Holy furnace

Chapter 414 Li Haoxuan's Fist and Sword 3's Sword

Looking at the radiant ancient sword in front of him, Jian Shisan finally showed a look of surprise on his face.

There were cracks all over the ancient sword, as if it would shatter at any moment, but the ancient sword was shining, but the ancient sword was chopping towards his chest.

Suddenly, Jian Shisan let out a long howl, and a huge sword intent pierced out from her head, and around her body, a silver-white sword body wrapped her tightly.

No one has ever known that Jian Shisan actually has two swords. The first sword is the sword of Taoism, which is held in her hand, and the second sword is herself. She has refined herself into a sword!

So, facing the nearly shattered Dahe Sword, she finally used her last sword, because she knew that this was the real Dahe Sword, and it was worthy of her last sword.Yes, the name of this sword is the last sword.

A huge Heavenly Sword emerged from Jian Shisan's body, the body of the Immortal Sword completely surrounded her, and a huge sword intent rippling out from the Heavenly Sword.

There was a clanging sound from the ancient sword, and several more cracks appeared on it, and it seemed that it was about to shatter in the next moment!However, the ancient sword was still moving until it crossed the void and struck the heavenly sword.


The violent and melodious voice spread far away, like Huang Zhong Dalu, a severed sword swung up, brushed Li Haoxuan's cheek and flew away, leaving a shallow sword mark on his Dao Ze helmet .

It was half of the ancient Dao sword, his ancient Dao sword, and also his Dahe sword.

The Great River sword was shattered!When Jian Shisan, who can stand at No. 200 and No. 40 in the combat power list for [-] years, started to really work hard, even the Dahe Sword had to avoid the edge for a while, but the Dahe Sword did not dodge, so the Dahe Sword shattered , while the Heavenly Sword remains the same.

Dao Ze's ancient sword was first broken into two pieces, then into six pieces, and finally shattered into countless fragments.The huge Heavenly Sword still stood in the starry sky, and Jian Shisan stood inside the hilt of the Heavenly Sword, looking indifferently at the broken Dahe Sword.

Because the Dahe sword was broken, she knew that she had already won.Although she was forced to use the last sword, she still won in the end. Looking at the debris flying in the sky, a trace of pride appeared in her indifferent expression.

Even if Dahe Sword is very strong, it will still be broken when facing herself, because she is Sword Thirteen, because she is a sword, because she is the last sword.

Jian Shisan's Heavenly Sword is very strong, strong enough to shatter the famous Dahe Sword.However, she didn't realize that it wasn't that Dahe Sword couldn't break her Heavenly Sword, but Dao Zegu Sword couldn't break her Heavenly Sword.Because in today's reincarnation battlefield, all Dao Ze Shenbing are at the same level in terms of combat power. Jian Shisan's sword is very strong, but if her sword appears in the hands of others, it will still be vulnerable. The important thing people, not swords.

The Dahe Sword is the ancient sword of Dao, and the Heavenly Sword is the Thirteenth Sword.The Dahe Sword is a sword, and the Heavenly Sword is a person, so the Dahe Sword is shattered but the Heavenly Sword remains.

Jian Shisan is a strong swordsman who has fought in the reincarnation battlefield for many years, so she quickly realized this problem that she hadn't realized before.However, even if he realized this, Jian Shisan did not think that the outcome of this battle would change in any way.Because she knew very well that there were only two ways to break her Heavenly Sword, the first was a stronger sword than her, and the second was someone stronger than her.

Jian Shisan firmly believes that in the current battlefield, there is no stronger sword than her.There is no one stronger than her.So she still stood calmly in the Heavenly Sword, looking forward through the sword screen.

At this moment, an extremely pure golden light appeared in front of her eyes through the infinite sword curtain.

It wasn't until this piece of golden light shone brightly in front of her that she realized that there was no sword stronger than hers.There are people stronger than her!

Li Haoxuan didn't think as much as Jian Shisan, he thought very simple.Jian Shisan is in the sword screen, and the only way to defeat Jian Shisan is to pass through the sword screen. However, the ancient sword has been broken by the sword screen, so what can be stronger than the ancient sword?

The answer is very simple, so Li Haoxuan didn't think about it, and he didn't need to think about it, so he took a step forward, so he punched out.

A golden light suddenly rose from his body, and the long-lost Destruction Fist began to revive. Li Haoxuan instantly transformed from a free and unfettered sword fairy who swung the river into an ancient God of War.

He was bathed in golden light, and the powerful Qi and blood in his body began to roar and roar, shaking the entire void.His fist was so strong that all the sword energy couldn't get close to him one foot.Every inch his fist moves forward, the sword curtain of the Heavenly Sword will sink an inch!

The golden fist can continue to move forward, but the sword curtain has no way to retreat, so the sky sword can't stop it, and the sword thirteen can't stop it either.

Boom!Violent roars erupted in this battlefield, and an invincible fist intent rose from thousands of sword intents!When this fisting intent began to appear, both the endless sword energy and sword intent began to dissolve rapidly, and even the sword of Jian Shisan could not stop in the realm of the God of War.Ever since Li Haoxuan started to wield the Dahe Sword, the fisting intent of the Destroyer Fist has been greatly suppressed. The invincible domineering aura is dormant in his body, constantly accumulating, and wants to sublimate to the utmost to complete the biggest transformation.

Now, when Dao Ze's ancient sword shattered, Li Haoxuan finally struck out the Destroyer Fist again. The pleasure of doing whatever he wanted made Li Haoxuan's blood boil. At this moment, he seemed to be able to fight all over the world!

In the previous battle, the sword was against people, the Dahe Sword was shattered but the Heavenly Sword was not damaged.But now this battle is man vs man, fist vs sword, Li Haoxuan's fist vs Jian Shisan's sword.

Click!The next moment, the Heavenly Sword shattered, and Jian Shisan's real body flew up from the fragments of the Heavenly Sword. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, her battle armor was still cracked, and her eyes finally showed a look of horror.She could imagine that Li Haoxuan was very strong, but she didn't expect that Li Haoxuan would be so strong. She was wondering what method Li Haoxuan would use to break her Heavenly Sword, but she didn't expect Li Haoxuan's method to be so simple and direct.

Li Haoxuan's fist is the God of Destruction Fist, and Jian Shisan's sword is the last sword.So Li Haoxuan won and Jian Shisan lost.

"It turns out that your strongest thing is not the sword." Jian Shisan coughed up blood, staggered and stood up straight, and said to Li Haoxuan who was in the distance with blood rushing to the sky.

"I'm not the strongest." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said.Haoran Tiangang showed him another way, and he knew that it was definitely a powerful magical power not weaker than the God of Destruction Fist.He didn't understand which was stronger and weaker, so he shook his head.

Jian Shisan was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent. In her opinion, not being the strongest can be understood as being the strongest of all kinds.

collapse!Another voice came, but it was that the armor on Jian Shisan's body had begun to crack. Once the armor disintegrated, the battle would be over.

"This is my identity token. After you enter the triple battlefield, we will fight again." Jian Shisan finally said, although she was unwilling, she admitted that she was defeated. She is a real strong person, so she Can afford this failure.

"Okay." Li Haoxuan also issued his own identity token, and imprinted their own spiritual thoughts on each other, and said directly.He knew that Jian Shisan was a strong man who could enter the quadruple battlefield, and when fighting in the first battlefield, he would suppress her extremely, otherwise he might not be able to win.

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