Holy furnace

Chapter 404: The Sword Points at the Battle Palace

Li Haoxuan was shocked, his back was already wet with cold sweat!At the first sight of meeting Jin Haosen, Li Haoxuan had estimated each other's strength, thinking that although the other party was a strong man in the law ring, he would definitely not be his opponent if he really wanted to fight, and his current combat power could completely kill the sixth heaven of the law ring Any existence below, this is not conceited, but self-confidence!He himself has estimated that after breaking through to Lingxu, his strength will go up to a higher level, which is equivalent to the combat power of the supernatural seed Great Golden Core when he is in the enlightened state. This kind of combat power can definitely kill those below the sixth heaven. exist!

However, until today he found that his estimation method was very flawed, because he ignored the technique!Regardless of other things, just Jin Haosen's method of forming formations without sound and breath can definitely make him suffer a big loss. If he encounters a truly powerful existence, he can even kill him with one blow. This discovery made him unable to bear it. After being scared, he realized that he was really too confident. Even if he was invincible at the same level, he was still far behind.

"This is what I really want to teach you." Seeing that Li Haoxuan had a clear understanding, Jin Haosen said, "Although I know that you still can't really put your mind on alchemy, I hope you can learn it with your heart, because alchemy It can indeed make you go further on the road of practice!"

"Thank you, brother!" This time, Li Haoxuan thanked him sincerely, and the other party's words gave him great inspiration.

This time, Jin Haosen accepted it calmly, and then got straight to the point, saying: "The ancient prescription you gave me that day was of great use to me, if you need my help in the Pill Pavilion, just say it, as long as I can do it, then will not refuse."

"There is indeed something I would like to ask my brother for help." Li Haoxuan said.

"But it doesn't matter."

"I heard that after passing the assessment, you need to work in the Pill Pavilion for a year, and then you can become an alchemy apprentice to enjoy the benefits of the Pill Pavilion. I would like to ask my senior brother to come forward and save me this year." Li Haoxuan said sincerely, "It's not me. I want to escape, but I don't want to waste time on such meaningless things."

For Li Haoxuan, such a year can indeed be said to be a waste, especially after knowing Meng Jun's talent, he wants to use every minute of his time to practice.

"I don't need to come forward for this matter." Jin Haosen was taken aback, he didn't expect Li Haoxuan to make such a request, and said with a smile, "I have heard about your performance in the assessment, and all the brothers and sisters are very satisfied with you, and unanimously decided to let you directly Promoted to an alchemy apprentice, you can study in the alchemy pavilion at any time!"

Li Haoxuan was overjoyed upon hearing this, for him this was the best result.

"Since you don't need my help for this request, then you can say something else." Jin Haosen said again.

"No need." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said, "Listening to Senior Brother Jin's words now has made me understand a lot, it has helped me a lot! Besides, I gave that ancient prescription to Senior Brother, why should Senior Brother care?"

"Having said that, you don't get rewarded for nothing. Well, I owe you a favor. If you need my help anytime in the future, feel free to come to me." Senior Brother Jin nodded and said.

"Okay." Li Haoxuan couldn't refuse, so he could only agree.

"If you plan to study alchemy seriously, I can recommend a senior sister for you. Her alchemy attainments can be ranked among the top in the entire alchemy pavilion." In the end, Jin Haosen said calmly, "And, then This senior sister has a very high realm, and she is also very proficient in the methods of fighting with alchemy, if you have her to teach, your alchemy methods will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and your combat power will also be greatly improved."

"Oh?" Li Haoxuan immediately became interested when he heard the words, and said, "Everything is arranged by senior brother!"

"Okay, I'll introduce you, and I'll let you know when the time comes." Jin Haosen nodded, as he agreed.Afterwards, Li Haoxuan bid farewell and left. Since he has become an alchemy apprentice, he doesn't need to stay in the alchemy pavilion all the time during this year, and can freely enter and exit the entire alchemy pavilion.

"Not bad! Junior brother Jin really didn't disappoint me." Li Haoxuan had just left when a woman appeared from the void, stepped forward and walked in front of Jin Haosen, and said with a smile on his face.

"Jin Haosen fulfilled his mission." Jin Haosen quickly bowed and said to the girl in front of him.Of course he knew how high the seniority of the girl in front of him was, and it was because of this that he was even more curious about Li Haoxuan. Fazilai led Li Haoxuan to her door.

"En?" Suddenly, Senior Sister Sang's expression changed slightly, and then she looked at Jin Haosen and said, "You are already dead."

Jin Haosen was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at Senior Sister Sang in puzzlement, not knowing what she meant.

Senior Sister Sang pointed to Jin Haosen's Taoist robe seriously, without saying a word.

Jin Haosen looked down, his complexion changed drastically, he couldn't help gasping, and saw five tiny cracks appeared on his Taoist robe at some point, and there were traces of black marks on it. Scorched by hot flames.Only then did Jin Haosen understand why Senior Sister Sang said this. At the same time he shot Li Haoxuan, Li Haoxuan also shot him, but the opponent's speed was too fast, and he received it immediately, so he didn't feel the opponent's attack. the shot.

"Don't worry too much, you and Li Haoxuan are taking different paths." Senior Sister Sang obviously saw this point, and said to Jin Haosen, "And you didn't do your best, if life and death were true, Li Haoxuan would die before you."

Jin Haosen smiled wryly, Senior Sister Sang said that Li Haoxuan would die first, implying that if Li Haoxuan died, he must die too.

"By the way, let me inform you that your fourth-tier alchemist has passed the examination." Senior Sister Sang then laughed, "Besides, your pill is so high-grade that it can barely be classified as a fifth-tier alchemist, so you are now a You've become a fifth-rank alchemist, congratulations!"

"Thank you, Senior Sister Sang!" Jin Haosen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and directly threw the previous melancholy into the sky, and couldn't help but bow to Senior Sister Sang to thank him.

Senior Sister Sang nodded, turned and left contentedly, her opinion of Li Haoxuan was a little higher in her heart!Just as Senior Sister Sang walked away, a young figure appeared in front of Jin Haosen. He looked at Jin Haosen with a frown and said, "I heard that Li Haoxuan came?" Looking at Senior Brother Ding in front of him, the joy on Jin Haosen's face suddenly disappeared All that was left was the bitterness on his face.

After Li Haoxuan flew out of the Dan Pavilion, he first went to Qianfeng's other courtyard. After a short discussion, Li Haoxuan flew out of the Dan Dao Pavilion and landed directly in the central hall!Jin Haosen's words caused him a great shock, he understood that the best way to improve fighting skills is fighting, never-ending fighting!And there is a place in the central hall called the Battle Hall!

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