Holy furnace

Chapter 401 Forgetting is the Best Remembering

"Isn't the battle between immortals and demons considered a dark turmoil?" Li Haoxuan asked Xu Ziyue blankly.There are so many extreme gods fighting together, there are quasi-emperor powerhouses participating in it, and countless stars are directly blown up. Such a battle between immortals and demons can make heaven and earth feel sad. Isn't it a dark turmoil?If even this is not considered dark turmoil, then what else can be called dark turmoil?

"During the Great War between Immortals and Demons, did anyone prove to be an emperor?" Xu Ziyue shook her head and asked.

"No." Li Haoxuan said, "But he has a great body."

"The Dacheng Divine Body is indeed very strong, but it is not the ancient emperor after all. Since there is no ancient emperor, how can it be regarded as darkness and turmoil?" Xu Ziyue said as a matter of course.

"Dacheng's divine body can be called the No.1 under the Great Emperor. Could it be that even he can't suppress the dark turmoil?" Li Haoxuan heard Xu Ziyue's subtext, and couldn't help asking in horror.

"It is said that the last dark turmoil occurred 7 years ago. At that time, it was still in ancient times, and even Emperor Taixuan was still alive." Xu Ziyue shook her head and said, "I think only the Xuantai Taoist sect knows about the dark turmoil." The most clear, after all, their inheritance comes from Emperor Taixuan! But I know that from the ancient times to the middle ancient times, and then to the modern times, for nearly a million years, every outbreak of darkness and turmoil will blow up half of the universe, Countless souls have fallen, and even Zhundi has little chance of surviving! The reason why it is called a dark turmoil is because once the turmoil breaks out, the entire universe will be plunged into darkness!"

"Emperor Zhun can't control his own destiny?" Li Haoxuan murmured.

"In the face of darkness and turmoil, let alone a quasi-emperor, even an ancient emperor must be extremely cautious. It is said that the emperor Shenxu in the ancient times proved his way through battle, and finally defeated all the world's invincible opponents! However, that era coincided with the outbreak of darkness and turmoil. , the entire universe is full of grief and despair, even if Emperor Shenxu's power is unrivaled after his enlightenment, he can coerce the universe, but he has no choice but to fight everywhere. The hidden wound left by Zhan Er in the imperial body made him unable to use the Immortal God Pill to live out a second life, and after only living for 1 years, he became Taoist." Xu Ziyue said.However, she has only heard about the legends about the dark turmoil, and has never seen the real records. After all, the time is too long, and there may not be much information about the events of 7 years ago, even in the Xuantai Daomen.

Li Haoxuan was even more horrified!The ancient great emperors were all invincible in the world, even the imperial weapons they left behind were also invincible in the world. I have never heard that they were defeated after proving the Tao, and I have never heard of anyone who can really hurt them. I heard that even the ancient emperor would be injured in the dark turmoil, and he would not even be able to survive the second life. One can imagine how violent the dark turmoil was countless years ago!The dark turmoil is a big turmoil involving the entire universe, otherwise it would be impossible for the ancient emperor to be exhausted. Compared with that kind of war, the battle between immortals and demons is indeed like a play, not worth it. carry.

Today's Li Haoxuan has heard too many shocking histories, coupled with the "Hao Ran Tian Gang" that inexplicably appeared in his mind before, he feels that he has experienced as long as eternity in this day, even as if he saw it with his own eyes. I saw that stormy era.

"The Haoran Sword has released the emperor's prestige. I think many families in the Holy Land may not be able to sit still." Finally, Xu Ziyue changed the topic back to the emperor's prestige emitted by the Haoran Sword, and said casually.

"Emperor Haoran Zhun paid so much for the entire Ziwei, and Haoran Sword even lost the "Haoran Scripture" of the Sun Moon Academy for the entire Donghuang. But why are these histories not widely spread? Senior sages should have what they should have The glory." Li Haoxuan said suddenly.

"After all, that happened tens of thousands of years ago, so there is no need to bring it up." Xu Ziyue shook her head and said, "What's more, you think Haoran Sword and Sun Moon Academy would care about the gratitude of all beings, what they did It’s just the things I want to do, many things don’t need to be publicized, what will exist will exist if no one mentions it, and what will not exist even if it is repeated every day, how can anyone care?”

"Furthermore, the entire Ziwei, the entire Eastern Wilderness is not the only sect of cultivating immortals with great righteousness at Sun Moon Academy. For countless years, which ancient emperor has contributed less to the human race than Haoran Zhundi and Haoran Sword? Their brilliance is their Written by himself, the respect for them should also be reflected in them personally, the Sun Moon Academy is indeed his orthodoxy, but they still have to go on their own way in the future."

"Even if you don't mention the ancient emperor, how much other history do you know? Do you know what our Patriarch Qingxu paid for the entire human race? People who really understand that period of history would never compare Patriarch Qingxu with Haoran Zhuang. Compared with the emperor, it is as if no one would put two ancient emperors together to discuss who has done more to the human race, because that is a kind of blasphemy in itself! There are many things, not to praise them is the most beautiful, On the contrary, letting it forget in the world is the best destination, because forgetting itself is the best memory!"

Forgetting itself is the best remembering!Li Haoxuan listened to Xu Ziyue's words in silence, and couldn't help throbbing in his heart.Every emperor of the human race is benevolent and righteous, and they take the prosperity of the human race as their own responsibility. They don't care how much they will pay for it, even if the emperor's robe is stained with emperor's blood, and the reason why they do this is just Because they think this is the responsibility that the emperor of the human race must bear.

They were selfless and fearless, and never thought of passing on their names.For those ancient great emperors in ancient times, the history of the human race is more like a history of humiliation. In the ancient times, the human race was even just food for those monsters, so they hope that all human races can forget that period of humiliation and forget them. These great emperors, they believe that as long as the human race unites as one and strives for self-improvement, even if the world is destroyed, they can live forever!The real emperors regard the reproduction of this kind of human race as eternal life, so they are willing to fight for all races to the death without complaint or regret.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan has gained a lot, and he seems to have some clues about the vast mountains and rivers. Isn't this great rivers and mountains that the great emperors and quasi-emperors swore to protect to the death?Li Haoxuan was thoughtful.

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