Holy furnace

Chapter 399

"At that time, the Haoran sword was recognized as the most powerful quasi-emperor weapon. It contained the Haoran scriptures. It could be sublimated to the fullest by virtue of the awe-inspiring spirit, and it was temporarily promoted to the level of the perfect emperor weapon. Naturally, everyone paid special attention to it! At the very beginning, no one thought about it. To deal with the Haoran Sword, after all, the Haoran Sword is too strong, no one dares to take advantage of its sharpness, even the people from the Gochen Starfield dare not really attack the Haoran Sword!"

"In the three years since that peace talk, there has been no Xianzhen map in the world! But everyone knows that the Xianzhen map will definitely appear again, and the tranquility at this time is just the prelude to the storm! During these three years, Gouchen Starfield The people here are not idle, but have created a sect in the Ziwei Starfield!"

"Demon way?" Li Haoxuan suddenly changed his face and asked in a startled voice.

"Yes, not right!" Xu Ziyue shook her head and said, "For the Ziwei Starfield, the people of the Gochen Starfield are just outsiders. No matter how powerful they are, there are only a few hundred sages. When Xianzhentu got the news, Xianzhentu had already become someone else's possession! They wanted to establish their own powerful forces in the shortest possible time, and the fastest way was to directly annex the existing forces at that time. "

"The demonic way and the demon clan have existed since ancient times and have never been extinct. The demon clan even produced a demon emperor who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the great emperor. In the ancient times, the demon clan was even more respected. Gouchen Zhusheng directly annexed several demon sects, Then he passed down the magic trick that can quickly increase the strength of the magic way, which greatly increased the strength of the magic way, and could even compete with the immortal way that did not use extreme magic weapons! The current Heavenly Demon Palace is one of the magic ways left over from that era, but at that time He is not called the Heavenly Demon God Palace, but the Heavenly Demon Cult, because for a while, the saints described themselves as extraterrestrial demons."

"Three years later, the fifth picture of fairy treasures appeared! By that time, basically all the magic arts had been commanded by Gouchen Starfield. Just because of the fifth piece of picture of fairy treasures, the war between immortals and demons officially broke out, and tragic battles were staged one after another. , although there are no extreme magic soldiers to take action, but the whole Ziwei is still almost a purgatory on earth, human life is like nothing, and even those below the immortal record can be counted as cannon fodder. Run for your life, but as long as you encounter a Dao-level magic weapon, you will still die, because the space will be blocked!"

"Sun Moon Academy and our Qingxu Temple are the main forces in the Eastern Desolation Battlefield. At that time, our two sects had already started to help each other! In fact, our two immortal sects did not want to compete for the fairy map, but the sixth fairy map suddenly appeared in the Among Sun Moon Academy, this made Sun Moon Academy the target of everyone's criticism! At that time, the Sword of Grand Virtue was revived and hung over Sun Moon Academy, and the aura of grandeur in Sun Moon Academy kept surging, and the powerful imperial power shocked both immortals and demons!"

"However, the Immortal Treasure Picture contains the hope of becoming an immortal. It is impossible for the sages to give up. At this moment, three quasi-emperor weapons have joined forces and directly pressed against the Sun Moon Academy! The Haoran sword blares, one against three! Then we see the Qingxu The sky-gazing mirror appeared, and blocked the three quasi-emperor weapons together with the Haoran sword! Our patriarch Qingxu is known as the most hopeful person to prove the Tao after Emperor Taixuan. His sky-gazing mirror is not under the Haoran sword. Shining can destroy everything in the world, and even shatter a corner of a quasi-emperor weapon!"

"It's a pity that everyone underestimated Gochen Xingyu's determination to the Xianzhentu! When Gochen Xingyu's quasi-emperor weapon was blocked by the Haoran Sword and the Sky Viewing Mirror, the Gochen Saints shamelessly sacrificed the extreme magic weapon, Right now, a ray of real imperial prestige descended into the world, blasting Sun Moon Academy! All the families of the Holy Land were shocked, but it was too late for them to take action. It would take time for the extreme divine soldiers to recover, and it was impossible to stop the opponent's imperial prestige! Haoran Jian also knew this, so he had no choice but to directly roll up all the aura of grandeur in the Sun Moon Academy and transform into a supernatural weapon, blasting that ray of imperial power into the depths of the universe!"

"It has to be said that in three years, the people of Gochen Starfield have understood the Haoran sword too clearly! They calculated that the Haoran sword will inevitably be sublimated to the extreme, and naturally they also calculated how to deal with it! Gouchen Tianshu rushed directly into the starry sky, Striking Emperor Wei to the entire Eastern Wilderness, Haoranjian understands righteousness. For him, compared with the entire Eastern Wilderness, Sun Moon Academy is insignificant, so he left Sun Moon Academy. He blocked the ray of Emperor Wei, and he Rushing into the universe starry sky!"

"Haoran sword left, all quasi-emperor weapons went berserk, Tianguanjing divine mansion was revived, at the cost of shattering a corner of the formation pattern, Sun Moon Academy bought enough time for the recovery of the extreme magic soldiers! Because Guantianjing understands, If the Eastern Wilderness is blown up, the concept of Qingxu will be indifferent. Soon, Ziwei's extreme magic weapon will be revived, and all the quasi-emperor weapons of the Gouchen Starfield will be blasted away in one go! Now, there is no need to talk about any scruples Yes, combat power is the rule."

"What everyone didn't expect was that Haoran Sword and Gou Chen Tianshu flew back from the universe very quickly, and behind them was a Taoist body, that is the Taoist body of a quasi-emperor!"

"At that time there was Emperor Zhun!" Li Haoxuan was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"The universe is too big. Who knows how big the universe is except the ancient emperor? Not only is he a quasi-emperor, but he is also a young quasi-emperor of the monster race. The ancient star of life, attracted by the imperial prestige outside the crape myrtle domain, came across the star domain, and saw through the essence of the Haoran sword quasi-emperor weapon at a glance. Because of this, he was curious and wanted to understand why the quasi-emperor weapon could emit the flawless emperor weapon. Wei! The arrival of the Zhundi will make everyone vigilant, even the holy land with extreme magic soldiers will be inexplicably horrified!"

"The quasi-emperor was also terrified. Anyone who broke into an ancient star with nearly ten imperial weapons would be horrified, and the quasi-district was no exception! But he soon discovered that there was no quasi-district in this ancient star." However, at that time, he only wanted to study the Haoran Sword, and did not want to snatch the Jidao Shenbing, because the Jidao Shenbing was the emperor's weapon, which could not be desecrated, and no one could take it away, but it was very difficult. Soon he will know about the Xianzhen map! After knowing the Xianzhen map, Emperor Zhun is also moved, no one hopes for longevity more than him, because he knows that he will definitely not be able to prove the way!"

"In this way, the immortal way, the demon way, and the monster race are three-legged! The Zhundi has no emperor's soldiers, and the others do not have the realm and combat power of the Zhundi. The three parties are afraid of each other. Although they often fight, they have a tacit understanding with each other, and they will not use the extreme way when they are idle. At the same time, they also promised each other that they would not continue to expand this news, because no one knows if there are other quasi-emperors in the universe, and they will not really make a move until all the nine pictures of immortal treasures are revealed! When the three parties jointly While waiting for the seventh piece of the Immortal Treasure Picture, that Emperor Zhun finally made a move on the Haoran Sword!"

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