Holy furnace

Chapter 398

"The demons in the battle between immortals and demons do refer to demonic ways and demonic ways, but they evolved later. At the very beginning, the so-called demonic fingers were actually demons from outside the territory, hooking up all the saints!" Xu Ziyue said in a deep voice. Said.

Li Haoxuan's face was full of gloom, Ming Xiao Pavilion, a supreme great sect with a quasi-emperor weapon was blasted into powder by a sage of the Gochen Star Region with a single blow with the ultimate magic weapon, and even the area with a radius of thousands of miles was robbed at the same time!A region with a radius of [-] li is indeed nothing to a cultivator, but to ordinary people, a radius of [-] li is enough to give birth to several dynasties. But it doesn't mean that you can slaughter creatures at will, this kind of behavior is outrageous!

"Too much deceit!" Li Haoxuan immediately clenched his fists, his face livid, and said, "Those scumbags in the Gouchen Starfield are doing whatever they want in the Ziwei Starfield with extreme magic weapons. Can you still be indifferent?"

"If they remain indifferent, then there will be no subsequent battle between immortals and demons." Xu Ziyue shook her head and said, "Actually, the first ones to jump out are not the families of the Holy Land, but those who have quasi-emperor weapons except Ximo." !."

Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.Since the ages, although even the ultimate magic weapon will be submerged in the long river of time, it is still the highest combat power in the entire universe!The significance of the existence of Jidao Divine Soldiers lies in deterrence, rather than really being used to bombard and kill!From another point of view, the peak combat power of this universe is the quasi-emperor weapon, because the quasi-emperor weapon can control the emperor's power very well, and can shoot wantonly in the universe!

An immortal sect with quasi-emperor weapon can exist for tens of thousands of years, but now, the supreme sect of Mingxiao Pavilion has been wiped out so easily!This is the first time since ancient times that someone has taken the resuscitated extreme magic weapon, and the first time he has killed a great sect with a quasi-emperor weapon. This is a big event. I don't know when this kind of disaster will fall on them!

"Why didn't the people from West Desert take action?" Li Haoxuan asked suddenly.

"The West Desert is different from the other four regions. The founder of the West Desert is the Great Emperor of the Infinite Light Buddha! The Great Emperor of the Infinite Light Buddha is astonishingly talented and shocking for thousands of years. In fact, even now, there is still no evidence that the Great Emperor of the Infinite Light Buddha has transformed into a Tao. It is said that after Emperor Wuliangguang Buddha opened up the Western Desert, he laid down a complete pattern of the Great Emperor in the entire Western Desert. This complete pattern of the Great Emperor can even kill the quasi-emperor! There was once a legend in the world, saying that the Buddha of Infinite Light The emperor is setting up a shocking situation, and wants to use the power of faith in the entire Western Desert to achieve a different kind of longevity, and may even break the cycle of reincarnation, and use the emperor's body to give birth to a god!"

"These legends have been passed down for a long time, and no one knows whether they are true or not. Therefore, after becoming enlightened, many great emperors of later generations have set foot on Lingshan to see clearly the true purpose of Emperor Infinite Light Buddha in creating West Desert and Lingshan, but these emperors stayed in Lingshan for a short time. After that, they will leave, and no one knows what they saw! In fact, Lingshan is the ancient land with the longest inheritance. It is said that if Ximo exhausts the power of faith, it can even make the real body of Emperor Infinite Light Buddha return! Gou Chen Although the saints hold high self-esteem, they also suffered a big loss in Ximo, and even almost lost the ultimate magic weapon, so how dare they take action against Ximo?"

"Immeasurable Light Buddha... Could it be said that there is reincarnation in the world?" Li Haoxuan thought in his heart, but it was really too far away for him.

"Just as the Gouchen Saints destroyed Mingxiao Pavilion, almost all the quasi-emperor weapons in the entire Ziwei Starfield rioted! Although they are not as good as the ultimate gods, they still have the word emperor, even if they are The extreme divine soldiers can't wantonly insult them, but now, one quasi-emperor weapon has been shattered, and almost every other quasi-imperial weapon has recovered, and they are united to suppress the Gou Chen saints! Holding the hook of the extreme divine weapon Although Chen Zhusheng can indeed sweep the universe, but his own strength is only a saint after all, more than enough to attack, but not enough to defend! Although another quasi-emperor weapon was smashed by the extreme magic weapon, that Gouchen saint also has several quasi-emperor weapons. Under the bombardment of the imperial weapon, it was directly crushed to powder!" Xu Ziyue continued.

"At the same time, the imperial prestige of the extreme warriors in that battle manifested again. If it weren't for the protection of the Great Emperor's pattern, the Ziwei Starfield might have been shattered! This time, many holy land families finally took action. Ziwei, the ancient life After all, Xingxing is their territory, and after the sacrifice of Emperor Haoran Zhun, the cultivation environment is far better than other ancient living stars. It is the limit to let Gouchen Zhusheng search for the fairy map with them, so how can they tolerate their treatment of Ziwei? Star domain shot?"

"The Holy Land family was really angry, and the powerful background was fully revealed at that moment." Although all this was just heard from others, it was just some ancient legends that existed tens of thousands of years ago, but Li Haoxuan still seemed to be able to understand Xu Ziyue's words Feel the spiritual imprint of that era.

"At that time, Donghuang Nanling and Northern Zhongzhou attacked together, and a total of hundreds of saints held six extreme magic weapons to attack! The six emperors emerged at the same time, overwhelming the world, and blasted away before the extreme magic weapons of the Gouchen star region recovered. Domain Gate, move all of them into the depths of the universe! That battle was too tragic, a real battle of emperors broke out, and even Ziwei who was outside the infinite star field could clearly feel the sound coming from the depths of the universe. Diwei!"

"No one can know the extent of the battle. The sun and the moon are not enough to describe it. Pieces of stars were blasted into dust by the emperor, and even the world of the Ziwei Starfield became chaotic! Then The First World War lasted for a very short time, because the emperor's soldiers were too strong, continuing to fight could really destroy the universe! The emperor's soldiers were all made of supreme divine materials, so they were naturally safe, but the major holy places and the Gochen Starfield suffered heavy losses. The sages in that battle almost died, unless they have the Emperor Armor, it is difficult to survive that kind of fluctuation!"

"The battle between the emperors is too terrifying, no matter which side can afford it! In the end, Gouchen Zhusheng thought that so many saints died in the six holy lands would be seriously injured, and proposed to negotiate peace again, but he didn't expect that it was no accident that the family of the holy land could pass on through the ages , The powerful background shocked the entire Gochen Starfield! Because during the peace talks, there were still more than a hundred sages from each of the six holy places present, fully demonstrating the strength of the word holy place!"

"That meeting was also in the depths of the starry sky, and a rule was finally set. No family of the Holy Land and the saints of Gochen are allowed to use extreme magic weapons, otherwise they will attack them in groups and never die! This has been recognized by everyone. After all, the fairy map is the key. If Ziwei is smashed, the fairy map will also fly into the depths of the universe, and it will be even more difficult to search for it! The most powerful weapon is the quasi-emperor weapon if it is forbidden to use it! And which is the strongest quasi-emperor weapon?" Xu Ziyue finally asked and answered.

"Hao Ran Sword!" Li Haoxuan gritted his teeth and said, he could guess the terrifying situation that Sun Moon Academy would face next, and it would definitely become the target of public criticism.

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