Holy furnace

Chapter 393 The Brilliant Sun and Moon

The strength of the leader of the sun and the moon is shocking, and he can even be recognized by the extreme soldiers.However, what touched Li Haoxuan the most was not the supreme realm of the leader of Sun and Moon, but the fearless spirit of the other party. Since transformation is inevitable, then let my transformation do something for this star field. meager contribution.Zhundi's body contains unimaginably huge energy. If all of it is injected into a star after killing the killing intent, it can even turn a Jedi star into an ancient life star!

At this time, Li Haoxuan suddenly felt unspeakably sad, and even couldn't help crying.A figure vaguely appeared in his mind, holding an ancient sword, looking down on the past, present and future.

"Did the leader succeed in the end?" Subconsciously, Li Haoxuan ignored the word sun and moon, and asked Xu Ziyue sadly.

"Half success." Recounting this period of history, even Xu Ziyue has been infected by the other party's spirit, and said with regret in her heart, "The leader of the sun and the moon is correct, and the power of transforming Tao is also correct. Said, everything is in his calculations, his energy can indeed restore the Ziwei Starfield to the peak level of the ancient times, but everything is still a failure, because the universe does not recognize it! There is a law of balance in the universe, directly through the array Wen evenly distributed his power of transforming Tao to every space in the universe, although Zhundi is powerful, but compared to the entire universe, he is still insignificant, and it is impossible to really improve the current environment."

"The reason why it was half successful was that the ultimate weapon was finally shot. The leader of the sun and the moon immediately came up with a second plan after finding out that the plan had failed. The emperor's power was shot down, and the great emperor's aura was permeating, which is equivalent to the resurrection of the ancient emperor. He abruptly blasted into the light rain of the transformation path, and stopped the leader of the sun and the moon with the great emperor's power! Then, the Haoran sword screamed With a single strike of the sword, the body of the leader of the sun and the moon was directly shattered into the void! At the same time, two more extreme soldiers rushed into the starry sky. The will of the leader of the moon will seal all the essence of his life into the Ziwei star field!"

Li Haoxuan felt extremely sad!For the leader of the sun and the moon, but also for the Haoran sword!The Haoran Sword was forged by the leader of Sun and Moon himself. He once followed him to conquer the world and fought bloody battles in all directions, but in the end he wanted to end the opponent's life with his own hands. Although he knew that the death of the opponent was an irreversible process, but dying by his own hand Still an unimaginable tragedy!For the leader of Sun and Moon, all this is for Ziwei to become more brilliant, even if it is only half successful, his disappearance will have profound significance!Whether it is for the leader of the sun and the moon or for Haoranjian, all of this is for the prosperity and prosperity of the human race. In their consciousness, righteousness will always come first.

"Only he can forge the Grand Virtue Sword and create the Grand Virtue Scripture." Li Haoxuan was silent for a long time, his eyes were a little red and said, "I have felt the righteousness of the sun and the moon displayed by Liu Bai and the others, and I thought at that time, How can such things as righteousness and awe-inspiringness be able to continue through inheritance and exercises? If someone with an evil mind cultivates the righteousness of the sun and the moon, it means that the person with an evil mind will become righteous under the influence of the righteousness of the sun and the moon People, or the so-called righteous Haoran will gradually become evil under the influence of evil."

Xu Ziyue looked at Li Haoxuan in surprise, she didn't expect Li Haoxuan to say such a thing, she felt that Li Haoxuan's state was not right at this time, but she instinctively didn't want to disturb him, just stood quietly by his side, listening silently His soliloquy.

"Now I suddenly understand that the so-called righteousness and grandeur, although they really exist, are just beliefs, which have nothing to do with skills or achievements. A bad person who cultivates the righteousness of the sun and the moon is still a bad person, just like a good person. Demonic powers and supernatural powers are still good people. There are good and bad people, and there are good and bad supernatural powers, but there is no righteousness, and there is no awe-inspiring. No matter in anyone's hands, righteousness is still righteousness, and awe-inspiring is still awe-inspiring."

"I don't know what kind of supernatural powers the so-called "Awe-inspiring Scripture" is, but I think it should be a book that can teach others what is awe-inspiring, what is awe-inspiring, how to induce awe-inspiring, and how to move awe-inspiring! Bing is worthy of following the existence of the ancient emperor, and he can see through the essence of "The Great Virtue Scripture" at a glance. Rather than saying that the "Great Virtue Classic" is a peerless magical power, it is indeed better to say that he is a scripture comparable to the emperor's scripture. However, the so-called emperor's scriptures depend on the person. Those who can understand them will regard them as non-God's scriptures, while those who don't understand will discard them like shoes. The world is so big, some people know what righteousness is, and some people know what it is Justice, however, how many people really understand what Haoran is?" While speaking, the figure in Li Haoxuan's mind suddenly danced, and the ancient sword in his hand turned into a long silver dragon, and then in the dancing of the ancient sword , slowly disappearing.

Li Haoxuan's words were very messy, he said it completely casually, there was no causal connection between the foreword and the afterword, and even he himself didn't know what he wanted to express in his words, he just wanted to say this all of a sudden, so That's all.However, Xu Ziyue just understood the meaning of Li Haoxuan's words. Awe-inspiring is faith. If you have it, you have it. If you don't, you don't have it. .Because he has no uprightness and arrogance in his heart, what he displays is neither righteousness nor arrogance, "No arrogance comes out of the sky, eternity is like a long night." Only now did Li Haoxuan truly understand the meaning contained in this sentence.

"And then?" Li Haoxuan took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the sadness in his heart, and asked Xu Ziyue. "After the leader of Sun and Moon transformed into Dao, he left the Haoran Sword and the "Haoran Scripture" in Sun Moon College. The great contribution made by Ziwei, everyone thinks that even if it is the leader who transforms into Dao, these two things are enough to ensure the continued prosperity of Sun Moon Academy." Xu Ziyue was stunned for a moment, then coughed lightly under Li Haoxuan's puzzled eyes, and continued "History is indeed moving in the direction that everyone imagined. The Sun Moon Academy is becoming stronger and stronger, and the awe-inspiring aura condensed by the leaders of the Sun and Moon is still prosperous even after thousands of years. The luck of the carrier Sun Moon Academy soared ninety thousand miles! However, all this was completely rewritten more than 2 years ago!"

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