Holy furnace

Chapter 396 Xianzhen

"Ridiculous!" Hearing this, Li Haoxuan couldn't help mocking.Throughout the ages, countless outstanding people have gone on and on for the sake of longevity and immortality!But I have never heard of anyone who has succeeded, even those ancient emperors who can make the entire universe tremble under their feet have not really been able to enter the fairyland and transform into the universe starry sky.Even the ancient great emperors couldn't become immortals, so how could they become immortals with just a few saints?

It would be even more absurd to say that the geography of the Ziwei Starfield is subtle and that it has the opportunity to become a fairy!For hundreds of thousands of years, the Ziwei Starfield definitely had more than one great emperor, and even they failed to discover anything, and the people of the Gochen Starfield proved that they can become immortals after coming to the Ziwei Starfield through the endless universe?It was also because of this that Li Haoxuan sneered at their remarks and was extremely disdainful. Even if he wanted to make an excuse, he should find a better reason instead of just making it up.

"It's really absurd," Xu Ziyue said, "Many sect leaders at that time were like you, denouncing the absurdity, thinking that the Gouchen saints were completely insincere, and it was nothing more than to use such a reason to prevaricate everyone. Provocative! At the moment, the leader sacrificed the extreme magic weapon, and the emperor's prestige circulated. However, the leader of Gouchen Zhusheng seemed to have anticipated this situation, and immediately opened the Gouchen Tianshu to block the leader's extreme imperial power , and swears that Ziwei does have the opportunity to become a fairy, and is willing to share the clues with everyone!"

I don't know how many people dream of the word "Xianzhi". Longevity is the ultimate goal of Taoism and the ideal that everyone dreams of!Throughout the ages, so many invincible emperors have all been pursuing the fairyland, and some emperors even wanted to transform into war immortals and enter the fairyland for the sake of longevity. However, these invincible emperors have all failed without exception. into the universe!Li Haoxuan still underestimated the desire of many leaders for immortality and longevity.

"After reaching the level of many leaders, what else attracts them more than becoming immortals? No, if they can really become immortals, I think they will even be willing to give up the opportunity to prove the Tao. After the certification, only ten thousand Over the years, becoming an immortal can obtain eternal life, which is the goal that the ancient emperors were pursuing. Therefore, in the face of the temptation of becoming an immortal, after discussion, many leaders unanimously decided to believe in Gouchen all the saints once! If they can produce evidence Then we will become immortals together, if not, then we will directly shatter the Gouchen Starfield!"

"At that time, many lords discussed with the saints of Gouchen in the starry sky for nearly half a year. During this period, the imperial prestige erupted from time to time, and even a nearby big star was directly smashed into powder by the overflowing imperial prestige! Return to the Ziwei Starfield together with the saints from outside the territory! At that time, all news was blocked, and even the Sun Moon Academy and our Qingxu Temple did not know what kind of agreement was reached between the great teachings and the saints from outside the territory, but from the surface, But it was the great sects who were armed with extreme magic weapons that allowed the saints of Gochen to come to the Ziwei Starfield."

"Since then, apart from the occasional sight of saints from outside the territory crossing the void, nothing has changed in the past few decades. The whole Ziwei is in a calm state. Until one day, the entire Eastern Wilderness suddenly violently turbulent, and then ten The majestic imperial prestige came out of the Wan Dashan! The Hundred Thousand Dashan Mountain has existed forever, and no one knows when it was born, but the horror in it is well known to everyone, and it has become a restricted area of ​​life! No one thought that at this time Unexpectedly, someone will go deep into the Hundred Thousand Mountains with the revived Ultimate Soldiers."

"On that day, the whole Ziwei heard a painful roar, and then some supernatural soldiers crossed the universe and never came back. However, the saints of Gouchen did not become low-key because of this, and even many great teachers The leader of the school also gathered together on the Hundred Thousand Mountains holding the extreme magic weapons! At that time, the whole Ziwei's life was trembling, and the aura of the ancient emperor pervaded the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains, and then suddenly, the Hundred Thousand Mountains hung It was a huge cliff, which rushed straight into the depths of the universe! After that cliff left, Gou Chen and many lords went to the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains together. Half a day later, the revived Emperor Wei was heard again from the Hundred Thousand Mountains. !"

"Still no one knows what happened, but everyone can see the extraordinary taste on the faces of the many leaders, because those leaders are extremely excited, and even their arms are shaking slightly! However, in the world There is no impenetrable wall, and the conversations between the lords and the saints outside the region were finally spread in the starry sky. The whereabouts of the fairy map! It is said that the fairy map is something that existed in the age of mythology, and it records the method and place of becoming a fairy!"

"The pictures of fairy treasures are the opportunity to become immortals. However, the age of mythology was suddenly divided into nine parts and scattered all over the universe. It has never been realized until now. Even the invincible ancient emperor failed to collect these pictures of fairy treasures. All, because there is a legend that the nine pieces of fairy treasure pictures are in the past, present and future, and they will only appear in the right place at the right time, so the ancient emperor can only leave regrets in vain!"

"The old man Tianji speculated that the nine pictures of immortal treasures will all appear in the Ziwei Starfield in this life, so Gou Chen's saints almost dispatched all their nests, in order to snatch the nine pictures of immortal treasures, so as to embark on the road to immortality However, they underestimated the combat power of the Ziwei Starfield, and it is not so easy to find the fairy map. The deduction of the old man of Tianji can only guess the approximate time, and it is impossible to be accurate to which year, so they have to cooperate with many leaders! In this grand feast of becoming immortals, unless you have the ultimate magic weapon, you are not qualified to participate, and the quasi-emperor weapon is useless."

"The news spread throughout Ziwei in an instant, so everyone knew that the fairy map had been published, and the first fairy map was jointly controlled by many holy land families. For a while, the world was in an uproar. Even our Qingxu Temple and Sun Moon Academy have great skills, patrolling the whole Ziwei, trying to find a fairy map to set foot in the fairyland! Then half a year later, the second fairy map appeared, and someone saw the fairy map appearing In the Northern Territory, we are crossing the void!"

"The picture of fairy treasures that appeared in the Northern Territory quickly caused an uproar. Countless strong men rushed to the Northern Territory one after another, but they were taken one step ahead by Gou Chen Zhusheng. Soon, the third picture of fairy treasures also appeared, in a certain mountain in Nanling! This time, many great religions and saints from outside the region finally collided head-on, and even the great emperor was powerful. Finally, for the sake of the overall situation, this piece of fairy treasures The map is jointly controlled by the two, and guarded by two extreme divine weapons."

"After the third picture of fairy treasures appeared, the fourth picture of fairy treasures came one after another, only one day later! This time, the whole Ziwei was shaken, and even those sects of immortality that were not involved in it had taken action one after another! Because Throughout the ages, there have never been four pictures of immortal treasures appearing at the same time. Even the emperor of immortality in ancient times only collected three pictures of immortal treasures. Extravagant hope!"

"At that time, there was a fairy gate in the Northern Territory, named Ming Xiao Pavilion, which was also a supreme sect. Although there were no extreme magic weapons, it had the Quasi-Emperor Weapon Ming Dao Zhi Xiao! The fourth picture of immortal treasures fell on the In the hands of Ming Xiao Pavilion, however, Gou Chen Zhusheng didn't say anything, and directly suppressed it with the extreme magic weapon, which shattered the Quasi-Emperor's Ming Dao Zhi Xiao on the spot, and at the same time shot out a ray of emperor's prestige. All of them were smashed into powder, and they took away the fairy map! The destruction of Mingxiao Pavilion also represents the official outbreak of the war between immortals and demons!"

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