Holy furnace

Chapter 402 Apocalypse

"Whether it's the great emperor or the quasi-emperor, or the battle between immortals and demons and the turmoil in darkness, they are all too far away from us. You really don't need to pay too much attention to them." Seeing Li Haoxuan sinking into deep thought, Xu Ziyue couldn't help but said aloud, she He was afraid that Li Haoxuan would damage his Dao heart because of this.

"I understand." Li Haoxuan smiled and dispelled all the distracting thoughts in his mind. He himself knew that he was just a cultivator at the mortal realm. Without Xu Ziyue, he might not even be able to know these secrets. There is still a long way to go, and he also firmly believes that as long as he keeps walking on this road, one day he will stand at the height of the former sages.

"I know you don't lack Xuan Jing. You can go to the Sutra Pavilion when you are free. It will be of great help to you." Xu Ziyue said, "Okay, I still have something to do, so I will go first. If you want to If you want to find me, go to Zhen Palace to find Chongyang, or go to Gan Palace to find Niu Li." After speaking, Xu Ziyue smiled apologetically at Li Haoxuan, and floated away.

Li Haoxuan knew that Xu Ziyue must have his own difficulties, he already knew from Qingshi that both Xu Ziyue and Meng Jun came from the unknowable place of Qingxu Temple, since they are unknowable, there are naturally many unknowable rules, so Li Haoxuan will not care.

After Xu Ziyue left, Li Haoxuan didn't stay any longer, and flew directly out of Kun Palace towards Dandao Pavilion. Now that three days have passed, it's time for him to report to Dandao Pavilion.

Perhaps because of the jade card in Li Haoxuan's arms, Li Haoxuan had just approached the Dandao Pavilion, and one of the disciples flew out and connected Li Haoxuan into the Dan Pavilion from the air.The Dan Pavilion is huge, located in a Xumi space, far larger than what the outside world saw. Li Haoxuan followed the disciple in front of him and flew for dozens of breaths before being invited into a separate courtyard suspended in the void.

After placing Li Haoxuan in the other courtyard, the disciple flew away, and a voice of summoning sounded from the other courtyard, and Li Haoxuan was replaced into the attic.

Li Haoxuan walked casually, and vaguely saw a large number of restrictions all around here, and even the shadow of the Great Luo God Formation could be seen in a few of the restrictions.Then, Li Haoxuan pushed the door open and entered, and immediately saw a person sitting in the room.The person sitting was a white-haired old man, and on both sides of the old man stood a young girl and a young man.

"He is Li Haoxuan?" The old man held a cup of hot tea in his hand, looked up at Li Haoxuan, and said to the girls and young people on both sides with a half-smile.

"Exactly." The two replied at the same time, looking at Li Haoxuan with a look of extreme appreciation.

"There has been no apocalypse in the Pill Pavilion for decades." The old man stood up, took two steps towards Li Haoxuan, and said slowly.

"I have met the two senior brothers and sisters, and I have met the seniors." Li Haoxuan recognized the two young examiners who were sitting on the high platform during the final assessment, so he bowed and saluted.

"No need to be too polite." The old man waved his hand, then walked to Li Haoxuan's side, and said to himself with a smile on his face, "It's not bad, it's really not bad."

"You all want to take him?" The old man then turned around and said to the two young men.

"I also ask the elders to complete it." The two said in unison.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to make it happen." The old man spread his hands and said in a deep voice, "This kind of talent is hard to come by, and other people may make a move! I'm not sure if you can get what you want, but anyway, I'll try Tianqi first."

"Thank you, elder." The expressions of the two changed at the same time, and they looked at each other before bowing and said.

"En." The old man responded lightly, and then flicked his right hand slightly, making a mysterious magic seal, and immediately a white beam of light descended from the sky, covering Li Haoxuan's whole body in it.Feeling this layer of white light on his body, Li Haoxuan immediately felt a warm feeling all over his body, and a seemingly invisible power of Dao spread around his body.

A moment later, there was a soft buzzing sound, and the entire beam of light exploded immediately, turning into a rain of light and spraying in all directions, illuminating the entire space, and also illuminating the three terrified faces.

Li Haoxuan opened his eyes and looked at the three people in front of him blankly. He didn't know what happened just now. He looked at the white light rain in all directions, and always felt that his body had just undergone some unknown changes. Just like when worshiping the statue of the patriarch.

"You go out first." The old man's face became extremely serious, he waved his hand and directly opened a domain door, teleporting Li Haoxuan to the outside space.

"Elder, how could Tianqi fail!" As soon as Li Haoxuan left, Junior Brother Ding couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, the look of horror on his face hadn't really dissipated until now.

The white-haired old man silently shook his head without saying a word.

"The power of apocalypse is the supreme rule set by Patriarch Qingxu in Qingxu Temple, how could it fail?" Sister Sang was also shocked, and stepped forward to ask, "I have been in the Pill Pavilion for so many years, and I have never heard of it. Tianqi has failed before! Elder, what went wrong, is it Tianqi or Li Haoxuan?"

The old man looked serious, and then suddenly turned around and pointed at Senior Sister Sang. Immediately, a white beam of light descended from the sky again, covering Senior Sister Sang completely.

"There is no problem with the power of the apocalypse." At this time, the old man said seriously.

"Then why does Tianqi have no effect on Li Haoxuan?" Junior Brother Ding asked in confusion.

"Actually, apocalypse doesn't work every time." The old man shook his head, and then said, "Such a thing happened hundreds of years ago."

"What's going on?" Senior Sister Sang was puzzled.

"Don't ask too much." The old man waved his hand and said seriously, "You are not allowed to reveal this matter, even with other elders. You should not say a word. About Tianqi, the less you know, the better..."

Seeing the serious expression on the old man's face, Senior Sister Sang and Junior Brother Ding nodded at the same time, and then retreated silently.

"More than 800 years..." After the two left, the old man sighed leisurely and walked slowly into the depths of the attic.

Li Haoxuan stepped out of the Domain Gate in a daze, and immediately found himself in a square, surrounded by a few dozen people, all disciples who had passed the final examination.

"You are Li Haoxuan?" Li Haoxuan just came back to his senses when a young man in fine clothes walked over from a distance and said directly to Li Haoxuan.

"It's me." Li Haoxuan replied.

"Senior Brother Jin welcomes you." The young man said to Li Haoxuan, cupping his hands slightly.

"Please lead the way." Li Haoxuan said with a smile in his heart.

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