Holy furnace

Chapter 403 Who Says Alchemists Can Only Alchemy?

"Who is this kid? Don't tell me it's half an hour later than the stipulated time, and now someone greets you as soon as he shows up. It's a big air." Li Haoxuan had just left, and one of the dozen or so people present hummed in a bad tone. .

"The mana fluctuations on the body are not pure, at the top it is just a half-step magic ring!" The other person withdrew his gaze from Li Haoxuan, and said disdainfully, this person is one of the three magic rings.

"This is Dan Dao Pavilion, as long as he has higher talent and status than you, he can still ignore you!" said another Dharma ring expert.There are only three Dharma ring powerhouses here, except for the strongest Nie Yun, the strength of the two of them is almost the same, even the results of the assessment are almost the same, so naturally they are tit-for-tat, and they will not give in.

"Just because of him?" The previous man frowned, and said, "According to the usual practice, one must first be a free labor force for one year before entering the alchemy pavilion, and then he can become an alchemy apprentice! The identity of the outside world? Hmph! Even if he is a deacon, in What's the use of Dan Pavilion?"

The words of this strong man are indeed reasonable. Both the Dandao Pavilion and the Shenbing Pavilion are independent of the Nine Palaces. Although the Law Enforcement Hall has a high position and authority, it cannot override it. The affairs of the Dan Pavilion are no longer within their jurisdiction.

"Come with me!" Just as the two were confronting each other, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the square, looked at them haughtily, as if they were counting the number of people, and then turned around directly, motioning for everyone to follow.

On the other side, standing in front of Li Haoxuan was a young man wearing a golden robe. This person's surname was Jin and his name was Haosen.

"I've seen Senior Brother Jin." Li Haoxuan felt Jin Haosen's mana fluctuations and couldn't help but frown slightly. This Senior Brother Jin's strength is not tyrannical. It is preliminarily estimated that it is the cultivation base of the early stage of the ring. The real combat power is not even comparable to that of Tie Liangning.

"Are you surprised by my cultivation?" There was a gentle smile on Jin Haosen's face, without any hint of arrogance. Although Li Haoxuan's frown was not too big, he still grasped it and asked with a smile.

"I'm really surprised." Seeing that the other party didn't take it seriously, Li Haoxuan no longer restrained himself, but said directly, "Alchemy is not a simple matter. Without a strong realm, it is difficult to control the flames in the alchemy furnace and all the things that happen in it." kind of reaction, so..."

"It seems that you have indeed worked hard on alchemy, and it is reasonable to be able to achieve the current achievements." Jin Haosen nodded slightly, and said, "But I will not tell you the answer to this question, you need to think about it yourself in the days to come. The journey of alchemy is extensive and profound, and there are many elders in our alchemy pavilion who are lacking in vigor and are still tirelessly walking on the road of alchemy. In matters such as alchemy, realm is not omnipotent, but without realm, it is absolutely impossible, and how Using a limited realm to refine infinite pills is what you have to learn in the Pill Pavilion."

"Thank you, senior brother Jin, for your guidance." Li Haoxuan cupped his hands in thanks.

"I didn't say anything, how can I thank you?" Jin Haosen smiled, and then said, "The following is what I really want to tell you, I hope you listen carefully. First of all, I know that you are a disciple of Kun Palace, and I know You are extremely powerful in battle, and you can even defeat Tie Liangning, who has just entered the realm of the law. From this point alone, I may not be your opponent. Secondly, I also know that your main purpose of entering the Dan Pavilion should be different from the rest of the law. It’s no different, it’s all for the rich benefits of Dan Pavilion, which is nothing, the reason why Dan Pavilion set up such generous benefits is to attract some strong monks to join it.”

"So our Dan Pavilion will be very supportive of your behavior!" Speaking of this, Jin Haosen suddenly laughed as if thinking of something very interesting, and continued, "When I first entered the Dan Pavilion, my mentality was the same as yours. Generally the same, but my realm at that time was much lower than yours. After I entered the Pill Pavilion, the senior brother who taught me the secrets of alchemy said to me, after all, the Pill Pavilion is a shop that is promoting sales. If you don’t come, it’s you It's my fault that you come and go, that's my fault. Therefore, I believe that you will not leave after you really understand Dan Pavilion, even if you will be called a guest in the future. In fact, except for a few people, Very few people will leave Dan Pavilion."

"Finally, I have also heard a lot about your deeds. I am more and more sure that you can't put all your thoughts on alchemy, because martial arts is your ultimate pursuit. Am I right?" Jin Haosen asked road.

Li Haoxuan nodded, not surprised, because his attitude was very clear from the beginning.

"In fact, alchemy can also prove the Tao, although no one has ever succeeded." Jin Haosen continued, "Well, this is nonsense! But one thing is true, that is, learning alchemy will improve your cultivation and combat power The improvement is definitely of great use, for example, like this." While speaking, Jin Haosen suddenly stretched out his right hand, and swiped it twice very quickly in the void.

At the same time as Jin Haosen made a move, Li Haoxuan immediately raised his perception of divine sense to the maximum, but he didn't find anything, so he looked at Jin Haosen in surprise, not knowing the significance of his doing so.

"If you really fight, you are already dead." Jin Haosen said with a smile.

Li Haoxuan's face suddenly changed, because it was only at this moment that he felt a mass of violent mana gathered behind him at some point!It's just that this group of mana was perfectly covered up, making it impossible for Li Haoxuan's divine sense to perceive it.

"Alchemy can enhance your mana control to the extreme!" Jin Haosen's voice sounded again, "Not to mention the existence of alchemy masters, even alchemists of the same level as you, as long as the level of alchemy is strong enough, they can be with you Kill you silently while talking."

Li Haoxuan raised his head suddenly, and immediately found a red Dao pattern in the sky above his head.

"The most important part of alchemy is the talisman formation, so every alchemist can be regarded as a talisman formation master of the same level." Jin Haosen spoke again, and then, the ground under Li Haoxuan's feet suddenly turned red, a red streak The Dao pattern has already appeared, and at the same time, a piece of Dao pattern appeared on his front, back, left, and right sides, sealing Li Haoxuan in the formation.

"These dao patterns already existed when I was talking to you, but they didn't appear until now. The combination of these dao patterns did not kill the formation, nor is it a phantom formation, but a formation formation!" Jin Haosen grinned, Said, "Since you are an alchemist, the thing you are best at is naturally alchemy. However, who said that an alchemist can only make alchemy? An alchemist can not only make alchemy, but also can make people. If anyone fights with me, I will make him a human pill." !"

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