradually, this portal began to dissipate, becoming faintly visible. With the disappearance of this portal, various mysterious information poured into his soul, and he immediately fell into samadhi, as if in this world. Thousands of years seem to have just passed by.

When his thoughts turned again, another scene changed before his eyes.

He seems to be transformed into an omnipresent god, standing at the highest point of the universe, looking into the depths of the universe.There, there are five huge continents. These five continents are gold, cyan, blue, red, and yellow. The five continents are arranged in a certain order, floating in the deepest part of the universe.

Li Haoxuan's eyes broke through many obstacles and landed on the five continents. He felt a strong breath of life from them. This breath was so powerful that he felt extremely trembling, as if he would die if he just took a look at it, but Fear makes him feel extremely familiar at the same time. This is a strange emotion that does not exist. Fear and kindness coexist, and they are both very strong. The two feelings are constantly pulling Li Haoxuan's soul, making his The real body showed a painful expression.

Under this severe pain, Li Haoxuan turned his mind again, this time his gaze directly jumped over the five-color continent, and looked into a gray mist.This is a mysterious place, the flow of time seems to have been changed by some powerful rules, Li Haoxuan's eyes transcended everything, looking directly at the source.

Confusion suddenly appeared on Li Haoxuan's face, he felt that something in his mind seemed to be recovering, and these things that were about to recover were eager to see the next scene.Maybe because of his own curiosity, maybe because of some inexplicable induction, Li Haoxuan finally saw through the gray mist, and at the end of the gray mist, a bronze-colored ancient coffin appeared in front of Li Haoxuan.

The bronze-colored ancient coffin existed forever, as if it existed forever. Although it was in such an incomparably mysterious state, Li Haoxuan could still feel the ancient aura emanating from it, which was old enough to make time rot.

The ancient coffin stands quietly in this universe. There is nothing around it. It is extremely quiet. The body of the coffin is engraved with dense talismans, but more than half of the talismans have been destroyed, so it is difficult to discover its real body.

Looking at this ancient coffin, Li Haoxuan suddenly felt an indescribable sadness.

As if feeling Li Haoxuan's peeping, the quiet ancient coffin suddenly trembled slightly.With the trembling of the ancient coffin, the entire universe began to tremble, and the gray mist surrounding the ancient coffin began to churn violently, like boiling. At the same time, the entire universe began to collapse, and pieces of stars were crushed. This terrifying aura was destroyed, and the originally starry universe suddenly became a dead sea-like place of silence, and all this was only because of the slight movement of the giant coffin.

Li Haoxuan's primordial spirit was stabbed, his gaze changed again, and he returned to the original place. In front of his eyes, it was still the huge and boundless portal.The existence of this portal seems to straddle the past, present and future. Li Haoxuan tried his best to look at it, but he still could only see a vague outline.

Li Haoxuan's spirit is sublimating, and he uses the power of stealing the sky to peep into the origin of the world.And his physical body completed a new round of transformation at this moment, and the endless power of thunder and calamity was finally completely absorbed by him. His strength skyrocketed again, and he truly stepped on the words "retrograde and immortal".

At the same time, as Li Haoxuan's Yuanshen realm continued to rise, Li Haoxuan's body actually showed a faint five-color light at this moment.With the appearance of these five-color rays of light, the power of the five elements in the Five Elements Holy Land all jumped up, rushing towards Li Haoxuan's body as if they had found their own home.

Crash!Like a bottomless pit, Li Haoxuan was completely surrounded by five colors of light, and the power of the five elements poured into Li Haoxuan's body scrambling to be the first, and then rushed out from Li Haoxuan's body after a while.

Although Li Haoxuan has glimpsed part of the source at this time, he can only absorb the five elements but cannot refine them. The power of these five elements cannot be integrated into his body, let alone blend with his mana, and can only be stored in his dantian , or just overflowing directly from his body.

The light of the five elements on the surface of his body rotates, attracting the power of the five elements nearby.In the end, Li Haoxuan incorporated all the power of the five elements into his dantian. Although he cannot use the power of the five elements at this time, when he enters the realm of bigu, the power of the five elements will be his best. help.

The Five Elements Spirit Beads on the five giant pillars emitted brilliant light, strands of power of the Five Elements slowly overflowed from them, poured into the Holy Land of the Five Elements, and then were absorbed by Li Haoxuan and incorporated into his dantian.

Li Haoxuan's dantian is bigger than before, like an ocean, with endless magic power surging in it.When the power of the five elements entered this dantian, the mana in the dantian surged one after another, giving up part of the space to the power of the five elements.

The power of the five elements and the original mana seem to have reached a certain tacit agreement, sharing Li Haoxuan's dantian, the well water does not interfere with the river water, and in the middle of the interval between the mana and the power of the five elements, a small red stove is slowly rotating, every time he rotates, There will be a ray of mana and a ray of power of the five elements extracted by it, and refined into the furnace.

When Li Haoxuan's dantian was nearly saturated, the world where his primordial spirit lived also began to slowly dissipate, and finally completely disappeared.

Li Haoxuan, who was standing in the void with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and slowly withdrew the mana used to maintain the flight. Although he had withdrawn all the mana, his body did not fall down, because this was Ling Xu.

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