Holy furnace

Chapter 395 2 Years Ago

Li Haoxuan showed shock!I didn't expect that there was such a huge gap between the same saints. Although the saint from outside the territory was close to the emperor, he was not the emperor after all. How could it be possible to kill the saint of Xianlu like cutting melons and vegetables?And one kill is the seven saints, and the peerless Taoist weapon is equivalent to the existence of the peak of Xianlu. Although it is not equal to Emperor Zhun, how could it be so vulnerable?

"Don't say you didn't expect it, even the leaders of many great religions didn't expect such a tragic thing to happen. Killing the Seven Saints in an instant is almost equivalent to destroying the lineage of the Stars Gate. There is a long sword right now Flying from outside the sky, bringing the emperor's prestige to the world!" Xu Ziyue said leisurely, with a longing look on her face.

"Is it the Haoran Sword?" Li Haoxuan guessed.

"It's the Haoran Sword." Xu Ziyue nodded, "At that time, the place where the battle was fought was deep in the Shiwan Dashan, in the Eastern Wasteland, the closest to the Sun Moon Academy, and almost all the Xianlu saints born within these 1 years were equivalent to the Japanese sword. The continuation of the life of the leader of the moon, how can the blood of the six saints sprinkle the Donghuang Haoran sword now? What's more, the Haoran sword upholds the meaning of heaven and earth, how can it be possible for a saint of Xianlu to recover his body by devouring the life source of other saints? It's not an exaggeration to describe this kind of behavior as a demon, so he recovered on his own, and came to the west with a sword from thousands of miles away!"

Li Haoxuan couldn't help but be fascinated by imagining the grand scene of Haoran's sword coming to the west, and his understanding of Haoran's meaning became more and more profound.

"However, this blow from the Haoran Sword didn't work." Xu Ziyue suddenly sighed and said with some disappointment.

"How is it possible! The Haoran Sword is a quasi-emperor weapon, how could it not be effective if it is now showing the emperor's power?" Li Haoxuan was shocked, "Could it be... Could it be that the Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes is also a quasi-emperor weapon? Impossible, Didn't you say that many great religions have not felt the power of the emperor?"

"It's not a quasi-emperor's weapon." Xu Ziyue shook her head and said bitterly, "It's a real extreme weapon!"

"Hiss..." Li Haoxuan couldn't help but gasped, and then realized, the universe is vast, how could it be possible that only Ziwei possesses extreme magic weapons?There must also be extreme magic soldiers in other star fields and ancient life stars, so there is really no surprise.

"A real extreme soldier will not show the emperor's power when he is not revived, so it is normal for many leaders not to feel the emperor's power. All the soldiers of the extreme dao have fallen into a deep sleep, and the situation will not recover." Xu Ziyue continued, "Just when the Haoran sword came to the west, and when the Haoran sword's intent was rippling for a hundred thousand miles, the Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes of the saint outside the territory suddenly recovered. The mighty Emperor Prestige spread out, directly attacking Haoran Sword!"

"And then?" Li Haoxuan asked nervously, even though he knew that the Haoran Sword was not damaged, Li Haoxuan still couldn't help worrying, although the Quasi-Emperor Weapon was powerful, it was still far from the real Emperor Weapon.

"The Haoran sword has retreated." Xu Ziyue said admiringly.

Li Haoxuan was suffocated. Although he knew in his heart that this was Haoran Sword's only choice, he still felt a little unwilling. Haoran Sword was not weaker than others in his life. He fought the world, but when facing the real imperial weapon, he also had to retreat. .

"The power of the emperor is too strong. Throughout the ages, except for the legendary era of mythology, there has never been a situation where the two emperors have met! The combat power between them can only be revealed by crossing the long river of history. Every emperor They were all unrivaled powerhouses who swept the nine heavens and ten lands, and were invincible and unstoppable. At that time, it was impossible to have a parallel with them! The emperor soldiers they left behind were the same. History has proved that although it is only a collision of emperor power, but The consequences are still enough to turn the entire star into powder! Although the Ziwei Starfield has been stationed by many great emperors, it is different, but it is still difficult to resist the collision of emperors, so the Haoran sword retreats. If he does not retreat, the entire Eastern Wilderness will be destroyed. They will all be sunk directly!"

At this moment, Li Haoxuan suddenly realized, and felt deeply ashamed!Haoran sword puts righteousness first. For him, if he can protect the land of the human race, let alone take a step back, even if he retreats thousands of miles, so what?So the Haoran sword retreated, so Donghuang kept it!

"The majestic emperor's prestige emanating from the Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes directly leaped across the void and blasted towards the mighty sword that escaped into the starry sky! The remaining emperor's prestige was blocked by the array patterns all over the Eastern Desolation, and could not really hurt Arrive at the Eastern Desolation Continent. The Grand Virtue Sword spanned hundreds of thousands of miles, and a world-shattering battle broke out with Dao Jie Xianyi outside the Ziwei Starfield! Although the Grand Virtue Sword is a quasi-emperor weapon, the Sun Moon Academy has condensed endless awe-inspiring aura, These mighty auras were attracted by the mighty sword, and they temporarily obtained part of the laws of the emperor's way, and in a short period of time, they are worthy of a battle with the gods of the extreme way!"

"At the same time that the Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes were recovering, one extreme divine soldier from the Northern Territory, Nanling and Zhongzhou each recovered, and they all rushed into the starry sky. After all, it is a Godless Artifact cast by Dao Jie Gold, if it can be kept, it will be a big deal for Ziwei, so many leaders have taken action, using divine power to urge the extreme soldiers to join the battle."

"The Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes are imperial weapons after all, even with four enemies and one, it is difficult to really keep the Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes! Four imperial weapons and a quasi-imperial weapon that is comparable to an imperial weapon broke out, and the entire universe was almost destroyed. Explosion, the saint from outside the territory was naturally doomed to die, and was collapsed into nothingness on the spot, but the Dao Tribulation Immortal Clothes were not damaged. In the end, the godless power broke out and the bullying formation pattern escaped into the depths of the universe. The three extreme magic weapons The pursuit was fruitless, and the great sect masters were also afraid that the emperor soldiers would be lost, so they quickly recalled them, and the Haoran sword returned to the Sun Moon Academy at the same time!"

"During that battle, the Haoran Sword became famous, and its strength comparable to that of the emperor's weapon made it firmly ranked first among the quasi-emperor's weapons, and it also made Sun Moon Academy reach the most glorious peak. However, All of these are just appearances." Xu Ziyue's voice suddenly became lonely, and she said, "Although the world highly respects Sun Moon Academy, the leaders of the great sects who own the emperor's weapon have seen some sights that no one can see through the emperor's weapon. In the previous battle, the Grand Virtue Sword with the Grand Virtue Qi could indeed coerce the universe, comparable to an imperial weapon, but the price Sun Moon Academy paid for it was beyond imagination! Spend more than half in just a few breaths!"

Li Haoxuan sighed, after all, he was sublimated from a quasi-emperor weapon to an emperor weapon, and he can achieve this kind of leap with awe-inspiring aura. No wonder the Supreme God Soldier would comment that the "Hao Ran Sutra" is comparable to the Emperor Sutra!The realm of the ancient great emperor is too difficult to achieve. Even in the modern times, it took tens of thousands of years for one to appear. It is actually conceivable that such a huge price was paid in the battle of the ultimate sublimation of the Haoran sword!

"How could the leaders of the Sun Moon Academy not know what the leaders of many great religions knew?" Xu Ziyue continued, "So after that, the Sun Moon Academy officially closed the mountain and ignored the outside world. Cultivation is the most important task, and I want to condense the aura of grandeur again! However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, and the real battle between immortals and demons will really begin at this time!"

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