Holy furnace

Chapter 304 Emperor Que

"In that era, do you really hope that the concept of Qingxu will be on the cusp of the storm?" The middle-aged man smiled and said, "The patriarch failed to see who the fallen god-king body was, and he didn't even know whether the god-king body was You have already reached a great level, and even if you have a great level of divine body, there are differences in strength and weakness, why should you worry too much? Only strength is the foundation of guaranteeing yourself, and everything else is false. What's more, this may not be our opportunity."

"Thank you Supreme for your teaching." The old man was shocked suddenly, knowing that his heart had been shaken by those words before, he couldn't help saying gratefully.

"The god body is a heaven-defying existence that surpasses the heavens and the earth. His birth is not what we expected. The reason why I am sure is that the birth of the god body is already recorded in the volume of heavenly scriptures left by the patriarch. Uncle, now the god body How?" The teacher's tone was also a little excited, after all, he was a divine body with the appearance of becoming an emperor.

"Three years ago, the bloodline of the god king was awakened, and it became the body of the sun." The old man said respectfully, "I have been led to the small universe some time ago, so I can kill immortals in reverse."

"Well, it is not allowed to be born before stepping into the Dharma ring. Only after entering the Dharma ring will the divine body vision be awakened, and only then will it have the power to protect itself." The head teacher nodded.

"There is one more thing to report to the head teacher." The old man suddenly frowned and said, "Some changes seem to have taken place in the stone carvings in Bingzhong Mountain. Someone found the green gold of fairy tears and the eye of the true god."

"The green gold of fairy tears and the eyes of the true god?" The middle-aged teacher shook his head and said, "I have seen that stone carving in person, and it does have the power of immortality, but it comes from a supreme formation. There will be fairy tears, green gold, and as for the eye of the true god, it is just a totem. There is no true god in the world, so where does the eye of the true god come from? Can you find anything in the sky mirror?"

"The sky-gazing mirror sensed that the power of immortality in the stone carvings has weakened slightly, but the essence has not changed." The old man said.

"Then don't worry about it," said the middle-aged man, "That stone carving has the power of immortality, and you can incorporate it into your world when your world becomes complete in the future. At that time, you may be able to go one step further. The senior will I am afraid that he has such an idea in his own world."

"Well, it's just that the matter of Xianlei Green Gold is very important, and it involves extreme magic weapons, so I asked this question." The old man bowed his head.

"Even if you have fairy tears and green gold, you can't make a supernatural weapon. It doesn't make much sense. I will talk about everything after I come back. Uncle, there is one more thing. I am now in the tomb of the Demon Emperor. The time here is not the same as that of the outside world." Not the same, and the power of the outside law is greatly suppressed here, unable to slow down the passage of time. I have been trapped in a large formation for a full 300 years. According to my calculations, although the Blood God Son entered earlier than me The Demon Emperor's tomb has been in the tomb for several years, but due to the passage of time, the backhand he arranged will definitely have an impact, and the extreme magic weapon in his hand has been lost, and it will inevitably shrink the power of the Tianyaomen in an all-round way. Let’s scare the snake away, and we’ll talk about everything when I come back.”

"What? 300 years? But only 50 years have passed in this world, and the flow rate of time in the two places is six times different. Could it be that the head taught you to use the power of the law of combustion to forcibly break through the law of time in the demon emperor's tomb?" The old man's face changed drastically, and he asked in horror road.

"How is this possible? Although the Demon Emperor passed away, he was in the realm of the emperor after all. How can I break his laws? I am about to break the formation now. Nian" the middle-aged man smiled, and then said, "It has been nearly 50 years since my real body left Qingxu Temple. Has Di Que entered the stage of great success?"

"One foot has stepped into the realm of great achievement, and the remaining foot is only a last chance. He is currently retreating in the depths of the universe, and he may take that last step at any time." The old man said gratified.

"Well, Di Que is a true genius. Although he is not a god, he must be able to compete with the gods." The middle-aged man smiled and said, "After 600 years of cultivation, he can enter the realm of immortal records, and he even damaged himself during the period. Such a speed has never existed in the past. A few. Now, in just 200 years, they are going to break into the realm of Dacheng again. Even the god king body must be no more than that? Now that I think about it, it is really true that Emperor Que created the Invincible Hall when he first entered the Bigu realm. Interesting."

"It's very interesting. Since Di Que created the Invincible Hall, his disciples and grandchildren, like himself, have never been named invincible for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, this time Di Que has been in seclusion for too long. The Invincible Hall has been officially established since 50 years ago. Closed, no more disciples."

"En? Di Que's closed-door training will not affect the Invincible Hall, right? I remember that Di Que left a trial space back then. Could it be that no one has entered it in the past few decades?" The head teacher asked in surprise, "Di Que Que doesn't object to people from the Elite Pavilion entering the Invincible Hall, so is there no one in the Elite Pavilion who can pass the assessment left by Emperor Que?"

"Everyone in the Elite Pavilion has their eyes above the top. How could they break through the assessment formation of the Invincible Hall? However, that boy from the Meng family went through it when he entered the Bigu Realm a few years ago. After failing more than a dozen times, he finally broke through. went in."

"Oh? Well, counting the time, that little guy is about to awaken part of his ancestral bloodline now. Judging by his bloodline, his achievements must be not low. I'm not too surprised to be able to enter the Invincible Hall. You said that in 50 years, the Invincible Hall has not Recruiting newcomers? Is that kid from the Meng family not qualified enough?"

"Hehe, it's not that Invincible Hall doesn't like him, it's that he doesn't like Invincible Hall." The old man laughed and said, "That kid's heart is higher than the sky. Elite Pavilion can't keep him, and Invincible Hall can't keep him either. The checkpoint is just to see what Di Que used back then, and that kid's goal is Di Que himself, how could he enter the Invincible Hall to practice and be willing to be the last?"

"Interesting, haha, I don't know how Di Que will react when he hears his bold words after he leaves the customs." The middle-aged man laughed and said, "What is the state of the kid now, he dares to challenge Di Que?"

"He is indeed a genius. Although he is not as short as God, he is not far behind." The old man was very satisfied with the Meng family boy in his mouth, and said with a smile, "Di Que, who was the same age as him back then, was only a small realm higher than him."

"Oh? Although you have the powerful blood of the Meng family, it is indeed a gift from heaven to be able to achieve such an achievement at this age." The head teacher nodded solemnly, and said, "But if you really want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Di Que? It is far from enough, but today the situation has changed, although his path of cultivation will become easier, but his combat power will not be as strong as that of Emperor Que in the past. Has the God of the Sun ever paid homage to the statue of the Patriarch?" The head teacher asked suddenly road.

"Everything is as you expected before. The ninth level of condensed energy cannot be cultivated without the physique of a god king. If you practice it forcibly, you will die when your body explodes." Halo is finally here."

"Hey, it's a pity that this point is not recorded in the heavenly book left by the head teacher. Otherwise, in the tens of thousands of years, I would have produced countless strong people." The head teacher looked sad and moved, "For thousands of years, once There are several geniuses who have cultivated Ning Yuan Jin to the eighth level, but they were all blown to pieces by a force of darkness when they broke through the ninth level. I thought it was natural selection, until the immature Di Que Tell me that Ning Yuan Jin is flawed, that's why I came up with this idea, but I didn't expect it to be true, non-God King Physique can't cultivate the ninth level."

"Do you need to notify the eight law enforcers to erase the ninth layer of Ning Yuan Jin?" asked the old man.

"No need." The head teacher shook his head and said, "For thousands of years, there are very few people who can cultivate to the eighth level, even less than the number of hands. It is meaningless to erase the ninth level, and this After all, it was left by the patriarch. The patriarch was invincible and invincible in the world. I don't know if he didn't leave a single word or a few words. I can't wait to speculate. I just don't know how long it will take for Di Que to wait for a personal disciple worthy of his own training? "

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