Holy furnace

Chapter 400

Li Haoxuan frowned.A quasi-emperor weapon that exudes the real majesty of the emperor can be said to subvert common sense, and it has a high reference value for the quasi-emperor. The real extreme magic soldier!If he succeeds, even if he cannot prove the Tao, he will truly rule the universe, and his name will be passed down through the ages!

"In the end, the quasi-emperor finally made his move, directly stepped on the Sun Moon Star, and forced his way into the Sun Moon Academy! In the previous battle with Gou Chen Tianshu, the aura of grandeur in the entire Sun Moon Academy has been completely exhausted. But it can no longer be sublimated to the extreme, and it is impossible to transform into a perfect emperor! At that time, the leader of the Sun Moon Academy held the Haoran Sword and fought against the Emperor Zhun, but he lost in the end and was captured together with the Haoran Sword. Sacrifice all of your own essence and blood so that the Haoran Sword can escape from the clutches of Emperor Zhun!"

"Then, the sky-gazing mirror flew over and defended against the enemy together with the Haoran sword! At that time, the Holy Land originally wanted to intervene. After all, the Sun Moon Academy had made great contributions to the Ziwei Continent. However, the quasi-emperor promised to give up a piece of land After the Xianzhen map, all the holy places are silent! The sky mirror and the Haoran sword are finally only the quasi-emperor's weapon, not the quasi-emperor's resurrection. It is hard to do nothing to the supreme quasi-emperor, and someone is holding a top-grade Taoist weapon to attack Qingxu Guan. The Sky Observation Mirror couldn't take care of both. In the end, the Haoran Sword was captured by the quasi-emperor."

"However, after all, the Haoran Sword is the divine weapon of Emperor Haoran Zhun. It contains the divine mansion, and there is even the aura left by Emperor Haoran Zhun. Even if the Emperor Zhun got the Haoran Sword, he would not be able to do anything to him. It would not be broken at all. It is also difficult to truly see through the mystery of the Grand Virtue Sword through the Divine Mansion! However, Emperor Zhun is Emperor Zhun after all, although he can't do anything about the Grand Virtue Sword, he can see through the essence of Grand Virtue Qi, and in the end it directly swept away the Sun Moon Academy. Haoran Sutra."

"Many great religions at that time saw that the "Hao Ran Sutra" was seized by that Emperor Zhun, and they all saw the sword light of the Hao Ran Sword pouring into hundreds of thousands of miles, going deep into the universe and fighting with that Emperor Zhun forever, but in the end they could not die. People made moves, on the one hand, because the opponent was Emperor Zhun, and on the other hand, it might also be because the "Hao Ran Jing" was too heaven-defying, and no one wanted to see the "Hao Ran Jing" survive in the world. They were not worried about the Emperor Zhun It is possible to practice the "Hao Ran Jing" because Emperor Hao Ran Zhun said long ago that the "Hao Ran Jing" was created by the human race, and there is no possibility for the monster race to cultivate it. Although the Hao Ran Sword has an indestructible sword body, it is also difficult to match Emperor Zhun Shenwei was eventually blasted back to the Ziwei Starfield, and "Great Ran Sword" has never appeared in the world for more than 2 years since then."

"After the Haoran sword flew back to the Sun Moon Academy, it screamed for three consecutive days, and the heaven and the earth cried together. Since then, the Haoran sword has sealed the entire sun, moon, and star with the power of the emperor, and directly escaped into the universe, staying away from this battlefield. The Sun Moon Academy is reclusive. Afterwards, the war between immortals and demons intensified. When the eighth picture of fairy treasures appeared, Ziwei’s Great Emperor pattern was activated several times. After the birth of the Dacheng Divine Physique, after suppressing the battle between immortals and demons with supreme power, the ninth piece of immortal treasure map still disappeared, and even the previous eight pieces of immortal treasure map were also transformed into Dao in the hands of Dacheng Divine Physique. Only then did everyone know The so-called becoming a fairy is just a dream. The Sun Moon Academy finally returned to Ziwei under the call of the Dacheng God Body. Unfortunately, after thousands of years, the Sun Moon Academy still has not recovered the "Hao Ran Jing". Even if there is a Dacheng God Body across the universe to search, The whereabouts of the "Hao Ran Jing" are still unknown."

"The Haoran sword has revived again after ten thousand years, and it is very likely that the emperor's prestige sweeping the entire Ziwei Starfield is some kind of omen." In the end, Xu Ziyue guessed, "Either the Sun Moon Academy is about to face a huge crisis, or the Haoran sword may Perceived some changes in the "Hao Ran Jing"! The induction between Hao Ran Sword and "Hao Ran Jing" is extremely sensitive. As long as the "Hao Ran Jing" appears in this star field, it will definitely not escape his perception. But it doesn't make sense, Hao Ran Sword If he really discovered the Grand Virtue Sutra, he would definitely welcome back the Grand Virtue Sutra as soon as possible, this time he just radiated the emperor's prestige and didn't really make a move, what exactly does he mean?"

Although Xu Ziyue had heard many detailed rumors, she still couldn't figure out what the Haoran Sword God Mansion was thinking.In the final analysis, she is still just a little girl of low strength, and there are too many fogs blocking her in front of the general situation of the world, making her unable to see clearly.Thinking of the high level of the Haoran Sword, Xu Ziyue couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile. Things of that level were simply not acceptable to her. She couldn't even stand in front of the Sky Viewing Mirror and the Haoran Sword. It will directly grind her into a meat paste.

What Xu Ziyue couldn't figure out, Li Haoxuan naturally couldn't figure it out even more. In fact, what he was more concerned about now was whether the "Hao Ran Jing" was related to the "Hao Ran Tian Gang", and whether the two were the same thing. Is the old man who danced the sword the Grand Quasi-Emperor?The Haoran Sword, which had not been shot for thousands of years, made a movement. He felt that the seriousness of the matter exceeded his imagination. Fortunately, the Haoran Sword did not directly rush into the Qingxu Temple, which was considered a blessing among misfortunes.

Li Haoxuan didn't know that the greater reason why Haoran Sword exudes imperial prestige is to deter those saints who are unscrupulous towards Sun Moon Academy!As for whether Haoranjian's recovery has anything to do with his "Great Heavenly Gang", no one in the world can know except Haoranjian himself.

"Is the Dacheng Divine Physique that suppressed the battle between immortals and demons more than 2 years ago the last Dacheng Divine Physique? The Dacheng Divine Physique can overwhelm the universe, has he become an emperor?" Li Haoxuan asked after putting aside all distracting thoughts in his mind.

"He is indeed the last great god body that has come so far, but it is a pity that he did not prove the Tao after all. After ten thousand years, he will become a Taoist." Xu Ziyue's face was a bit complicated, and she looked at Li Haoxuan and sighed, "Although the god body has a unique talent for cultivation, but But there is not much advantage in front of the Dao, and the person who can step on the last level, the physique is no longer important! However, the Dacheng God King Body is the closest to the ancient emperor, and even the lifespan has reached 1 Years, comparable to the Great Emperor. Although the combat power is not as good as the Great Emperor, but the general quasi-emperor is not qualified to fight with him at all, and can be suppressed in a single blow."

"Throughout the ages, I've heard that dark turmoil like the Great War between Immortals and Demons has happened many times. If there weren't so many ancient emperors and great gods fighting to protect the human race, I'm afraid the entire human race would have disappeared in the long river of time. They are all heroes of righteousness, and their bodies have already disappeared, but everyone is grateful to them!" Li Haoxuan thought of the five quasi-emperors in the branded world, and said with emotion.

"En, yes." Xu Ziyue nodded silently, then suddenly she was taken aback, and asked, "Who told you that the battle between immortals and demons can be regarded as a dark turmoil?"

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