Holy furnace

Chapter 394 2 Years Ago

"More than 2 years ago?" Li Haoxuan looked awe-inspiring. With the state Xu Ziyue just described, Sun Moon Academy definitely possessed unimaginable strength and background. There is no doubt that it can become the number one immortal sect under those holy land families, even if it is Qingxu Temple, it may be necessary to avoid the edge for the time being. After all, although Patriarch Qingxu is also a strong man who is quasi-dijue, he is older than the leader of the sun and the moon. The path of transformation has lasted for more than 1 years, and the time of more than 1 years is enough to change too many things!Just like the Sun Moon Academy more than 3 years ago, it was sublimated to the extreme and had a glorious life, but it still had to face earth-shaking changes more than 2 years ago. The eternal truth of this world is prosperity and decline.

"Could it be the second war between immortals and demons?" Li Haoxuan was startled, and immediately remembered the war between immortals and demons mentioned in "General Outline of the World". "General Outline of the World" was written by Patriarch Qingxu, and then supplemented by successive generations of teachers. It describes the tip of the iceberg of this universe and the huge changes that have taken place in each era. Among them, there are two battles between immortals and demons. The first The first war between immortals and demons took place 6 years ago, and the second war between immortals and demons took place more than 2 years ago, with a gap of more than 3 years. The first war between immortals and demons broke out 6 years ago, and it was still in ancient times. At that time, even Patriarch Qingxu had not yet been born. The "General Outline of the World" did not describe it in detail. At that time, Qingxu Temple had stood in the Ziwei Starfield for 2 years, and had also participated in the battle between immortals and demons. The description of the war between immortals and demons was very detailed, but Li Haoxuan's realm was low, and he could not understand it at all. I can't really see through the peerless murderous intent contained in the four words about the battle between immortals and demons in "General Outline of the World", and I can't understand the sorrow of all beings at that time.

"That's right, it's the second battle between immortals and demons." Xu Ziyue sighed, and a trace of gloom appeared on her face. Her realm was much stronger than Li Haoxuan's, and she could even see a little imprint of that era through "General Outline of the World". It feels like she has personally experienced the battle between immortals and demons. Moreover, she once practiced in the reverse world, and that feeling will never be forgotten.

Li Haoxuan and Xu Ziyue felt a little heavy about the four words of the battle between immortals and demons. After a long silence, Li Haoxuan asked, "What happened back then?"

"More than 2 years ago, there was a powerful fairyland saint who suddenly crossed the star field and came across the universe from endless time and space to descend in the Ziwei star field. Judging from the coercion of this saint, many leaders It is speculated that his realm is extremely high, and he has even touched the threshold of Emperor Zhun. If he practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, he might really enter the realm of Emperor Zhun. He came from outside the territory and entered Ziwei, which naturally caused many big surprises. The attention of the teacher is only because the opponent's realm is strong, and he is also wearing a fairy clothes made of Taoist gold. Although there is no emperor's prestige fluctuation in it, the person who can possess this kind of divine material cannot be a casual cultivator. Has a deep background. So everyone is waiting and watching, the holy land with a truly strong background has not made a move, if the other party is just passing by, then don't provoke it."

Li Haoxuan nodded secretly, the actions of many holy places are indeed justified, a peerless saint who has already touched the threshold of Emperor Zhun certainly has his own dignity, anyone who intervenes will probably cause unpredictable consequences.Moreover, the other party is wearing a fairy clothes made of Dao robbery gold, even if it is not an imperial weapon, it is also defensive against Wushuang. If a saint is mad, he can wreak havoc and leave calmly.

"The crape myrtle 2 years ago has begun to recover part of its vitality with the help of half of the life energy of the leader of the sun and the moon. Although it is not as good as in the ancient times, it is much better than the era of 3 years ago! Therefore, the 1 Over the past few years, Ziwei has produced a large number of talents, and the saints in the Immortal Record Realm are no longer as rare as before, and at the same time, many sects of cultivating immortals have also been born."

When Li Haoxuan heard this, he felt that things were going to be bad. It was hard to imagine the power of the quasi-emperor realm without a strong foundation in the Holy Land. Even if it was only a little bit connected, it would definitely be so powerful that it defies the sky.Sure enough, Xu Ziyue's following words fully confirmed this point.

"At that time, there was an immortal sect in the Northern Territory called Qunxingmen, which was created by a sage in the Immortal Record Realm." Xu Ziyue continued, "The strength of Qunxingmen is not bad. The strength of the five saints at that time could be regarded as a fairy sect, barely half a holy land! At the beginning, Qunxingmen saw that the major holy lands did not have any special actions towards this foreigner, so they also Wait and see with peace of mind. However, for some unknown reason later, the head of the Qunxingmen Sect suddenly took five elders of the Saint Realm under his sect to besiege the saints outside the territory, intending to loot the other party's Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes."

Li Haoxuan was silent.Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people have ruined their glorious future because of a greedy word. They didn't even take action in those holy places rashly. Such a fairy sect who didn't even have a quasi-emperor weapon did it brazenly. Their consequences can be predicted.

"When the Stars Gate made a move, many holy places of the great teachings did not make a sound. On the one hand, it was because the strength of the Stars Gate was not too weak. If the saint from outside the territory really wanted to make a move, it would be impossible to kill six saints at once in a short period of time. On the other hand, the great religious masters also wanted to take this opportunity to see the details of that foreign saint. The outbreak of the great war was so sudden and shocking that almost all the holy places of the great religions shuddered. Because it was not the stars who made the first move. door, but a saint from outside the territory!"

"That day, the saints from outside the territory looked hurried, crossed from the Northern Territory to the South Ridge, and then stepped into the Eastern Desolation, into the Hundred Thousand Mountains. The six saints of the Stars Gate also had to travel around. However, within a short time, The saint from outside the territory rushed out from the Hundred Thousand Mountains with powerful holy power, his body was dripping with blood, it was horrible, even his arm was torn apart, and a lot of blood was dripping from the Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes on his chest. No one knows what happened to him in the [-] mountains, but everyone knows that this saint from outside the territory has been seriously injured."

"The six saints of the Qunxingmen were overjoyed when they saw this, and immediately sacrificed their top-grade Taoist artifacts to attack them. However, just as they sacrificed their Taoist artifacts, they saw the saints from outside the territory slapped them directly, and the Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes appeared. , turned into a golden glove, smashed the peerless Taoist artifact directly, and then swallowed the divine residence of the Taoist artifact. After the peerless Taoist artifact was swallowed, the saint from outside the territory Most of the body healed immediately, and a small part of the arm grew. Before the six saints could react from the shock, the saint from outside the territory had already shot again, and slaughtered the six saints in almost a moment, killing their original essence. Breathe it in!"

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