Holy furnace

Chapter 392 The Brilliant Sun and Moon

"Did your senior brothers say why the Haoran Sword suddenly swayed with imperial power? The Haoran Sword is only a quasi-emperor weapon, but now it suddenly explodes, and the emperor's power shoots randomly. Don't those holy places with extreme divine weapons feel that they have been provoked? And the emperor Will he be so powerful and tyrannical, will he accidentally make people miserable?" After knowing that he was safe for the time being, Li Haoxuan was immediately attracted by Xu Ziyue's words, and couldn't help asking.The Haoran Sword is a quasi-emperor's weapon, the closest to the ultimate divine weapon, every shot can be regarded as a legend, and some monks even failed to see the might of the emperor in their entire lives!

"You're really ignorant." Xu Ziyue shook her head, and said, "I feel like I'm playing the piano when I talk to you. Now that you've entered the Cangjing Pavilion, can't you spare some time to read books other than supernatural powers? The holy land of the god soldiers is always under the protection of the god soldiers of the extreme way, once the imperial power of Haoran sword touches the real emperor power, it will dissipate immediately, and there is no persistent plan to attack, what kind of provocation is this?"

"Even though Diwei is tyrannical, a ray is enough to shatter the stars, but as I said, there is no killing intent in it, and it is more of a warning! Moreover, Diwei is targeting the supreme power, Xianlu It is difficult for the existence below the realm to arouse the emperor's prestige. If you lack the crime realm and the law precept realm, you may be able to feel it if you kill a lot. You monks in the mortal realm should know nothing about it. Feel the power of the emperor? What's more, the power of the emperor will kill people if he wants to, and the power of the emperor will not hurt people if he doesn't want to hurt others. If he doesn't even have this bit of control, what kind of emperor is he?"

"So that's it." Li Haoxuan nodded, and said regretfully, "It is true that I missed a big scene! Now? Has Haoran Sword returned to Sun Moon Academy?"

"Of course." Xu Ziyue said as a matter of course, "If you keep sweeping with the emperor's prestige like that, even if there is no killing intent in the emperor's prestige, I am afraid that many saints will fall."

"The Haoran Sword is a quasi-emperor's weapon, and it contains a divine mansion inside. How could it radiate imperial prestige for no reason?" Li Haoxuan frowned, still immersed in this kind of puzzlement, "Could it be that something happened in Sun Moon Academy?"

"Probably not. If something really happened to the Sun Moon Academy, the Haoran Sword would not be as simple as bursting out the emperor's prestige." Xu Ziyue shook her head and said, and then seemed to suddenly remember something, and said, "I suddenly remembered that I used to do it from a few days ago. Some elders have heard some legends about the Haoran Sword and the Sun Moon Academy, but I don’t know if it is related to the outbreak of the emperor’s prestige by the Haoran Sword." Xu Ziyue said suddenly.

"What rumor?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. Although the authenticity of this legend should be true, the content involved in it is too early for you to come into contact with these things." Xu Ziyue thought for a while but shook her head and replied, not I intend to tell these secrets.

"Ticking!" Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, then hummed.Now he has somehow accepted the inheritance of Haoran Tiangang, knowing more about Haoran Sword and Sun Moon Academy is absolutely beneficial to him, but Xu Ziyue doesn't say anything, he has no choice but to use This is to express my indignation.

"You really want to know?" Xu Ziyue looked at Li Haoxuan in surprise, and then said with a smile, "It's not impossible to tell you, but you have to give me a reason, why you care so much about the legend of Sun Moon Academy."

"What reason is needed? Liu Bai and I are inseparable friends. They are the disciples of Sun Moon Academy. It's not too much for me to know more, right?" Li Haoxuan said with a thought.

"Huh? This reason is barely plausible. Well, I can tell you this legend, but you are not allowed to spread it outside. And this legend is very long, I will start from the beginning, and you try not to interrupt. As we all know, Emperor Taixuan The last great emperor in the history of the human race, after he transformed into the Dao, the Dao of the entire universe suddenly changed for some reason, which made it much more difficult to understand the Dao. A period of time is called the ancient era." Xu Ziyue thought for a while, and then slowly said, "In the 30 years from the time when Emperor Taixuan transformed into the Dao to the present, although there are many outstanding people in the entire universe, no one can prove the Dao anymore. Chengdi!"

"Since 6 years ago, Zhundi has been the pinnacle of the entire universe. Although the difficulty of advancing to the Zhundi realm is not as difficult as proving the Tao and becoming emperor in modern times, it is probably not far behind. This is not only the case in the Ziwei Continent, but also in the entire universe. About 3 years ago, after the leader of the Sun Moon Academy achieved quasi-emperor status, he established the Sun Moon Academy in Donghuang to pass on his teachings."

Li Haoxuan understands that in this era, a quasi-imperial powerhouse can rule the universe, push across the three thousand realms, and even challenge the ultimate gods!After all, although the Jidao Divine Weapon is equivalent to the hand of the ancient emperor, it is under the condition of complete recovery. Now there is no one who has the ability to completely revive the Jidao Divine Weapon. Extreme Dao Divine Weapon, but Extreme Dao Divine Weapon can't do anything to Zhundi Powerhouse.

"The leader of the Sun Moon Academy has traveled a long way on the Emperor's Road. From the scenes recorded in many ancient books when the leader of the Sun Moon transformed into the Dao, we can infer how advanced his state was. Legend has it that the Sun Moon The leader realized Taoism in the depths of the universe in his later years, but one day he discovered that the power of transformation suddenly came, and he knew that his time had come. However, the leader forcibly suppressed the power of transformation and returned to Ziwei. The life essence after my Tao transformation is fed back to Ziwei Starfield, so as to improve the environment that Ziwei is unfavorable to practice!"

"It is said that the leader of the sun and the moon coughed up blood step by step that day, and the blood of the emperor Zhun stained the whole Taoist robe. It was not until after the heaven-defying formation pattern was laid that the leader of the sun and the moon stepped into it and started to transform. The Haoran sword hanging in the sun and moon academy Suddenly screaming, rushing out of the territory, but was blocked by the leader of the sun and the moon, not allowed to enter the heaven-defying formation. Because the power of transformation in the heaven-defying formation is pervasive, even the quasi-emperor's weapon can't bear the quasi-emperor's transformation At that moment, the Haoran Sword could not stop crying, and the sword light swept across the starry sky for [-] miles to see him off, and the heaven and the earth cried together."

"When the Haoran sword wailed, and the endless sword light swept across the universe, there was a supernatural soldier who revived, rushed into the starry sky and took the Haoran sword into the body of the heaven-defying formation pattern to see him off together! It is difficult for the power of transforming the realm to cause damage to it. The Haoran sword screamed at the leader of the sun and the moon in the majesty of the emperor, and the divine weapon of the extreme path also sent a voice when the other party began to transform, saying If he had been born in ancient times, he might have been able to prove the Tao, but now this universe is no longer suitable for cultivation, it is definitely not the fault of human beings. He even praised the other party's "Hao Ran Jing" for its new approach, which is comparable to the emperor's scripture!" Xu Ziyue said in a deep voice .

Li Haoxuan's heart was shaken, it was hard to imagine how tyrannical the leader of Sun and Moon was at the time. Although the words of the extreme divine weapon were likely to comfort the leaders of Sun and Moon Academy or appease the berserk Haoran sword, but For Zhundi, he was able to get the Jidao soldiers to see him off, and to make an evaluation comparable to the Emperor's Scripture on the "Hao Ran Jing" created by him is enough to show that the leaders of Sun Moon Academy are really strong to the extreme. The extreme warriors have all followed the real ancient emperor, and their vision is unimaginably high. From a certain point of view, their evaluation is equivalent to representing the attitude of the ancient emperor!Throughout the ages, how many quasi-emperors have been worthy of being sent off by the ancient emperor?

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