Holy furnace

Chapter 301

"What's wrong with you?" This time, Xu Ziyue didn't continue to answer Li Haoxuan's question, but looked into his eyes and said, "Since seeing the Shocking God Formation, every question you ask is very strange and groundless, what is going on?"

"Can you answer my question first?" Li Haoxuan said after hesitating for a while.

"Extreme divine weapons can only be refined by the ancient emperor, and there is a divine mansion in it, which is equivalent to the continuation of the ancient emperor's life. Naturally, it can only be grasped in the orthodoxy passed down by the ancient emperor. Patriarch Qingxu He is not the heir of the great emperor." Xu Ziyue said, Qingxu Temple does not have extreme magic weapons, this is known to the world, there is no need to hide it.

"What's going on?" Xu Ziyue then asked.

"I heard that there was a supernatural weapon born, and it fell into the hands of the Tianyao Sect and the Tianmoshen Palace." Li Haoxuan turned his head and told Xu Ziyue the news he had heard in detail. He felt that this Things are bigger than I imagined.

"Extreme Dao Divine Soldiers are actually involved!" Xu Ziyue's face also became serious, and she said in a deep voice, "Although I don't know whether the news is true, but the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Palace can actually use the blood of all living beings to activate the blood of all living beings." One thing is certain, that piece of extreme magic weapon must not be refined by the emperor of the human race. Every emperor of the human race takes it as his duty to protect the human race, so it is impossible to accept this kind of action. But no matter what, since It is not something that we can participate in if it involves the Ultimate Soldiers, all we can do is to report this matter."

"Are you worried that the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon God's Palace will launch a war of immortals and demons with extreme weapons? In fact, you are worrying too much. Yes, don't say that the extreme magic weapon is not complete, even if it is a complete extreme magic weapon, as long as he really dares to attack Xiandao, Haoting Xianjing will be the first to jump out and suppress it with the bell of heaven and earth. Kill." Xu Ziyue comforted Li Haoxuan.

"Maybe." Li Haoxuan breathed a sigh of relief. After revealing this matter, the uneasiness in his heart also decreased. Now after hearing Xu Ziyue's analysis, the uneasiness has disappeared even more. He shook his head with a wry smile. Feeling too worried.Even if the sky falls, there will be a tall man to support him. With his current strength, no matter how much he worries, what effect can he have?

"I'll take you back to the Kun Palace first, and then I'll go to see my master and report this matter to you. Don't have any burdens as it's related to the Supreme God Soldiers. Serious cultivation is what you should do now." At the same time, Xu Ziyue swiped his right hand, and the shocking formation suddenly emitted a misty blue light, opening an opening wide for two people, allowing Xu Ziyue and Li Haoxuan to enter it.

Nearly ten thousand miles away in the sky above Qingxu Temple, there is a mysterious world.

This world is not big, with a radius of only a hundred miles. It is filled with a chaotic atmosphere. The flow of time in it is sometimes slow and sometimes turbulent. The space vortices rotate steadily under the influence of the power of time. In the large and small spaces, it is sometimes daytime, sometimes night, sometimes spiritual rain falls, and sometimes yin and yang energy manifests. Everything in it seems irregular, but full of natural artistic conception.

This small world has a not-so-famous name, it's called Qiankunjie.

In the very center of the world of heaven and earth, there is an ancient mirror with a simple style floating out of thin air. This ancient mirror is made of a kind of silver metal, and some subtle and complex dao patterns are engraved on it. There is nothingness, no picture appears in it, and the handle connected to the ancient mirror is engraved with two extremely small ancient characters, Guantian.

The appearance is simple and the style is ordinary, but it is such an ancient mirror, but it exudes a powerful coercion that is hard to guess its power. The whole universe seems to be changing with the change of this ancient mirror.

In front of this ancient mirror, there are two people sitting opposite each other. One of them has an old face and gray hair, while the other is full of vigor and energy.

The eyes of the two figures were closed tightly, and there was no breath, as if they were eternally immobile.

Suddenly, the ancient mirror next to them fluctuated violently, and one image after another began to appear on his mirror surface. The speed of these images changed very fast. Before it was an endless universe, and in the next moment it was It became a killing place full of corpses, and then manifested countless space-time vortices, but in less than an instant, the scenes in it had changed tens of thousands of times.

When the ancient mirror began to change, the old man's eyes suddenly opened, and two bright divine lights shot out from his eyes, shining on the ancient mirror.Although the picture on the mirror changed very quickly, the old man was able to see it clearly without missing anything.

The changes in the ancient mirror lasted for half an hour before finally stopping and returning to the previous state of no waves in the ancient well.

When Gu Jing regained his composure, the light in the eyes of the old man in white slowly withdrew, and then he said, "I have seen the Supreme Master."

"Uncle Master." After the old man spoke, the young man opposite him slowly opened his eyes and nodded to him.

"Has the head teacher entered the emperor's mausoleum?" the old man in white asked in a deep voice with a slightly turbulent expression.

"It's not the mausoleum of the great emperor, but the tomb of the ancient demon emperor." The middle-aged man shook his head seriously and said.

"The tomb of the demon emperor? Is it the demon clan?" The old man's face changed slightly, and then he asked, "Isn't that bad for our human race?"

"The Blood God Son has already entered the Demon Emperor's Tomb ahead of time." The young man said slowly, "But this time there are so many monster races coming to the Demon Emperor's Tomb, and even visitors from outside the territory, the Blood God Son can't take advantage of it. I saw a fragment of a Jidao Divine Weapon, but that fragment finally revived on its own, and after breaking free, it flew into the depths of the Demon Emperor's tomb."

"Is someone going there with the extreme magic soldiers?" There was a trace of anxiety on the old man's face, and he said, "I still think it's too dangerous for you, my lord, to go to the Demon Emperor's tomb in your real body. Sky mirror is."

"No need to worry." A warm smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face, and he said, "The Demon Emperor can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Great Emperor, how can he allow the Emperor's divine weapon to enter it? No one with the ultimate divine weapon can enter the Demon Emperor's tomb. Moreover, many rules are excluded in the tomb of the Demon Emperor, and the role of the sky-gazing mirror is limited. It is better to leave it for you to continue to comprehend the power of the world. We observe beneficial things in a purely clear way, and only the sky-gazing mirror can make the Shocking God Formation exert its greatest power. I keep this Dao body here so that you can always know my safety, so you don’t have to worry too much, Qingxu I feel relieved to have you in charge."

"But I don't have confidence in myself. Hey, Supreme, he is already awake." The old man suddenly sighed and said to the person in front of him.

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