Holy furnace

Chapter 413 The Real Dahe Sword

Li Haoxuan said, my sword is the Dahe Sword, so Dahe appeared.

The big river was very big, with waves and waves, and it rushed to Jian Shisan in an instant.Jian Shisan's face became extremely solemn, at this moment she suddenly realized that she seriously underestimated Xiao Yifeng in front of her eyes, and Da He Jian in front of her eyes.

Jian Shisan's eyes suddenly shot a bright light, shining on the river, wanting to see the essence of Dahe sword, but this gaze directly penetrated through the river, because there is only Water, no sword.

It is a real river, and it may be a real sword.

Facing such a sword, Jian Shisan finally couldn't bear to draw his sword.Her sword is not in her hand, her sword is no longer in her body, her sword is on her shoulder, in her black hair.

When the big river was about to flow over her body, the strand of blue silk on her shoulders automatically turned into countless sword qi and sword light in an instant, interweaving into a prison of swords!

The sword prison did not seal Taihe, but it did seal herself.The big river flowed through his body, but he was completely blocked from the sword array, so he couldn't hurt him in the slightest.However, Jian Shisan's face changed again, because she saw Dahe, but her sword didn't feel Dahe.The big river is still flowing, as if it is going to the end of the universe.

At this time, Jian Shisan was in her own sword formation, but she suddenly felt a chill, because she could not see the end of the river.

Three feet in front of you is invincible in the world!

This is Jian Thirteen's sword prison, which can seal the enemy or make oneself invincible, which can be called absolute defense.However, for some people, being undefeated is invincible, while for others, as long as you don't win, you are not invincible.Therefore, Jian Shisan put away the sword prison, facing Dahe Sword, what she had to do was not to be undefeated, but to win.

At the moment when the sword prison dissipated, a wisp of sword energy suddenly appeared behind her head, leaving a shallow sword mark on her white battle armor with a scoff.

The next moment, in her eyes, the ancient and calm river was full of peerless murderous intent, sword energy everywhere, and killing formations everywhere.She was in the midst of the great river, with thousands of sword qi on her body, and she immediately had the illusion that she was about to suffer from Ling Chi.

A big river is a sword, but a big river is not a sword.In other words, a big river can be a sword, or a big river can not be a sword.

Jian Shisan is a wizard of Taoism, especially she has gone a long way in the way of swordsmanship, so she figured out what is the real Dahe Sword in an instant.

Because he figured it out, Jian Shisan used his sword again, still in the sword formation.However, this time the sword array is not the prison of swords, but the sword of returning to the sky.

Huitian means to have enough strength to reverse the current unfavorable situation, so that you can put it to death and survive.

The virtual sword is not a false sword, but a sword made from virtual reality. For Jian Shisan, she has already passed the level where flying flowers and picking leaves can be used as swords. At her level, as long as she wants to have a sword, she can do it. There must be a sword.Even if it's just a wisp of air, it can turn into a sword of the void in her hands.

Return to the sky with the virtual sword, practice the virtual as a sword to turn the world around.The void is infinitely large, so there can be infinitely many Huitianxu swords.

When Jian Shisan became serious and cast Hui Tianxu Sword, the whole river suddenly boiled.This is a real boiling. The endless sword light in the great river and Jian Shisan's Huitianxu sword are constantly colliding. The force of this collision shakes the entire void, making a continuous jump out of this battlefield. The talisman of the Tao, this is the stability of the trial space blessed by the reincarnation formation.

The true meaning of Haoran Mountains and Rivers is to evolve the world's mountains and rivers through the vastness of the sky. Although Li Haoxuan can understand this meaning, it is difficult to truly integrate this sword intent into Dahe Sword.However, he understands one thing, everything in the world is evolved by Haoran, Haoran is like mountains and rivers, and in his hands, mountains and rivers are like great rivers, so the great rivers are endless, so the sword lights in the great rivers are also endless.

Jian Thirteen is very strong, and can even refine the void into a sword to counter the Dahe Sword with the aura of grandeur as its background. However, the void is still a part of the world, so the Huitianxu Sword cannot truly return to the sky after all.

The more important reason is that Huitian Xujian is a powerful supernatural power, so Jian Shisan needs to consume a huge amount of mana to support the uninterrupted use of this move.In Li Haoxuan's view, from the very beginning when Jian Shisan stepped into the river, it was already decided that Jian Shisan would be defeated.

After a brief confrontation with Jian Shisan, the river suddenly became deeper. The turbid yellow river covered Jian Shisan's eyes, and a real river began to appear in the turbulent sword glow. There were swords in the river, and swords in the sword. River, so Jian Shisan's Huitianxu sword became slower and slower.It's not that her physical strength is weak, but the void in the big river has been filled by the river, there is no void here, so there is no reincarnation virtual sword.

If facing other people, the sky-filled river would become a sword in her hand, but not now, because this river is called Dahe, this sword is called Dahe Sword, and Dahe Sword is one of the strongest swordsmanship she has ever seen in the battle hall .

If she hadn't been suppressed in terms of realm and combat power, then she could have smashed the entire river in an instant, but that was just an assumption after all.So she began to tremble, not from fear, but from excitement.It had been too long since she had met someone who could push herself to a corner with a single sword, so she couldn't help trembling, couldn't help boiling, and couldn't help drawing out the sword.

Boom!A white sword energy suddenly rose from the river.

With the first sword, the great river was split longitudinally, and the huge sword light filled the entire starry sky, directly splitting half of the great river in half, like a rag torn from it.

The second sword, the sword light turned around, and slashed in the opposite direction from the previous one.Suddenly, the big river broke completely and was split from the middle, becoming two independent big rivers.

In the third sword, the sword light jumped high into the sky, and slashed down horizontally. The two big rivers were broken in response, and turned into four big rivers in an instant.

The fourth sword. . .

Fifth sword. . .

Li Haoxuan looked seriously at the distant sword light that almost reached the depths of the universe, and suddenly realized that he was wrong.He said earlier that he had not drawn out his sword yet and Jian Shisan had already drawn out his sword, but the fact is that he had already drawn out his sword but Jian Shisan hadn't. , comparable to the sword intent of sword energy.

Every time the great river in the starry sky breaks, a crack will appear on the ancient sword in Li Haoxuan's hand.In the end, after I don't know how many times the sword of Jian Shisan swung, the whole river was completely broken, and there was no trace of the charm of the river anymore.

"Very good, Dahe Sword didn't disappoint me." In the end, Jian Shisan came up with the sword and said to Li Haoxuan.Her sword is very small and thin, making it hard to imagine that such a small sword can withstand such a huge mana.

"That's not Dahe Sword." Li Haoxuan corrected again looking at Jian Shisan in front of him.At this moment, the fragmented rivers all over the sky converged again, turning into a complete river and rushing towards Jian Shisan.

"If I can cut you once, I can cut you twice, three times. The sword in your hand is about to break, how long can you hold it?" said the Thirteenth Sword Empress indifferently, raised his hand and slashed out with a sword, again Split the sky-filled river in half!

However, what appeared before her eyes after the river broke was not the endless starry sky, nor another river, but an ancient sword, an ancient sword full of cracks.

"A big river is a big river, and a sword is a sword. A big river with a sword is a real big river sword." A serious voice came from Jian Shisan's ear, and then, a brilliance was born in the darkness, and the big river appeared in her eyes. Shine light.

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