Holy furnace

Chapter 300

Over the vast and boundless sea and desert, two figures were sailing against the wind at an extremely fast speed. Behind them were two long waves of air, which lasted for a long time.

"After you entered Lingxu, your speed is much faster than before. The white crane's wings are really useless to you." Xu Ziyue said to Li Haoxuan beside her.The vast sea desert is very far away from Qingxu Temple, even with their speed, it is impossible to arrive in a short time, and there is no urgent matter at the moment, Xu Ziyue naturally does not need to use the Holy Light Escape, so she and Li Haoxuan traveled by flight, anyway they The mana is very abundant, and you will not feel tired after flying for several days.

"I'll return the White Crane Wings to Senior Brother Di when I go back." Li Haoxuan replied, indeed, his flying speed is no slower than that of the White Crane Wings. As for the defensive power of the White Crane Wings, with Li Haoxuan's current physical strength, I'm afraid Really not much weaker than the Wings of the White Crane.

"If he gives it to you, then you just keep it. Who would think that I have too many spirit weapons?" Xu Ziyue said, "And the white crane's wings have the ability to defend, even if your body is fearless to attack, but it is not better to be able to suffer a little pain." good?"

"Hehe." Li Haoxuan smiled, not knowing how to answer.

Xu Ziyue's speed surprised Li Haoxuan, he had already exploded with his fastest speed but still couldn't lead past Xu Ziyue, no matter how much he increased his speed, Xu Ziyue was always one foot in front of him.

When flying out of the vast desert, Xu Ziyue took a long look at Longhu Pass and found that Longhu Pass had returned to its former calm. Except for a few patrolling disciples, most of the Qingxuguan disciples It had disappeared, and the city wall that had been shattered had been restored to its original state. Seeing this scene, she immediately knew that this genius trial was over.

She didn't look too carefully, because she wasn't sure that her Dao pupil could hide from Ye Kaitian's eyes, so after a rough scan, Xu Ziyue and Li Haoxuan continued on the road, returning to the view of Qingxu.

The real Qingxu Temple exists on the Baiyun Qiongyu. Even if ordinary people are blind, it is difficult to see the real Qingxu Temple, and there is a huge magic array outside the real Qingxu Temple. This magic array is called Amazing!Contains countless small divine formations such as killing formations, phantom formations, sleepy formations, imperial formations, etc., with a powerful Taoist artifact as the eye of the formation, covering the entire Qingxu Temple, except for a few people who have the freedom to enter the Qingxu Temple Except for the ability, the rest of the people can't enter at all, and they can't even connect.

It is said that thousands of years ago, a demon lord attacked with supreme demonic power. In an instant, he sacrificed blood for tens of thousands of miles, intending to use this to enter the Qingxu temple, but in the end he fell into this shocking array, and his whole body was crushed. Refined into a blood mist.From then on, the name of Shocking God resounded throughout the world of cultivating immortals, and no one dared to take the lead!At this time, Li Haoxuan was standing in front of this astonishing array, he could feel a huge unimaginable force lying in front of him, feeling this magnificent force as vast as the sky, Li Haoxuan couldn't bear it. Zhu Zhu trembled slightly all over, not because of fear, but because of excitement!

Such tyrannical power belongs to Qingxuguan, and he is a disciple of Qingxuguan, which is why he is excited about it.

Although he couldn't see clearly the true form of this God-shocking formation, let alone understand what kind of power the God-shocking formation possessed, Li Haoxuan was still proud of it.

"It is said that the demon king of the Immortal Record Realm was refined after only holding on for a few breaths in the shocking formation, and his soul flew away." Xu Ziyue seemed to be able to sense Li Haoxuan's mood at this time, and said with some sighs, "Since that time After that, the Shocking God Formation never opened again."

"The divine array that can obliterate the Immortal Record Realm can be called the Shocking God." Li Haoxuan was silent for a long time before raising his head and said, "Thousands of years ago, those who saw the opening of the Shocking God must never forget it?"

"Although as a disciple of Qingxu Temple, I really want to witness the divine power of the Shocking God with my own eyes, but I still hope that the Shocking God Formation will be closed forever." Xu Ziyue said.

Li Haoxuan nodded. He knew what Xu Ziyue meant. The God-Shocking Formation is the strongest defense of Qingxu Temple. Once the God-Shocking Formation is opened, it means that Qingxu Temple has reached the state of life and death. No one would want to see this The occurrence of the situation.

"Other sects of Immortal Dao will also have peerless formations similar to Shocking God?" Li Haoxuan asked suddenly.

"Of course there is." Xu Ziyue was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Li Haoxuan would ask this.

"The twelve sects of the Eastern Desolation Immortal Dao, have there been any changes in these twelve sects since the endless years?" Li Haoxuan asked again.

"There used to be." Xu Ziyue thought for a while and said, "Tens of thousands of years ago, Wanlong Ridge changed hands, and then it was successfully restored."

"How does their defensive formation compare to Shocking God?"

"It's impossible to compare. What happened tens of thousands of years ago is too far away. At that time, even the ancient emperor had never died. What do you want to ask?"

"What I want to ask is, since a large formation like Shocking God can easily kill the strong of Xianlu, who else can wipe it out except the ancient emperor?"

"There are many more." Although she didn't want to admit it, Xu Ziyue finally said, "No matter how strong the formation is, it will eventually die."

"Yes, there are many more." Li Haoxuan sighed, shook his head and said.A lot means a lot, for example, the extreme magic weapon.

"Is there nothing that can stop the extreme magic weapon?" Li Haoxuan suddenly felt a little chill in his heart when he thought of the plan of Tianyaomen and Tianmoshengong, so he asked again.

"Three types." Xu Ziyue looked at Li Haoxuan's eyes more and more surprised, unable to figure out why the other party was so interested in this kind of thing, but these are common sense in the world, and there is nothing to hide, so she said, "The resurrection of the ancient emperor, complete The great emperor pattern, the ultimate magic weapon."

"Emperor Zhun, too?" Although Li Haoxuan clearly knew the answer, he still couldn't help asking.

"That depends on who owns the extreme magic weapon." Xu Ziyue said, "If the extreme magic weapon is in the hands of ordinary immortals, the emperor may not be afraid, but if it is in the hands of a strong person in the advanced realm of immortal records, the quasi-divine The emperor can only avoid the edge temporarily, and the quasi-di is only a quasi-di after all."

"The ancient great emperor has not appeared for tens of thousands of years, what about the quasi-emperor? Is there any quasi-emperor in this world?"

"No one knows about this. Even if the Headmaster is holding a sky-watching mirror, it is impossible to see the existence of the quasi-emperor realm. It is said that 8000 years ago, someone hit the quasi-emperor realm in the depths of the universe, but no one knows who that person is. Was it successful?" Xu Ziyue shook her head and said, "That level of realm is beyond our ability to figure out. But even if he succeeded at that time, he has already transformed into Tao now, after all, 8000 years have passed, and the lifespan of Emperor Zhun is almost exhausted. "

"Does our Qingxu Temple have extreme magic weapons?" Li Haoxuan finally asked after hesitating for a while.

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