Holy furnace

Chapter 305 Di Que's Arrangement

Di Que is a legend, and even more so!In the infinitely small world, he cultivated the Ning Yuan Jin to the eighth level, and was accepted as a disciple by the supreme teacher himself, and then he continued to break through at a speed that shocked everyone. All the barriers of learning, law and precepts, as well as the lack of crimes, seemed to be non-existent Easily broken by it!

After stepping into the Fajie, Di Que created the Invincible Hall, sweeping Qingxuguan's opponents at the same level, and even the top master of the same level in the Elite Pavilion was suppressed by him, becoming a legend of Qingxuguan that can be recorded in history.Facing the elite pavilion that has existed for tens of thousands of years, Di Que only said one sentence, in a battle of the same rank, I am invincible.

Since he left these words, his road to invincibility has never been broken.When he was in the Dharma realm, he fought all the invincible hands of the Dharma ring, and when he entered the lack of crime, he fought all the invincible hands of the lack of crime, two big realms, six small realms, Di Que has not lost a single one!Even those disciples he recruited have continued his glory in these hundreds of years, the Invincible Hall, the Invincible Hall!

However, Di Que did not admit that those geniuses and monsters in the Invincible Hall were his disciples, he thought that those people were just his students, so those geniuses who were also invincible in Qingxu Temple could only call him teacher, not master .Ever since Emperor Que entered the Deficiency Realm, there will always be only six students in the Invincible Hall, Foundation Establishment, Consecration, Lingxu, Bigu, Heartbeat, Yuanhua, six small realms, and each small realm corresponds to an invincible student. If a student of the same level is defeated, he will be expelled from the Invincible Hall. Once he breaks through, he needs to defeat his senior brother first, and the loser will be expelled from the Invincible Hall!

Although there are only six people at most, and at least three people in the Invincible Hall, the name of Invincible has been passed down from generation to generation and has never been broken.

When Di Que entered the Immortal Record Realm, the head teacher once asked him, with your strength, why didn't you accept a direct disciple to inherit the mantle?Di Que replied, it's not that I don't accept disciples, but I haven't waited for someone worthy of my own teaching.If I want to accept a disciple, I must accept a disciple who will surpass me in the future.If I am old and frail in the future and cannot be invincible for the rest of my life, then I also hope that I will be defeated by my own disciples. Only in this way can I be worthy of the name of invincibility.

"Hehe, Supreme, the person Di Que is waiting for has appeared." As if caught in Di Que's invincible memories, the old man said slowly after a long silence.

"What? Did it really appear?" The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed, and he asked in shock.Di Que is his disciple, of course he knows how strict Di Que is to his direct disciples, the first condition is that the Condensation Energy must be cultivated to the eighth level!

How difficult it is to cultivate Ning Yuan Jin to the eighth level, it may not be possible to produce one in thousands of years, and this is only the first condition for Di Que to accept disciples, let alone the more harsh conditions that follow.

"Well, not long ago, I sensed the fluctuations from the statue of the Patriarch, and the sky-gazing mirror also showed the picture at that time. There were indeed eight halos appearing from the statue of the Patriarch." The old man nodded and said, "That man is called Li Haoxuan, like Di Que, came from the infinitely small world. I looked at him with the sky mirror and found that although he is not a divine body, he has amazing talent, strong energy and blood, and a strong physical body. It is a pity that he is suitable for the line of Di Que. It's because the realm is too low, far from the bigu realm, I don't know if Di Que will be able to see him after he leaves the customs."

"For Di Que, what's the problem with realm?" The teacher laughed and said, "How long is it? It's not even 1000 years, and yet another son of God appeared unexpectedly. Although he is not a god, there is nothing to regret. Standing shoulder to shoulder with Di Que, you don't have to be too frightened even if you face the divine body."

"What the head teacher said is true." The old man nodded and said, "Di Que met me once before retreating, and said that if such a character really appeared, let him grow naturally, try not to interfere, and when he enters the bigu state Let him go to the three checkpoints that Di Que set for him. If he passes through, he can become Di Que's direct disciple. If he fails to pass, then he has no master-student fate, but even if he fails to pass, he will prepare for the passer A generous gift will not make the other party suffer."

"Hehe, this is like Emperor Que's temperament." The head teacher smiled, and then sighed, "Hey, I hope this Li Haoxuan can succeed in his apprenticeship. What we have to face in the future is a bright world. A character like Di Que is naturally better. How about this, Di Que's heart is higher than the sky, so he doesn't necessarily like Li Haoxuan. If Li Haoxuan fails to pass the level, then please trouble the uncle to accept him as a disciple. After all, he has the talent of the son of God , with your teachings, even if you are not as good as Di Que, the difference will not be too far."

"I would like to follow the instructions of the head teacher." The old man crossed his knees and bowed.

"Master, I'm sorry to trouble you." The head teacher continued, "Who is teaching the divine body now?"

"The divine body is now under Jun Mo's sect." The old man replied seriously.

"Eldest senior brother came out of the mountain?" The head teacher was shocked again and said excitedly.

"It's rare to see a divine body for tens of thousands of years. Jun Mo came out for the divine body this time." The old man replied, "Jun Mo said that he has lived for so many years and has never seen the divine king's body recorded in ancient books. After he is trained to the same level, he will fight against him again."

"Okay, good! Senior brother personally taught me that the future of the divine body is completely safe, but I hope that the senior brother will be merciful, so as not to leave a shadow in the mind of the divine body, which is not good for the practice in the future, hahahaha" After hearing this news, the head teacher burst into laughter. Laughing and looking very happy.

"Although Di Que's heart is higher than the sky, Jun Mo has always been regarded as an idol by him. If he knows that Jun Mo has accepted a divine body as a disciple, how will his future disciples be tortured? Maybe three days At both ends, I will let my disciples fight against the gods." The old man seemed to have thought of some very interesting scenes, and said with a smile, "if his disciple is defeated by the gods, he must abide by the rules of the Invincible Hall." Shall we expel him from the division or let him continue beating him after beating him up?"

"The god body is the body that the heavens love, and has endless opportunities. If it can be easily defeated by the mortal body, can it be called the god body? Di Que can't even understand this, let alone the one who taught the god body is Jun Mo , if he insists on comparing his disciples with his divine body, doesn't that mean he really wants to compare himself with Jun Mo? Hehe, Di Que has been invincible for a long time, and he even wanted to challenge me, but he didn't have the courage to do so Jun Mo, on the one hand, he worships Jun Mo infinitely, but on the other hand, he tries every means to surpass Jun Mo, it's really interesting."

"Hehe, I'm more interested in Di Que's future disciples now. I have to fight against the divine body every day. If that Li Haoxuan knew about this, he would cry and beg Di Que not to accept him as a disciple, right? Hahahaha"

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